Chapter 25: Pt. 1

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"What happened?" Samiya didn't waste a second. The moment that Cai had disappeared, taking Oscar with him into the depths of the crowd, she pulled the younger girl away toward a secluded corner. "You were lying earlier."

"How do you know that?" Ananya attempted to present herself as being unaffected, but Samiya's glare was persistent.

"Because I know you, and I know that you're a terrible liar." She pointed to Ananya's hands. "Look, they're shaking. You're not telling us everything."

"It's nothing important," Ananya repeated. "I just zoned out, that's all."

"Then why are you trembling?"

"Because it'" Ananya thought for a moment. "I don't know."

Samiya sighed. "Why can't you just tell me? It wasn't bad, was it?"

"No, it wasn't." Ananya briefly studied the pack, observing them as they danced, ate, and chatted like they were enjoying a normal frat party. "I don't want to spoil the mood right now, Samiya, and whatever that vision was, wasn't a big deal." She put a smile on. "Seriously, let's just enjoy ourselves. I'll tell you about it later, okay? After the party."

The doctor's lips pursed. "As long as it's not hurting you."

"It isn't. I promise." Ananya wasn't quite sure why she didn't want to tell Samiya what the glowing blue woman had told her. She didn't think that the vision had frightened her, and while it was partly true that she wanted to enjoy the party, Ananya found that keeping the secret to herself made her feel special in some way. She felt like the Moon Goddess had wanted her words to be only for Ananya's ears, and that brought upon a feeling of uniqueness in a way that didn't make her feel isolated from the rest.

"I feel hungry," Samiya decided. "Can you go get some snacks for us?"

"Sure." Ananya brushed her dress and delved into the crowd. She wove through the swaying figures, dodging swipes of long hair and brushes of arms and fingers. Every touch sent a current of tingles traversing down Ananya's spine in such a way that it was similar to a numbing medication, or when one would hit a sensitive nerve against an object. She didn't enjoy the sensation.

"Excuse me." She approached a bright orange stand and ducked under the tarp. "Could I have something for the doctor to eat?"

"Samiya?" The jolly-looking, weathered man with a scraggly beard grinned. "Of course! What would you prefer, Luna?"

"Uh...anything is fine, I think," Ananya said. "And, um, I'm Ananya." She looked around the stand. "I don't know any Luna..."

"Luna is your title. Just as we call Oscar our Alpha," the man explained. "He didn't mention this to you?"

"He might have. I suppose it slipped my mind," Ananya murmured. She regarded the plates of steaming food displayed on the table and her mouth watered. "This all looks delicious!"

"Doesn't it?" The man beamed, his chest puffing. "It took me weeks to prepare, but it makes good business for my shop." He wrapped some grilled corn and chips and handed the cardboard box to Ananya. "Would you like anything?"


"Hey, what are you doing, Ger?" A burly, tipsy man shoved through the crowd, standing behind Ananya. "Givin' food out again this year?"

Ananya stiffened, and the vendor (she guessed his name was Ger) nodded.

"Of course. I've got to promote my shop," he replied. "Would you like anything?"

"I'd like for the human to get the fuck outta here," the man growled. He bent, his chin hovering above Ananya's shoulder. She felt him sniff her and if she could, she straightened even more. "You're frightened, aren't you?"

Ananya didn't respond.

"Hey, easy, Ed," Ger said, waving his spatula between the large wolf and Ananya as if trying to create distance between them. "She's the Luna, you know. It'd be best if you didn't do that."

"Do what?" Ed's enormous hands fell on Ananya's shoulders and her body rattled, so shaken by the force of his touch that she almost dropped the food. "She's a human, Ger. I can't play around with her a little? The Alpha's not here. He's busy somewhere else. You don't mind, do ya?" His dusty fingers gripped Ananya's chin and turned her head, stretching the tight muscle chords of her neck and eliciting a whimper. "Does that hurt? Well, damn, you're a weak one, eh? That must be why Yuen likes you. You're easy to play with, huh? He'll play with you just like his Daddy used to play with everyone else. You know that, don't you, girl?"

"Ed, enough!" Ger rounded the stall and poked Ed's shoulder with the spatula. "Go on and play somewhere else. Leave her be."

Ed scowled. "You don't tell me what to do, Ger. If I wanna play with the puny human, I will. Who'll stop me? She can't." He tilted her head higher and cackled. "Nah, you can't, can ya? You're a dim one, aren't you? Can you talk? Are you mute too?"

"Ed, move!" Ger gave Ed's shoulder a rough shove, but the younger, healthier wolf didn't budge. He removed his hand from Ananya's jaw and gave Ger a push, sending him backward and into the stall.

"Why're you tryna protect her, eh?" Ed slurred. "She's a human. She can't do nothing. What kinda Luna will she be?" He grabbed Ananya's arm and shook it, lifting it higher than her body normally allowed for. "Lookie here, eh! She can't even straighten the thing. Ha, she can't even touch my head!" 

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ananya winced, but she didn't try to escape from Ed. She knew her capabilities, and she knew that by resisting she'd only excite him. Pain shot through her lungs and she felt as though her skin was going to tear.

"You're inviting death for yourself, boy!" Ger shouted over the blasting music, struggling to rise as he leaned on the counter. "You'd best quit it now, before--!"

"Before what?" Ed smirked. "Before Yuen beats me up? Let him try. That'll show everyone just how crooked that guy is. They'll see who he really is."

Ananya's blood boiled. "I may not have known him for a long time, but I don't think it's fair for you to villainize him based on his stepfather!" Her teeth grated against each other.

Ed glanced at her, his gaze fixed on her lips. She noticed his slim, slick tongue drag over his lips and his thumb grazed her throat. "Did you just talk back to me?" He snarled.

Oh, darn. Ananya struggled to swallow as his thumb pressed into her throat. She noticed Ger trying to get up, though the force of Ed's throw seemed to have injured his back. Nobody apart from him seemed to notice their confrontation.

Abruptly, the back of Ed's shirt lifted. He only got a moment to widen his eyes before he was pulled away from Ananya, who stumbled into a rounded frame. Samiya's warm arms encompassed her, tugging her under the flannel tarp just as Oscar rose above Ed, his eyes glowing dangerously.

"Tell me, exactly," he began in a low growl, "what the fuck you're doing to my mate."

Fear struck Ed's eyes and Ananya saw a visible orange flash swirl around his irises and reflect on his face. He opened his mouth, then somehow regained his bearings and the corner of his lips curled arrogantly. 


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