Chapter 34: Pt. 2

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"No," the girl replied promptly. "Mama says not to be afraid of him. She says that the old Alpha was scary." She leaned toward Ananya, as though revealing a dark secret. "I saw a picture of him. He's super scary, like the Boogeyman." She drew her eyebrows together and used her small fingers to flatten her lips. "Like this."

Ananya couldn't help but giggle at her expression. "He certainly sounds frightening," she said and sighed. "I'm glad that you're not afraid of him."

The girl released her face. "No, I'm not." The yellow ball hit the back of her foot and she turned. "I'm going to play now."

"Okay." Ananya gave a wave and watched her run back to her friends, mulling over their conversation. Children have an innocence that beguiles me, she wondered. Does she know what's happening? Maybe she does, but it doesn't seem to bother her. That's good. She ran her tongue over her lips. Hopefully, we'll be able to resolve this disaster soon, and she'll have more friends to play with. She certainly doesn't look afraid of humans. She knew that I was one. Why can't everyone be as welcoming as children are?

"Ananya." Oscar's words caressed her ear and his lips pressed against her neck.

"Eep!" Ananya squeaked and jumped, turning her body around. "Oscar, you frightened me! How is it that I can never hear you coming behind me?"

"I'm a wolf, darling. We're made to be sneaky," Oscar teased. He rounded the stump and helped Ananya stand. "You're fixing the gauze?"

"Sort of." Ananya's gaze drifted from Oscar to the man standing behind him. He rose a few inches taller than Oscar was, with wild bright hair and bright blue eyes. He was handsome and less rugged than Oscar was, but there was a sense of danger lurking in his inviting eyes.

"Ananya, this is Jackson, the Alpha King, and my brother-in-law," Oscar said. "Well, technically, he's my uncle-in-law, but we don't view our relationship that way."

"Nice to meet you, Ananya," Jackson said, offering his hand with a smile.

Ananya returned his smile. "You as well." She shook his hand confidently. "'re the Alpha King? I've heard a lot about you from Oscar."

"All good things, I hope?" Jackson laughed. "He's told me a lot about you too. You've smitten him, without a doubt. You're all he talks about."

"Quit it," Oscar grumbled, moving to Ananya's side. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and it was then that Ananya realized he was dressed differently than the casual attire that she usually saw him in. His clothes were dark green and purple in a camouflage pattern, with the green overtaking the faded purple color. He wore thick, large boots and had a bulky vest over his chest.

"Fine, fine, I'll stop." Jackson thrust his hands into his pockets. "So, how're you adjusting to werewolf life? I know this isn't an ideal situation, but I hope your transition hasn't been super rough."

"It's been fine. I've had Oscar and others here to help me," Ananya told him, leaning into Oscar's side. "If I may ask, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to overlook the preparations for the siege," Jackson explained. "Everything looks in place. I trust that you'll have this issue resolved by the end of today?" He regarded Oscar.

"I will," Oscar assured him. "I'll have everyone safe and June and Dafowick taken care of." His fingers tightened around Ananya's shoulder.

"Will that solve anything, though?" Ananya frowned. "Won't that cause higher tensions between humans and wolves?"

"Humans are being held captive by one of their own. I think they'll be fine," Jackson said. "Besides, Oscar's told me that your relations have improved. Haven't they accepted us already?"

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