Chapter 26: Pt. 3

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"True. I've considered adoption. I may adopt at least one child," Ananya said. "But, I mean, I haven't had sex before, so it's a bit early to think about kids..." She blushed when, with a vine of heat, came the pulsating memory of her steamy night with Oscar during the ceremony. She had thought of the time often, and what would have happened had Cai not interrupted them. Would they have gone all the way?

"All in time. There's no rush." Samiya smirked as though she knew what Ananya was thinking about. "Come to think about it, I haven't seen Alpha Yuen for a while."

"He's been busy all week." Ananya sighed. "I wanted to spend some time with him today, but he was so wrapped up in his work that I don't think he noticed me."

"That's rude! He should remember that he has a mate to look after too. God, he's such a workaholic." Samiya scowled.

"He's just very protective of the pack," Ananya said, defending him. "He doesn't want people to look at him and be reminded of Ba--!" She stopped suddenly, and nervously, her eyes darted to study her friend's reaction.

Samiya's lips pursed. "I know," she said. "But sometimes, I think he tries too hard." She hummed, then, stuffing another mango slice into her mouth, squeaked and her eyes brightened. "I've got it!"

"Hm?" Ananya dragged her index finger into the soft padding of the chair. "Got what?"

"I know how to get Oscar to notice you!" Samiya's eyes gleamed wickedly and she struggled to her feet. "Ugh, come on! Follow me!"

"Huh?" Ananya found herself pulled up from the chair and dragged across the grass. The tips of her shoes dug into the damp dirt and she fumbled while trying to match Samiya's pace. Dang, even when pregnant she's fast, she marveled. "Samiya, what are you talking about?"

"Just come on." She led Ananya to her home - a colonial house with slanted shingles in a bright pastel green. Entering through the side door that opened into a wide, 1950s-esque kitchen, Samiya brought Ananya to the room closest to the kitchen, which was a small closet stacked to the brim with containers overflowing with clothes.

"These are old outfits that I can't fit into anymore," Samiya explained. "Can you grab that box?"

"This one?" Ananya gestured to the cardboard, circular box that was on a ledge around the same level as her elbows. She picked it up and jostled it. "It's light. Is there anything inside?"

"Sure there is," Samiya said carelessly, if not, a little smugly. She opened the dusty flaps and pulled out a pink dress, which from the back seemed normal, but Ananya, who was facing the front of the gown, retreated nervously.

"That's way am I wearing that!" She blushed madly and heat rushed through her veins. "It's so...small and...can you wear that in public? There's no possible way that I'll look good in something like that. Samiya--!"

"Please?" Samiya begged, wrangling with Ananya as the younger girl tried to restrain her friend. "You'll look great, trust me! Besides, then I don't have to throw this away!"

"No..." Ananya groaned, but Samiya overpowered her even though she was slower and heavily pregnant. In a matter of minutes, Ananya's t-shirt and jeans were on the ground and the pink dress was flung over her shoulders. The hem just barely kissed her hips.

"And now, for the grand reveal!" Samiya pushed Ananya's clothes into the closet and dragged her friend into the kitchen again. "If we go through the back door, nobody will see us."

"I feel cold," Ananya muttered, trying to hide her face in Samiya's shirt. "And I think my underwear is showing."

"That's the point. Don't worry, though, nobody will see. Although..." Samiya snickered. "I didn't realize you wore granny panties."

"Oh, be quiet." Ananya rolled her eyes. "They're comfortable."

"Maybe, but they're not very attractive."

"I prefer comfort over beauty."

"I can't argue with you there." Samiya paused. "Are you nervous?"

"A little. I've never worn something so...revealing." Ananya felt her stomach tie itself into knots. "I hope he likes it!" She smiled.

"I'm sure he will." Samiya smiled. "My mother and mother-in-law had to practically tie me up to put this on me when I got married. I was just as nervous as you are, but Cai's reaction gave me a surge of confidence." She blushed. "I know...I don't wear them often anymore...I can't say that I find myself attractive in this state...but you look amazing in it, and regardless of how you're shaped, it's something I think every woman should try on at least once. It doesn't have to be for someone else, but I think that having this on will make you realize how beautiful you are."

"Do you think so?" Ananya fiddled with the sagging dip of the dress, which just barely cupped over her curved, caramel breasts. The fabric reminded her of the clothes her aunt would often wear to bed, but the dress was never as revealing as the one she was wearing at the moment. She realized just how furious Rutuparna would be if she caught Ananya wearing the dress. It doesn't look good on your frame, Ananya! Was what she'd undoubtedly screech. Ananya felt somewhat victorious to have snubbed Rutuparna again, and she knew that this time she wouldn't be caught. She hoped, at least.

Samiya nodded and put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "I'm sure," she said confidently, "But I also think you shouldn't worry about whether he finds you attractive or not. In the end, all that matters is if you love yourself in the dress."

Ananya blinked and frowned. "Huh? I mean, isn't the whole point of this dress to be attractive to someone else?" She decided not to tell Samiya what her family would think of it, particularly her aunt.

"Good, then." Samiya tugged her into the side yard of her house and, after peering around the wall, rushed Ananya to the porch. She stood in front of her, blocking others from seeing her outfit, and opened the door.

"The Alpha should be alone in his office," she told Ananya. "Do you know where it is?"

"Er, not really." Ananya gazed in wonder at the magnificence of the chandelier swinging over her head, her eyes swiveling from the marble floors to the gold-trimmed walls and curved staircase. "This place is amazing..." Like a child, she walked quickly around the room, pointing and touching various objects. "Oh, look at this. Ooh, I like this. Wow, this is so big!"

"And big. It's bigger than any home in the pack," Samiya said with a sigh. "Come on. There's an elevator in the back by the kitchen."

"There's an elevator?!" Wonderstruck, Ananya floated behind Samiya, listing various paintings and observing the designs that were carved into the pillars. They passed the quaint living room - furnished with Victorian-style furniture and a large, stone fireplace - then entered the kitchen, which was made up mainly of a white marble island and rows of countertops and cupboards.

The second floor, Ananya discovered, was similar to that of a hotel, where a long narrow hallway was flanked by rooms and rooms and rooms, all varying from places of rest to a library, a gym, and a few bathrooms.

The second floor, Ananya discovered, was similar to that of a hotel, where a long narrow hallway was flanked by rooms and rooms and rooms, all varying from places of rest to a library, a gym, and a few bathrooms

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