Chapter 9: Pt. 1

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"How was the visit to the Yuen Pack yesterday?" January Bayor critically assessed Ananya as they walked through the dark hospital hallway. The air was thick with an antiseptic smell and the sound of groans bounced off the thick hardwood floors. "Those wolves didn't try anything on you, did they?"

"It was a pleasant experience, actually," Ananya said, her eyes darting around the corridor as they walked. "Alpha Yuen is a very hospitable person and the wolves, while cautious of me, did nothing to make me uncomfortable."

"Alpha Yuen is a bastard," January Bayor said icily. "I have no trust in that man whatsoever, and I doubt his feelings toward you are amicable. You have to keep your guard up, Ananya. You can't let these wolves get to you. I understand that you're kind by nature, but these are not humans. They're animals."

"I think your assumptions are based on the stories you hear from others, and the myths were told in school," Ananya said. "I trust Oscar. He's done nothing so far to make me wary of him."

January Bayor sighed. "Perhaps this altruistic attitude of yours is the reason you haven't been promoted to a detective yet," she muttered, then under her breath, added: "And your physical limitations don't help." She brushed her hand over the golden badge placed over her breast pocket. "Kaushikh, I get that you want to see the good in people, but history isn't exactly on the side of these wolves. They're vicious and animalistic. They've killed so many of our kind."

"And haven't we done the same to them? Our race evolved from animals, Officer," Ananya pointed out. "While it's true we have a sense of animosity between our kinds, I think we should at least try to work past our tumultuous history to make amends. We're not the heroes in this story anyway. We killed plenty of their own in the past." A small smile jumped to her face. "Besides, wolves haven't hunted our kind in years!"

"Only a decade," January Bayor grumbled. "Banastre killed us like we were a game to him."

"He was demented."

"Who's to say his son isn't the same? Perhaps it's taking longer for those tendencies to appear?"

"Oscar is his stepson," Ananya said. She stopped walking and faced January Bayor, meeting the older woman's eyes with a fierce fire ignited in her chest. "I don't know a lot about Banastre, but he's nothing like Oscar is. Oscar's kind and selfless and determined. He guides his pack instead of ordering them around and he's always requested consent before touching me."

"Oscar, eh?" January Bayor's eyes narrowed. "So, you're on a first name basis with our enemy?"

Ananya released an exasperated sigh. "Why do I even try with you? You're so hard-headed, Officer! How are we supposed to work together on this case if all you can see in these wolves is their past?"

"That's all I have to judge them on," January Bayor said. "If you want to become a detective, Ananya, you mustn't trust anyone, even if they're innocent."

"That's a sad way to live. I can't imagine constantly being cautious of people. I wouldn't have any friends if I thought the same way you did."

"You don't need friends," January Bayor said stiffly. "As long as you hone in on your capabilities, you are your own friend." Her tongue slipped quickly over her lips, moistening the hard cracks on her skin. "How did his pack greet you? Were they as civilized as you claim Alpha Yuen to be?"

Ananya hesitated, her mind drifting to the whispers that had beaten her thoughts since the day before. She couldn't forget the distrustful stares of the wolves she had passed. It came to her attention that her kind was no different than werewolves. Anything unfamiliar to them was dangerous, and in Ananya's case, as a disabled human, she wasn't sure if they saw her as a threat because of her species or a liability because of her physical problems. Despite being used to the odd stares she would often receive, the ones she had obtained from Oscar's pack were unsettling. It was as if they weren't looking at her, rather they were looking through her, judging her intentions.

"Kaushikh?" January Bayor stopped and settled her hand on Ananya's shoulder. "What is it? You're quiet."

"Am I?" Ananya blinked. "I'm sorry, I got lost in thought. The wolves were okay. While not welcoming, they weren't aggressive either."

"I see." January Bayor rubbed her hands together. "Well, should you encounter any problems during this mission, come directly to me. I'll help you in any way I can."

"I'll make sure to do that," Ananya responded warmly, and in her head, she added: I'll also approach Oscar as well. It would make sense to inform him. She felt a sheet of warmth slip flimsily over her eyes as she reminisced about her day yesterday. She thought back to the kindness she had felt from Oscar and his nervousness that she found oddly endearing. She created a crude, mental image of the Alpha and felt the air harden against her palm, as though she were feeling his muscles ripple underneath her fingers at that very moment, similar to when he had offered to share her weight the day before. She couldn't imagine him being anything like his brutal stepfather, and the ideals of her upbringing conflicted with the interactions she had with the canine group.

Mausi would be so upset, she thought with a small chuckle. She would fly into a rage...she'd bring out the belt. A shock and sting reverberated throughout her spine when she reminded herself of the brown leather that haunted her usually pleasant dreams. She shook her head thrice, as though she were shaking the thoughts away. No, she wouldn't do that anymore. I'm twenty-four, for crying out loud.

"Miss. Kaushikh! Officer Bayor!" A tall, well-built man with a wolfish spirit in his dark eyes approached Ananya at a rapid pace. His speed was inhumane, so she assumed that he was a werewolf. His camouflage outfit was of a military style and similar to the human army, except he had a brown and purple color with two metal pieces acting as a breastplate.

January Bayor took a step in front of Ananya. Though the man was two heads taller than she was, she faced him with a scowl on her pretty face. "I remember you," she hissed, contempt marring her young face. "You were that officer that came with Alpha Yuen days ago."

"Officer?" The man let out a booming laugh. "I wouldn't debase myself in that way, Officer Bayor." He tilted his head with a leer. "You don't remember me?"

"I chose not to remember such insignificant people," January Bayor replied with a sickly, saccharine smile. "Remind me again, who are you?"

The man's smirk didn't fade. "General Karsten King. I'm part of the Yuen Pack, reporting under Alpha Oscar Yuen. He sent me to collect the data that was received from the biopsy." He looked at Ananya. "Oh, you were at our pack yesterday, right? You created quite a stir." He winked, his hardened features softening ever so slightly.

"I did?" Ananya blushed. "I hope I didn't upset anyone..."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. The Alpha will make sure nobody does anything to you," General Karsten assured her. He sent a wicked grin toward January Bayor, who huffed and turned her face away. "Unlike your kind, we have the decency to be polite with guests, even if they're humans."

"Pha, so you say," January Bayor snapped. "For all we know you could have killed these individuals."

"For what reason? Just to sharpen my claws?" General Karsten scoffed. "Do you think killing a person is easy? Imagine two people."

"I'd rather not."

"Er..." Ananya hesitated to get in between their argument and took a careful step back. Her foot hit the wall by a foggy glass door and she held her breath, quickly gripping the handrail to stabilize herself. As she straightened herself, the door creaked open, and a woman with scraggly brown hair and two large goggles poked her head out of the room. Her owl-like eyes swiveled harshly toward Ananya and caused the recruit's heart to skip a beat.

"You...are you the detective?" She whispered conspiratorially. Her voice was a rasping hiss like she had a cold. "Are you the one working with the wolves?" She cackled a little at the mention of the canine group. 

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