Chapter 28: Pt. 3

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"Hey!" A young, buxom woman strode up to Dhrys, her gaze fierce and her tone even fiercer. "You're the owner of that cafe in the tenth district, right? The vampire, right?"

Dhrys studied her with a critical, if not, cautious eye, though Ananya noticed with a smirk that his high cheekbones had tinged pink. "Er, yes, I am..."

"Did you make this food?"

"Some of it."

"It's amazing!" The woman gushed. She grabbed Dhrys's wrist. "You have to tell me all about it! How did you make it? What ingredients did you use?" She didn't allow a single excuse to slip past Dhrys before she was dragging him into the crowd and toward the buffet.

Ananya laughed when his pleading gaze met hers. "Have fun!" She called and waved, and since she was alone she swayed to the music by herself, continuing to observe the crowd. Her heart rose with pride as she witnessed the carefree behavior of the people of Bourdier as they interacted with the wolves, who had become more relaxed as the night went on. Even though Oscar and Mayor Dafowick had only spoken for a minute or so, the impact of their words was quick, and now humans and wolves spoke with each other as though they were lifelong friends.

"It's suspiciously fast, isn't it?" Oscar's voice vibrated in her ear.

Ananya yelped and stumbled. She turned around. "Oscar! Geez, at least let me know when you're coming!"

He chuckled. "Sorry, I wanted to see your reaction." He took a cookie and popped it into his mouth. "I expected some people to riot, you know? I'm surprised, and a little skeptical."

"Dhrys said the same thing," Ananya said. "To be honest, I was worried too. I'm glad that the outcome is different."

"So am I." Oscar took her into his arms and kissed her. "To make a world where we can all live as one...that's my biggest dream."

"I think, slowly but surely, it's coming true," Ananya assured him with a laugh.

"Excuse me?" The girl from the theater stumbled toward them. She glanced between Oscar and Ananya. "You''re Alpha Yuen, right?"

Oscar nodded. "I am."

"Ah, good." She smiled shyly. "I wanted to thank you for saving me at the theater. I thought I was a goner until you came." She gave a bow, and two adults behind her (Ananya assumed they were her parents) did the same.

"You saved our daughter," the older woman said. "And for that, we are forever grateful."

"Oh, no thanks is necessary," Oscar told them. "I was only doing what needed to be done. I wasn't about to let her die because of the carelessness of another person." He gave the girl a pat on the shoulder. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

She nodded again and danced into the crowd with her parents. The music slowed and a sensual aura fell over the crowd. The lights dimmed and the honey bulbs glowed lustfully. The DJ's lips pressed against the microphone, calling all couples to the floor to dance. A few went on the stage too.

"It's a nice night, isn't it?" Oscar murmured, kissing the shell of her ear.

Ananya hummed. "It is." She watched a group of children run past her and laughed. "It's eerie how everyone is getting along. I'm almost afraid to let my guard down."

"Relax. I'll protect you if anything happens." He kissed down her jaw and the slope of her neck. Their bodies hid in the shadows of the surrounding buildings. " smell divine, my love."

"Your cologne is fierce," Ananya noticed with a slight laugh. She turned and hugged him, catching him by surprise.

"Ananya?" He hugged her back, but worry was etched on his expression. "Darling?"

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