Chapter 27: Pt. 2

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"Sweetheart..." Oscar kissed her cheek, then her nose, and then her lips. His mouth fell atop hers and he held the back of her head. "Please, don't cry, my love. My mother died years ago, and I know that she's smiling down at me from her place by the Moon Goddess. Life on earth was purgatory for her. She's in a happier place, where she can be free of everything and everyone who ever hurt her."

Ananya took a moment to let Oscar's words sink into her system. Reluctantly, she nodded, and reciprocated his kiss. "That makes sense," she admitted in a raspy, sob-torn voice. She swallowed hard and nodded again. "Yes, that makes sense." She closed her eyes, and when she looked at Oscar again, she smiled. "Okay, you're right. I'm glad she's happy now."

He beamed. "There's my Ananya." He nuzzled his nose in her hair. "But really, she would have loved you, Ananya. You are the woman she wanted to be. You're passionate and intelligent and fiercely independent. You play life on your own terms, and that's what I like about you." He squeezed her thigh teasingly. "That, and your irresistible beauty."

Ananya snickered. "How romantic," she said, flicking his chest. His words sunk into her like a cold chill. He was partly right, she decided, but she didn't want to admit that her independence stemmed from rebellion; she didn't want to show him the thin, nearly invisible strings that were still controlled by Rutuparna's sharp tongue.

Think positive, Ananya, she scolded herself. Mausi's not here. Forget about her! Enjoy this moment with Oscar. Yes, enjoy this moment. Resolve settled like a cold stone in her stomach.

"I'm glad that you've been getting along with the pack, though," Oscar said, stroking her face. He twirled strands of her hair around his finger. "They haven't been causing you too much trouble, have they?"

"Not as much as before. I think they're warming up to me," Ananya said. "I'm glad that they're accepting me. I hope I can be a good Luna to them, even if I'm a disabled human."

"I have no doubt about that. Disabled human or not, you're powerful, Ananya, especially with that feisty tongue of yours." Oscar chuckled. "You don't stand for anyone's bullshit, and that's the most important quality for a Luna: the willingness to protect her pack no matter what."

"Yes! I'm all set, then," Ananya cheered. She leaned her cheek against Oscar's palm. "I'm going to be the best Luna I can possibly be."

"I know. You already are."

"Do you think I can be a Luna and still work in City Hall?" Ananya questioned suddenly. "Or would I have to quit?"

"You can do both. I'm not going to prevent you from working where you please, darling," Oscar said. "I know it's your dream to be a detective, and I can't stop you from following your dreams."

Ananya smiled. "I can have more than one dream, you know. If I don't get the job at City Hall, do you think I could possibly be a detective here, in the pack? That way, I can manage both being a Luna and a detective in the same place."

"I don't see anything wrong with that," Oscar agreed. He pecked her cheek. "If it doesn't work out at City Hall, I'd be more than happy to have you work here. Besides," he winked, "that would mean that I'd get to see you more often."

"Don't get any weird ideas, now," Ananya said with a laugh. She raised her hands and cupped his jaw. "Come down here?"

Oscar bent immediately, and Ananya held his face with both her hands and kissed his jaw, then his cheek, then the side of his nose. She was lying on her side as she cuddled with him, her legs tangled with his.

"You spoil me, my love," he whispered huskily and turned to kiss her. He held her hands by her face and rolled their bodies so that he was on top of her as he continued to kiss her. "I can't get enough of you."

"Really?" Ananya laughed, his beard tickling her neck. "I...I enjoy spending time with you too. I can't remember the last time I spent time with you like this."

"I'll make more time for you, my darling. I'll give you all the time in the world if I need to." He kissed down her jaw, then her neck, licking and sucking her skin. His fingers danced on her belly, swiping over her swollen breasts.

"That tickles!" Ananya squirmed and giggled. "Oscar!"

"You're so ticklish," he teased. "I wonder where else I can tickle you."

"Nowhere! Nowhere! I give in!" Ananya said between gasps of laughter. "Oscar!"

"Fine, fine." Smiling, Oscar gave her one more kiss then dropped back onto his side, collecting her into his arms. They lay in silence for a while, occasionally kissing and stroking each other. Oscar's large hands gently massaged her tense shoulders and Ananya had to hold herself back from making incriminating sounds, though she noticed Oscar's chest puff up whenever a whimper or moan would escape her.

"Oscar?" Ananya began hesitantly.

"Hm?" He looked down at her. "Yes?"

"" Ananya struggled to collect her thoughts. "Samiya...why is Samiya afraid of you?"

Oscar's hands stopped moving. "She...she was young when she moved to this pack. Banastre was still in charge." He looked away in shame. "I don't remember exactly what happened because I was young myself, but I know that he killed her parents in front of her." Ananya gasped, and with a grimace, Oscar continued. "Ever since then, Samiya's only seen Banastre when she looks at me. A lot of people do. Wolves, humans...they all see that shitty excuse of a wolf in me." His hands clenched and he gripped the sheets. The fabric tore under his unsheathed claws. "They think I'm a monster. No matter what I do, I can't escape him. He's dead now - he's been dead for ten years - and yet..."

"Poor Samiya..." Ananya murmured, staring at the ceiling. She blinked back her tears. "He killed them in front of her...that's...that's despicable!"

"Isn't it?" Oscar nodded glumly. "Banastre didn't give a damn, though. He wanted power, and he got it through fear; through intimidation, through violence." His body shook with unbridled anger. He didn't know who he was angry with - Banastre, himself, the pack, or all three. His fangs elongated and his wolf's howling grew louder.

"Oscar." Ananya tugged his arm.

Stunned, Oscar stopped shaking and knelt beside her. His eyes, which glowed with an intensity fiercer than the lamp, thawed when Ananya kissed him, and his body's vibrations eased. He held her tightly, like if he let go of her she'd run away from him; like if he let go of her she'd leave him just like everyone else in his life had.

"You're the best Alpha I've ever met," she whispered, kissing his cheek, and holding his head to her chest. She stroked his soft hair, hugging him protectively. "You're kind, loving, protective - people will see that. day...they'll see the man that I see...they'll see the wolf that I love, one day..." 


So...we have a cooldown hear, and Ananya learns more of Oscar's mother. If you remember from the previous story, Hailey was forced to marry Banastre after he killed her mate because she was a wealthy heiress. Anvi was born afterward to become the next heiress, but she was sold to Banastre when he killed her parents.

 Anvi was born afterward to become the next heiress, but she was sold to Banastre when he killed her parents

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