Chapter 37: Pt. 4

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She glanced at him to notice him studying her. "What is it?"

"I think June had this in her head for years," he said, seeming to begin out of the blue. "After Sara, she's always been a bit insane. Egon fell into her trap because he wanted to be a complete wolf, not part human because June was able to manipulate him against them. The murders weren't random. She calculated everything."

"Even purposefully killing my cousin?"

"I thought about that. Bourdier's a famous town, but it's not very big. Everyone knows everyone, so she must have learned that you were the last detective there. Knowing that all the others were busy elsewhere, she most likely saw an opportunity to enact her plan. Our being mates made it more worthwhile, as she would have been able to tear me physically and emotionally. Mate bonds are powerful, darling. It can literally kill a wolf."

"I see..." Ananya thought it over. If June had done her research like Oscar said, then she had everything planned out to the letter until their mate bond brought upon a mending of bridges between wolves and humans. "It's funny how fate works, isn't it?"

"It is. Fate's mysterious but exciting." Oscar rolled his body so that he was hovering atop her. He bent and kissed the tip of her nose, then her lips, then the bandage on her cheek. "You still have this?"

"I don't want to take it off. I'll wait for it to fall off on its own," Ananya mumbled, raising her legs to wrap around his waist. "I thought you were tired?"

"I was, but then I realized how much I missed you, emotionally and physically." His voice was a low, inviting rumble as his lips worked on her neck. His tongue flicked over her mark and his teeth pulled her shirt sleeve.

"I've missed you too." Ananya grasped his biceps, tilting her head both to give him more access to her body and to move her hair as it was splayed over the bed.

Oscar nipped her shoulder and rolled on his back again, but this time he brought Ananya with him so that her body was on top of his. He tilted her chin with his fingers and brought his mouth on hers. "My Luna," he said through gasps of breath.

"Your Luna," she affirmed, laughing affectionately. She felt his stomach growl beneath her, and her stomach followed suit. "What do you want for dinner?"


"I'm serious."

"So am I," Oscar smirked. "But I suppose I can have an appetizer."

Ananya rolled her eyes. "Pizza? I'm feeling too lazy to cook."

"Pizza sounds nice," Oscar admitted. He sat up and brought Ananya with him, placing a final, chaste kiss on her cheek. "Come on. I'll order it. Do you want to watch a movie in the living room?"

"Alright. What's your favorite genre?"


"No way." Ananya chuckled. "Do you understand comedy?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Oscar opened the door and led her out of his room.

"You're always stoic and you very rarely use emojis when we text," she explained. "I pegged you for a science-fiction guy."

Oscar shrugged. "I don't mind sci-fi, but I like comedy..." He blushed. "I don't use emojis often because I'm still learning them. I've figured some out, though, like the eggplant emoji you told me about."

"Please, don't use that emoji. It's embarrassing," Ananya laughed.

"I won't. I'd be embarrassed to use it." Oscar stopped in the kitchen and took his phone off the countertop. "Do you want any toppings?"

"Nah, cheese is fine. What about you?"

"I'll take what you're having then." He handed her the remote. "The HOME button - the yellow one - will bring you to the apps. Pick whichever streaming service you want."

"Nice." Ananya grinned and skipped (well, she tried to skip, which ended up being a half-trot) to the living room. She seated herself on a long white couch and swung her feet as she flipped through the channels. "What to watch..."

"ANANYA!" The doors to the main entrance burst open with an intensity that made Ananya wonder in her moment of panic if someone was dying. Kathie, who she realized at that moment had lingered in the pack (where she had no idea) ran into the living room, her head turning wildly until she found Ananya, the latter who stood like a deer in headlights.

"Kathie?" Ananya screeched. "What in the world are you doing?!"

"I heard a scream!" Oscar scrambled into the kitchen, his eyes glowing and the hairs on his body upright as his wolf took over. "What's - who are you?"

"Oscar, relax, it's Kathie, my friend," Ananya placated him. "Kath, what are you doing here?"

"I have awesome news, Ana!" Kathie glowed excitedly and bounced on her heels. "You won't believe it!"

"And...this couldn't wait until tomorrow?" Ananya sighed and gave a soft chuckle of relief. "What is it?"

"Okay, so you know Marge, right? Marge's been looking for you. I said you were busy. She knows about the wolves and stuff and she's okay with it, but that's not the point," Kathie spoke rapidly, waving her hands like she was piecing together invisible fragments of words. "So, you know how there's a vacancy for Mayor in Bourdier, right? And you know how nobody wants to do it, right?"

"Right...?" Ananya exchanged a curious glance with Oscar. "So, what?"

"If she does it, we'll be together at last!" Kathie swooned. "A lot of the people in Bourdier are hesitant, but we'll prove them wrong! We'll all be together and I can beat all their pompous asses!"

"Who, Kath? What are you talking about?" Ananya's stomach growled. Can't she tell me quickly? I want my pizza.

"Marge, Ananya, Marge!" Kathie rushed toward her and shook her shoulders. "Marge is running for Mayor of Bourdier!"


Guys we're getting there! Only a couple of chapters left and then this story is complete! Who's excited? I hope you're all enjoying it! 

Guys we're getting there! Only a couple of chapters left and then this story is complete! Who's excited? I hope you're all enjoying it! 

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