Chapter 5: Pt. 1

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Oscar had underestimated the animosity he would face.

As he, Cai, and General Karsten strolled through the quiet, humming city of Bourdier, Oscar could hardly find the time to observe the changes that had been made in the past decade when all he could feel and see were the glares in his direction. Despite the silence around him, Oscar occasionally heard whispers, with his name at the center of them. Of course, they didn't know his first name, so the venom in their voices was released on the words "Alpha" and "Werewolf". Once in a while, he'd hear the casual "traitor."

"Pretty place, huh?" Cai mused, his hands planted casually in his khaki pants. His fresh, tousled hair gleamed in the glowing caress of the sun. His figure was a juxtaposition of Oscar's. The brooding Alpha offered him hardly a nod, his eyes hooded by the shaggy, unruly locks of dark hair that slithered over his pale skin.

"I feel unwanted," Karsten muttered. His hand was also in his pocket but for a different reason than Cai's. Beneath the tightly knit seams of his clothes were an array of small balls, each holding a different chemical in them. Attached to his hip was a silver-studded pistol, a weapon he carried for protection and pride. Of course, it wasn't real silver. It could never be real silver.

"I share your sentiment," Oscar replied, casting a stare toward the crowd that meandered around the public buildings. Their numbers seemed to grow exponentially with every step the three werewolves took, and Oscar's senses heightened with every glare that fell on him and every new scent that hit his nose. "As long as they don't do anything, though, we shall not incite them. I'm not here for a fight. I'm here for peace."

"Tell them that," Cai scoffed. "I doubt they'd listen, though."

"Humans are stubborn creatures," Karsten mused. "They despise change, but then again, who doesn't? They are jealous of our kind for being superior to them in strength, size, prowess, and wealth."

"Perhaps it's your attitude that makes them despise us, General," Oscar stated acidly. "We are not here to compare ourselves to them. At the end of the day, we should regard each other as brothers and sisters, not as enemies. Unfortunately, this is a sentiment that I do not think is shared amongst many humans."

"Nor is it shared amongst many wolves," Karsten said with equal firmness. "Alpha, you must admit that these humans are inferior to us. We cannot do anything if they do not accept that. We aren't here to harm them."

"Your bias stems from your history with them, which I'm aware of," Oscar said. "But General, we cannot discriminate against them when we need their help. In the future, our children should be allies."

"Should such a future arrive, I'd have to see it with my own eyes to believe it," Karsten said with a scowl. He walked cross-armed behind Oscar, who had resumed his silent observation of the city. They crossed the street toward a reserved area populated by three large buildings - two were square-shaped and one had a large green dome as the roof. The largest building was their destination - Bourdier City Hall.

"That dome-shaped building is a recreational center?" Cai noticed. "It looks...odd."

"It's an intricate piece of architecture, I must say," Karsten murmured. "Much better than the library behind it."

"They're buildings," Oscar muttered. "I don't see much of a difference."

"That's because you struggle to appreciate modern art," Cai chuckled. "Come, let's--!"

He was interrupted by a fruit - more specifically - a tomato flying toward Oscar's head. Before Cai or Karsten could react, Oscar turned and grabbed the tomato before it could collide with his freshly washed hair. The fruit exploded in his grip, covering his hand with sticky juices and seeds.

"What the fuck?" Cai exclaimed. "Who the hell did this?" His fangs slowly released.

A cackle came from across the field, and despite the glare of the sun, Oscar could clearly see a group of young men - college boys perhaps - giggling to themselves in the distance. They each had a wooden slingshot and a bag of what Oscar guessed were more tomatoes. Another one flew to him, and again Oscar caught it with ease. His onyx eyes narrowed.

"Go home, you brute!" The men shouted. "Our city doesn't belong to animals like you! Get lost!"

"How dare you disrespect the Alpha!" Karsten thundered. He stepped forward and pulled a small chemical ball from his pocket. "I will not stand for such slander." His shadow towered over the men, whose laughing subsided upon being subjected to Karsten's intimidation.

"General." Oscar grabbed his arm before he could throw the object. "Leave them. We're not here to incite any fights. These are immature boys playing a mild prank."

"Hey! Who are you calling immature, you oaf?!" One of the men shouted angrily. Karsten stiffened.

"General," Oscar commanded sternly. "Do not give in to their taunts. You'll only prove them right if you do." He tossed the remnants of the tomato on the ground and offered his glare to the boys. "Instead of studying and improving your knowledge of our politics, you're choosing to indulge in childish forms of intimidation? Do you think a fruit can scare me?"

"Ooh, I'm so scared," the men teased. "What are you going to do, you big bad wolf?"

He's a big bad wolf! A female voice reverberated in Oscar's mind. Whose voice was that again? It was pitchy but sweet. Sweet baby mine...the voice started to sing, and Oscar recognized the tone as the gentle voice of his late mother. He's a monster...a horrible wolf...a bad wolf...

"Oscar..." Cai began, noticing a shift in his Alpha's eyes. "Oscar, don't-!"

Oscar didn't hear him. He climbed down the steps and marched to where the boys were crouched. He lifted one of them with ease and felt a cruel jilt of satisfaction when the smirk disappeared from the man's lips.

"You're right," he said. "I am a wolf, but I don't kill without a reason." He gestured to the fruits. "If you were in my pack and pulled a stunt like this, you'd be fined and given community service. I wouldn't have killed you...however..." A claw jutted from his fingertip and the man yelped. "Even my patience runs thin now and then. Despite your distaste for my people, I have maintained a cordial attitude towards you. Should you threaten me again, I won't hesitate to impose my punishments, regardless of whether we are on your land or mine."

The man's throat constricted like he was resisting the urge to scream. "I...I..." Oscar loosened his grip slightly to allow the man to slip out of his grasp. He held back a sadistic smirk as the men scrambled away from him, rushing to the recreational center. 


Hey guys!

We're getting closer to the meeting, but it seems that Oscar can't hold his anger anymore. Will this come back to bite him? 

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