Chapter 22: Pt. 2

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"You did a brave thing, you know." Samiya brought her into an empty room and closed the door. "We had at least twenty wolves around when that plank fell, and none of them rushed to do anything before you did. You're a true Luna inside and out."

"I wouldn't say that." Ananya stretched her arm out and pulled her sleeve. "I'm sure they were going to help before I butted in."

"No, none of them were."


"Really. They didn't catch the shake of the plank, and even though we wolves have a much quicker reaction time than humans, none of them could have matched your reaction." She smiled. "You're a true Luna, Ananya, and I think the pack has finally recognized you as one."

"Do you think so?" Ananya's expression brightened. "Do I have a chance?"

"Sure. Did you know that to get into the Yuen Pack, you have to pass a physical test? Usually, it's a trial of fight or flight, to see if the potential member is capable of fighting and if they will stand up for their fellow pack members. You did that without knowing."

"I did..." Ananya smiled. "Wow...I guess I really did...I don't remember thinking at all..." She seemed to glow thanks to the boost of pride that Samiya had given her.

The doctor chuckled. "We're lucky you did. Children are small, and the nail that grazed you could have speared through them." She pulled out a packet with a needle and a silver vial. "Wolf medicine has a faster reaction time than human medicine does. It won't hurt you, but since you're not a wolf, it'll have a much stronger effect on you. After this shot, I'm sending you directly to bed. Take ibuprofen or other pain relievers. Don't take aspirin, though." She tipped the vial into the syringe and flicked the clear tube. Then, she ripped open a packet with a wipe. "Which arm?"

"Ah...hehe..." Ananya swallowed nervously. Her fingers tightened around the paper sheet over the bed. "Um...a shot...uh..."

"Ananya!" The door flung open, nearly flying off its hinges. Oscar panted in the doorway, his black eyes narrowed and fangs exposed. His hair was matted and thin, sticking to his forehead and his clothes were wrinkled, like he'd just gotten out of bed with them. Ananya noticed that his coughing had subsided, though there were still heavy bags under his eyes.

"Alpha..." Samiya wilted and bowed, inching closer to Ananya. "Um...see..."

"What happened? Are you alright? Where did you get hurt?" Oscar ignored her and went straight to Ananya. He took her face in his hands for inspection, then traveled down her arms and behind her shoulders. His fingers brushed over the wet spot on her shirt and paused. "What's this?" He moved around her and a growl tore from his throat. "You're bleeding!"

"Was bleeding," Ananya corrected. "Samiya bandaged it. Apparently, there was a nail sticking out in the middle of the plank." She shrugged, eyeing the syringe clenched in Samiya's fist. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting."

"I was until somebody decided to be incompetent at their job." He turned, glowering at a wilting Cai and Karsten, both of whom were kneeling on the ground in their wolf form. Their ears were flat on their heads and their tails were in between their large legs.

"Aw, Oscar, go easy on them. The pack is huge. I'm sure they were doing work elsewhere. How can you stay mad at them?" Ananya giggled. "Look at their big eyes! How can you scold them?"

Wolf Cai and Wolf Karsten both grinned at her, wagging their tails and giving a short, giddy howl.

The deep, worried lines on Oscar's face loosened. "You never fail to amaze me, my darling," he said with a sigh. He cupped her jaw and kissed her gently. "Don't pity them too much. They'll take advantage of you."

Wolf Cai huffed and snapped his jaw.

"Don't you give me attitude. I won't give you that punishment, but you're still going to be doing all the paperwork for this mess," Oscar said with a firm glare. "Go on, now. Get back to work. Survey the pack and make sure the preparations are done by today."

"Oh, I finished the garlands!" Ananya grabbed his hand. "I may have lost a few of the blue petals, though. Can I use other flowers?"

"Sure. I don't see why not. As long as they're not daisies."

"Why not daisies?"

"I'm allergic to daisies."

"Oh." Ananya pursed her lips. "Okay. Maybe I can use roses. I know that Officer Bayor has pink - ouch!" She yelped abruptly when a pinch struck her skin, followed by an injection of liquid that pushed its way through the small tremors still shaking up her system. "Samiya!"

The doctor, who was still cowering behind her, shrugged and tossed the syringe away. "You weren't paying attention. It would have taken longer otherwise."

"Fair." She pouted. "That hurts though..." she rubbed her arm once Samiya had stuck a band-aid over it.

"A tetanus shot? Well, I guess you do need one." Oscar studied her arm, then glanced at her pants. "Were you on your knees? I thought you couldn't do that."

"I can, but not for long." Ananya rubbed her neck. "It's not hurting as much now, though."

"Let me disinfect it." Samiya grabbed some gauze and spray but hesitated when she neared Ananya, as Oscar was standing in front of her. "Um, Alpha..." 

"Hm?" Oscar turned, caught her gaze for a moment, then nodded, his posture hunching in dejection. "Oh, right." He stood by the door, at least six feet away from Samiya.

Ananya observed their wordless interaction with a frown. She studied the disappointment on her mate's face, then the shakiness of Samiya's lips as she worked on cleaning the scrapes. Is she still afraid of Oscar? I suppose I can't blame her. I was even frightened when he came into the room. She shook her head. If I didn't know any better, I'd have assumed that he was possessed. 

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