Chapter 38: Pt. 5***

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Aman's voice caught. "She...she will come around," he told her. "She's stubborn, you know that, but she loves you. I...I cannot defend her methods or her harsh treatment toward you. It was unjust and cruel and unforgivable." He stroked her hair lovingly. "I understand if you don't want to see her again, Ananya, but know that I will always be here for you, no matter what."

"I know, Mausa," Ananya said. "I know, and maybe one day...maybe one day, I can forgive her, but...right now...I can't."

Aman nodded. "I understand." He kissed her forehead. "But forget about her right now. Look how beautiful you are. My God, you've become so big and so've grown so much, Ananya..." his lip quirked.

"Thanks, Mausa." Ananya blushed, then, remembering that they weren't alone, turned. She noticed Oscar smiling. "Did did this, right?"

He shrugged. "Maybe," he said with an air of pride. He jerked his head toward the pack. "How about you join us for a dance, Mr. Kaushikh? Perhaps have some food and drinks?"

"As long as I'm with Ananya, that's all I need, Alpha," Aman said. His face crinkled when his smile widened. "Thank you for inviting me, and thank you for taking care of my niece."

"Of course." Oscar nodded. "I've pledged to always protect her, sir, and I don't take pledges lightly."

"I don't doubt that," Aman said. "Would you care to share a dance with your old Mausa, Ananya?" He looked at her.

Ananya grinned. "Of course I would," she replied with a laugh, leading him to the pack.

They danced for what Ananya thought was hours. It was well into the night when the party began to slow down. People stumbled into their homes, but many stragglers continued to dance the night away. Aman had passed out on a bench not long after Oscar requested a dance with Ananya, and they brought him back to Oscar's home to rest. Samiya and Cai had already disappeared when Ananya was dancing with Aman; Karsten and January Bayor followed them. She had no idea where Kathie was, but she knew that sooner or later, the blue-haired girl would pop up at the least desirable time. That was a talent of Kathie's.

Ananya took her jewelry off in Oscar's room while he brought Aman to a guest bedroom. She pried the bangles from her wrists, wincing when the sharp metal would chafe against her skin. She continued to tug, though, because she didn't want to sleep with them on.

I shouldn't have worn these, she thought with a scowl. They were so pretty...but I shouldn't have worn them. Where's baby oil or cream when you need it? She gave another yank on the bracelets, letting out a victorious cheer when they flew off.

"Your uncle sleeps like he's dead," Oscar said as he entered the room, shutting the door behind him with a sigh. "Is it normal when he stops breathing loudly for a while?"

"Hm? Yeah, it is. He'll be fine. He does that a lot," Ananya replied absently, removing the rest of her jewelry.

Oscar came behind her and nuzzled her neck. "Gorgeous," he whispered. "Exquisite."

"Tired and achy," Ananya added, kicking her shoes off. "I hate fancy shoes. I hate fancy clothes. Sundresses are my jam."

"Your jam?"

"It means that I prefer them to these kinds of clothes," she explained. She used her hairbrush to drag her hair to her front, parting it on the back. "Can you pull the zipper down, Oscar?"

"Mm." He hummed and took the metal zipper of her dress between his fingers. Slowly, he pulled the zipper down her spine, his eyes following the lengthy scar that was revealed as the two sides of the garment slid down her long arms and hung loosely at her hips.

A chill swept into the room and Ananya's heart leaped, lodging in her throat. She was vaguely aware of the change of atmosphere and her breathing quickened.

We can't do it, she thought. Mausa's in the same house! That would be so inappropriate! But...what is this feeling? It's body suddenly feels light. Ananya gulped. Oh no...

Oscar's fingers stilled on her back. "I smell it," he murmured. "You can't hide your feelings from me, Ananya, I can smell them."

"Smell them?" Ananya squeaked. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about," she laughed airily.

"It's futile to try and hide it." He spun her around, his grip on her hips sturdy. His lips caressed her jaw and his finger lifted the strap of her bra. "I'm a wolf, Ananya. My sense of smell is much stronger than yours. I can smell your arousal, and it excites me."

Ananya squeaked again. " does?" She wasn't sure why she was struggling to find words. It wasn't her first time having sex, and yet every time they did it, it felt new and exciting to her.


Oscar's lips trembled when their mouths met like the explosion of euphoria had shattered his self-control. He held her as though the moment he let go, he'd be brought back to the depressing reality that there was never anyone with him to begin with. "Ananya..."

She gulped again, her fingers curling around his loosened tie. She gave him a short tug and he all but collapsed onto her. "I...I want to do it."

He pulled away, raising a curious brow. "Do what?"

Her blush deepened, but her voice was sturdy and confident. "I want to do it," she repeated, tugging his tie harder. She stepped away from the mirror, corralling him toward the bed they'd shared many nights. "I can't promise it'll be smooth or quick...but I want to try, just once..."

Oscar studied her, trying to understand what she was talking about. When her knee nudged between his legs, though, her words clicked. Bringing her with him onto the bed, he laid on his back and supported her above him, kissing her cheek.

"Do what you please with me, then," he told her, his voice a deep, husky rumble. "I'm all yours for the taking."

"Really?" Ananya peered up at him through her messy bangs. Her cautious fingers splayed over his chest and her heart thrummed nervously. "It'll be slow..."

"It could take all night for all I care. My only priority right now is to satisfy you, and if being in charge gives you satisfaction, then I'm all yours." He smiled at her and brushed her hair aside. "Don't be nervous. I'm not going to judge you."

Ananya chewed the inside of her cheek. "Promise?"

"I promise."


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