Chapter 23: Pt. 2

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"She's certainly a defensive woman," Kathie commented sourly. "And prideful. How do you work with her every day?"

"She's not a bad person, Kath." Ananya sighed. "She's just...set in her ways. Her history with werewolves isn't the best."

"Spare me. I don't care." Kathie bent over the bed and smoothed the dress over the leggings. "I'll find some jewelry for you to wear with this. I'm sure I have some that'll match. I can also ask Dhrys if he has any in his collection. I know he'd be more than happy to let you borrow some." She disappeared to her room.

Ananya, who'd been biting her tongue, released it with a groan and plopped on her bed. She collected her phone in her hands and swung her feet, absent-mindedly rubbing the fabric of her dress between her fingers. What kind of detective could you possibly be? January Bayor's callous, careless words repeated like the consistent stabbing of a spear in Ananya's gut. She hung her head and sighed. "Am I really not fit to be a detective?" She unlocked her phone and stared at the app reserved for members of Bourdier City Hall. She hadn't gotten any notice yet. "Maybe I won't become one after all..."

As if sensing her dismay, her phone pinged with a message from Oscar. Her heart skipped a beat and she opened the chat.

𝙊𝙎𝘾𝘼𝙍: Hi! :D Are you ready for tonight? I'm coming to get you at seven, right?

𝑨𝑵𝑨𝑵𝒀𝑨: Ahhh you're using emotes and informal language!

𝙊𝙎𝘾𝘼𝙍: I'm trying 😅How am I doing?

𝑨𝑵𝑨𝑵𝒀𝑨: Really good! Awww I'm so happy!

𝙊𝙎𝘾𝘼𝙍: I'm glad that I made you happy, my love. ♥️ I have a surprise for you later tonight.

𝑨𝑵𝑨𝑵𝒀𝑨: Ooh good surprise or a bad one 👀

𝙊𝙎𝘾𝘼𝙍: You'll have to wait and see 🙃

𝑨𝑵𝑨𝑵𝒀𝑨: Aww 🥺Fine

𝙊𝙎𝘾𝘼𝙍: Haha, trust me, you'll love it.

𝑨𝑵𝑨𝑵𝒀𝑨: I'll take ur word for it.

The excitement of seeing Oscar again and receiving a surprise from him brought Ananya's spirits up rapidly. She bounced on the bed as she reread their messages, suppressing a squeal.

I really do love him, she thought to herself, though the realization was similar to a confession, a prayer of some sort. love him. She smiled. Officer Bayor is wrong. He's not like Banastre. He's different. He's...he's mine. She giggled. Mine, that's new. Mausi used to say that I would never have anyone to be mine...ha, beat that, Mausi.

As if she were summoned, as if she'd heard Ananya's feelings toward her, Rutuparna's caller ID sprang up on Ananya's phone. The younger Kaushikh yelped and juggled the device in her hand before hesitantly picking it up. "Hello...?"

"Ananya!" Rutuparna was shrill, as usual, and through the speaker, her voice was eerily similar to that of a parrot. "Ananya, why haven't you been answering my calls? I've been trying to reach you for the past week!"

"I'm sorry, Mausi." Ananya grimaced when she checked the number of calls she'd missed. "I was busy."

"Pha! Too busy to talk to your Mausi? This is what happens to your generation! You all move out and do your own thing and forget about the people who gave up their blood and sweat to raise you!" Rutuparna was livid. "What are you doing that's so important that you can't spare five minutes for me?"

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