Chapter 17: Pt. 2

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"Excuse me?" Oscar scowled. "What did you say?" Even though Dafowick had spoken lowly, Oscar's enhanced hearing had easily picked up on what the mayor had said to himself, and he wasn't pleased at all. "Ananya was an integral part of this case. How could you have forgotten that?"

"It's okay, Oscar," Ananya assured him quietly. "I get overlooked a lot. Probably for my height."

"Yes, yes, that's it!" Mayor Dafowick snapped his fingers. "Apologies, Miss. Kaushikh. Your application will be reviewed again and we'll let you know in a few days what the result will be." He nodded at January Bayor, who was leveling a dangerous glare at Oscar. "Officer Bayor will be in charge of your assignments until it's decided whether you'll be a detective or not."

"Really?!" Ananya jumped. "This isn't a joke, right? I could actually become a detective?"

Mayor Dafowick smiled mildly. "Yes, you might be able to become one," he said, a gentle, almost patronizing expression on his face. Ananya didn't notice it, but Oscar did, and his jaw screwed tighter.

"Well, keep me updated on the progress of this young man's trial and the potential coup coming your way." Mayor Dafowick's gaze returned to Oscar. "The Alpha King gave me a ring, by the way. I'm intrigued with his plan. I think it's high time our groups came together as one, just as they should have always been. We should discuss this further, but I'm afraid that I've been scheduled for meetings back to back." He paused, then snapped his fingers. "I've got it. What if we had a celebration? We can announce there that the killer has been caught and attempt to establish some friendly relations. An alliance of some kind?" He looked to Anthony Willis and January Bayor for their input. "Well? What do you think?"

Both of them gave a slight nod, but neither seemed particularly inclined to the idea.

"I think it's a good idea!" Ananya chirped from beside Oscar. "We should work to create a world of harmony amongst all kinds. Discrimination isn't the way to live. It's depressive and reclusive. We should be welcoming of everyone, regardless of race."

Mayor Dafowick nodded, giving her a tight smile. "Yes, I agree." He checked his watch. "I must be going, but we'll meet soon again Alpha. Anthony set up a meeting for the Alpha and I." He rushed away, and after a moment's hesitation (and a cursory glance at Ananya) January Bayor followed him.

"She's pissed that it was you who solved the case and not her," Anthony Willis muttered in his dry tone, tilting his chin toward Ananya. "She'll get over it eventually. I think that General has been getting on her nerves as well."

Oscar chuckled. "I'll speak to Karsten and let him know to tone the teasing down. I apologize for that."

"You don't seem very sorry." Anthony Willis was unrelenting in his coldness and haste. He tore a sheet of paper from his notepad and handed it to Oscar. "I have a free slot for the Mayor next month on the seventh at three pm. Does that work for you?"

"That's fine." Oscar pocketed the paper and before he could say another word, Anthony Willis gave him a begrudging bow and scuttled away.

"I don't think he likes me very much," the young Alpha mused with a humorous expression. "Then again, no human does enjoy my company."

"Eh, he's always been the kind of guy who lives with a stick up his butt," Ananya said with a careless shrug. "And what do you mean that no human enjoys your company? I'm an alpaca then!"

"Apologies. Most humans, then," Oscar corrected with a smirk. "Are you doing anything right now?"

"Not specifically." Ananya swung her hands at her sides, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm so excited! Did you hear what he said? I could become a detective!" She squealed.

Oscar smiled. "That's indeed something to be excited about," he said. He hesitated, then, building up the courage in his throat, added: "Would you be up for getting a snack with me? My treat, for all your hard work being paid off."

"Well, we don't know that yet." Ananya blushed. "I could very well be denied because I'm a liability..."

"Nonsense. You did well during this case. They don't have any sustainable reason to deny you something you've earned."

"You don't know humans, then." She huffed and gave a little chuckle. "But alright. Hey, do you want to go to L'Elliot? It's a new cafe that Dhrys opened just outside the tenth district. They cater to both supernaturals and humans, so I don't think we'll get pitchforks thrown at us there." She grinned playfully.

Oscar smirked. "Lead the way then."


"Ananya!" Dhrys waved at her from behind the counter, looking decidedly ridiculous in his bright pastel clothing, a color that seemed to clash with his already pale skin and vampiric eyes. "You finally came to visit! Oh." His gaze shifted to Oscar, who followed behind Ananya's bouncing, glowing figure. "Alpha. You came as well?" His long nose wrinkled.

"We're here to celebrate, Dhrys!" Ananya said, lifting herself onto a bar stool. She patted the empty spot beside herself for Oscar to join her. "Our case is solved and I could be becoming an actual detective!"

"Really? Well, that's awesome!" Dhrys smiled. "Order's on the house then."

"No way! You worked hard to open this restaurant. I'm not going to get anything without paying," Ananya said stubbornly.

Dhrys laughed. "I'm the owner, sweetheart. I get to decide whether you pay or not."

Ananya rolled her eyes but didn't respond.

Oscar observed their casual exchange, and again a weed of jealousy sprouted in his gut. Sweetheart? How dare he. Only I can call my mate that, he grumbled petulantly. He knew he was being unreasonable, and Oscar wished that they could have gone someplace else to enjoy their victory.

"Why was it difficult for you to open this restaurant?" He asked instead, his dark eyes easily meeting Dhrys's crimson gaze. "I apologize if it's a stupid question."

"No questions are stupid, Oscar," Ananya admonished gently.

"She's right." Dhrys's lips upturned smugly. "City Hall didn't want to give a vampire a permit to have a restaurant in a human-inhabited area. It happens a lot in the tenth district." His tone soured. "They want us to use their services and we get ridiculed for it. All they care about is boosting their pride and their bank account."

"I see." Oscar frowned. "Well, I hope this issue can be resolved soon. I plan to work with Mayor Dafowick and the Alpha King to integrate supernaturals with humans. It's high time this discrimination ended."

Dhrys scoffed. "I appreciate your valor, but it'll be a long time before anything changes. Old Dafowick's just as orthodox as most are in Bourdier. He probably only agreed to make changes because he's afraid of you and the Alpha King."

"Dhrys, be nice," Ananya sighed. "Things have already started to change, you know. No need for you to put your negativity on it already."

"And what exactly has changed?"

"I was able to work on the case," she pointed out. "I wouldn't have been able to do that before if not for Oscar." She beamed up at him. "If that could happen, then anything can." 

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