Chapter 7: Pt. 2

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Kathie Marcos studied her dark-haired friend as she chewed on a salty fry. "You look tense," she noticed.

Ananya chewed on her lip, a habit she'd picked up from her daunting high school years. "I've just been assigned a case! A case, Kathie!" She slammed her hands on the metal table and groaned. "What have I gotten myself into?"

"A chance to make yourself known?" Kathie suggested nonchalantly. "You know those bastards at City Hall take you for shit. This is your chance to prove them all wrong!"

"I know, I know." Ananya smiled, still chewing her lip. "It's a good thing. I'll do great on this." She stuffed a fry in her mouth, dipped it in the mound of ketchup on her plate, and gagged. "Ugh, Kath, how much salt did you put on this?"

Kathie shrugged. "Hey, I like salty things." She ran her hand through the blue fuzz on her head. "So, is there anything you can tell me about this case?"

Ananya shrugged. "It's an alliance with the Yuen pack to solve a murder mystery. That's all I can say."

"The Yuen pack, huh?" Kathie frowned thoughtfully. "I've heard of them. Their Alpha's name is Oscar, right? His dad was such a menace."

"Stepdad," Ananya corrected. "And so what? Oscar doesn't seem anything like the previous Alpha."

"I never said he was. I just find it interesting that he agreed to an alliance with us." She took a long slurp of her soda. "Those wolves hate us."

"I don't think all of them do," Ananya mused. "Oscar was polite enough."

Again, Kathie shrugged. "Whatever gets you to the top, I suppose." She took a fry from Ananya's plate and brushed the ketchup off. "Do your parents know about this new case?"

"No. I'm not going to tell them."

"Okay, fair enough." The pale-faced woman reclined against the warm chair. "So, when does this whole thing start? Will we be getting more wolves in town?"

Ananya laughed. "I don't know. I'm guessing not. Officer Bayor would have a stroke if we did."

"That old bitch? You're still under her wing?"

"Kathie, she's not a witch. She's just...strict."

"Yeah, but she's pretty bitchy too." Kathie shook her head. "I don't like her."

"She's nice when you get to know her."

"And prejudiced as fuck." Kathie scowled. "Is she going to be on the case too?"

"No. She refused."

"As I expected."

Ananya shook her head with a small sigh, unable to refute Kathie. She pulled out her phone and entered the number Oscar had given her while Kathie began speaking of her latest novel.

Ananya: Hi! This is Ananya Kaushikh from Bourdier City Hall

Oscar's response came almost immediately.

Oscar: Hello. I trust you're doing well right now.

Ananya: As well as I can be 🙂And yourself?

Oscar: Fine, fine. How's the paperwork going?

Ananya: Oh...I haven't started yet 👀

Oscar: ...I don't understand that emote

Ananya laughed and Kathie glanced at her.

"What's so funny?" She demanded.

Ananya huffed to compose herself. "I've never met a man who texts in complete sentences or doesn't know what the eye emoji is."

Kathie frowned. "Are you texting that Oscar guy?" She lifted her chair and scooted beside Ananya, peering at the younger girl's phone. "What the fuck? He doesn't even have a profile pic."

"Maybe he doesn't want to put one?"

"Bullshit. I bet he doesn't know how. He's an old guy, isn't he?"

"I think Mayor Dafowick said he was thirty."

"And he doesn't know emojis? What kind of childhood did he have?" Kathie shook her head furiously. "Damn, I feel sorry for him."

Ananya rolled her eyes and chuckled. "I think it's cute that he speaks so formally," she said.

Kathie eyed her with an odd expression. "Weirdo," she muttered and scooted back to her original spot.

Ananya: It means that I'm being evasive LOL

Oscar: Oh, I see. Why did you include the 'laugh out loud' acronym?

Ananya: Just to lighten the mood. Imma have to show you some of these things when we meet

Oscar: I look forward to your lesson then 🙂

Ananya squealed. "Kathie look!" She thrust her phone into Kathie's face. "Look! He sent an emoji! I'm so proud of him!" Quickly, she texted him back.

Kathie rolled her eyes with a small, amused smile. "It's the little things, eh?" She murmured, tugging a curl of Ananya's hair.

"I have to go start doing the paperwork!" Ananya decided, her eyes shining with determination. "I'll get them done by tomorrow morning!" She put a few bills on the table and raised her arms with a small blush. "Er...can you help me up?"

"Sure," Kathie smirked and hooked her elbows under Ananya's armpits, lifting the young woman to her feet. "How're you going to get home, by the way?"

Ananya hesitated. She hadn't thought of that, and it was evident by the darker red stain spreading on her cheeks that she was pondering the question. "Can me?" She requested meekly. Then, a little stronger, she added, "we live together."

Kathie let out a thundering laugh. "Looks like you got your head knocked back into place," she teased and ruffled Ananya's hair. "Sure, let's go." 


Hey guys!

We've met one of Ananya's closest friends, Kathie! She's based on one of my closest friends here, Kathy_Marwin! Also, it seems that Oscar's not very good with social media! Will Ananya get a chance to teach him a few tricks? 

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