Chapter 19: Pt. 3

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"As a recruit." She blushed. "Since I'm not an official detective, I don't get their pay, even if I took up the role for one case."

"I see." Oscar's lips pursed in annoyance. "I don't like that. I'll have a word with Dafowick."

"Oh, no, it's okay!" Ananya's flush deepened. "Really. I get paid well as a recruit. It's enough to live on."

"That's not good enough for me, and it shouldn't be good enough for you." Oscar opened the door to one of the showing rooms. "You deserve more, Ananya. You shouldn't let others decide your worth for you."

"I'm not. They're paying me based on my job description."

"No. They're paying you based on their perception of you." Oscar took a seat in the front row, and Ananya sat beside him. "I know you won't say anything, but I just think it's not fair for them to pay or treat you less than what you deserve."

"Who knows? Maybe I deserve what they're treating me as," she mumbled. Their eyes met, black against brown, and her heart rate increased. "But...erm...I can bring it up...maybe? Or...could you?"

He smiled. "If you're okay with it, I'd like to bring it up." He paused. "Your dress is lovely, by the way. I've been meaning to tell you that since I saw you."

"Thank you." She beamed. "Your jeans are nice too. I don't think I've seen you in jeans too many times."

"Really? I wear them often." His arm tentatively wrapped around her shoulders, his thumb stroking her supple skin. Ananya's stomach bounced around her body with excitement and she leaned into his side.

"I guess I was focused on other things, then," she murmured, not wanting to admit that she'd spent too many times studying his face and outlining his attractive features with her eyes, trying to retain every single detail.

"Is that so?" His voice took a teasing lift. "So, you were checking me out, then?" His shallow breath tickled her ear.

"I...don't act like you weren't too!" She stammered. "I saw you! I'm not blind."

"I know, I know. I wasn't trying to be discreet, though." He smiled, stroking the thin tendrils of hair that brushed against her cheek. "Oh, I wanted to show you something."


"Yes...but please, don't laugh at me." His cheeks reddened. "I don't know if I did this right."

"Oh? Show me, show me!" Ananya grinned. "What did you do?"

"Alright." He pulled his phone out, fumbling for a minute, then showed the screen to her.

"Huh..." For a moment, Ananya was confused. Why is he showing me my contact information? Then, when she looked closer at her name, she saw it. "Aww is that a smiley face emoji next to my name!" She squealed.

Oscar nodded, a little embarrassed. "Yes," he mumbled. "I-Is it okay?"

"Okay? I love it!" She cuddled closer to him, shaking with uncontained glee. "And it even has hearts circling the emoji! I love it, Oscar."

"I'm glad." He put his phone away. "I spent a while trying to pick the perfect one. I wanted an emoji that best described how I feel about you."

"Really? Wow, I feel like all my emoji choices are shameful now," she laughed. "I just pick whatever is used the most. I'm flattered, though, that you took your time." She gazed up at him. ""

"The movie doesn't start for a while. We got here early, even with the delay at the counter," Oscar said. His gentle strokes faltered. "I want to ask you something, but I don't want to seem too forward for our second date."

Ha! It is our second date! "What is it? You can ask me. I want to know."

"Okay..." he bit his lip. "What are your plans for the future? I-In terms" His voice softened.

"I'd love to have a family soon," Ananya said. "It would be strenuous, though, because of all the health concerns, but it's possible. I'd just have to be carefully monitored and all." She shrugged. "I'd love to have children. Preferably two or three. I've always wanted a little girl, especially."

"Is that so?" Oscar listened attentively, and he felt his smile widen when she finished speaking. "I would love to have a family as well. I'm not getting any younger, but I won't rush you...this is our second date." He laughed awkwardly. "I have twins in my family - my half-sisters, so it's likely that I'd have twins as well."

"That sounds like it'd be quite an adventure," Ananya said. "I wouldn't mind it, though. That's less childbirth for me."

"Fair." He paused. "If you don't mind me asking, why has your aunt raised you?"

"My parents died when I was little. They were hikers and supposedly got mauled by either wolves or bears," Ananya replied nonchalantly. "I was six. I don't really remember them."

"I see..." Oscar frowned. That must be why her aunt dislikes me, he decided, though he realized then that it could be for any reason that the woman held disdain for him. Ananya's explanation seemed the most probable reason, though. "Well...she seems kinder than my stepfather."

"That's debatable." Ananya tossed popcorn into her mouth. "Was your stepfather...bad?"

"He was...yeah, he was." Oscar nodded, subtly pulling down his sleeve. "My half-sisters were okay. They were bratty at most." He laughed. "And my mother...I loved my mother." He sighed. "She was killed, though."


"No, by our own kind." He gave a bitter laugh. "But that was ten years ago. I still miss her, but there's nothing much I can do about it."

"Oh..." Ananya hummed softly. Is there really a difference between our kind and werewolves, then? "Did you find the killer?"

"We did. We got most of them. Only a few got away, but they're probably dead. I haven't heard from any of them since," Oscar explained, briefly reminded of Canon and June. "To be honest, I forgot they existed until you just mentioned them."

"Oh, oops. Sorry." She blushed.

"No need to be." He kissed the top of her head. "Like I said, it was a while ago. My stepfather and mother are dead, and my sisters are both married and gone." He then kissed her cheek, then her nose. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that...I'm all yours."

Ananya giggled as he peppered her face with kisses. "Oscar..." she took his face in her hands, her palms flat against his rough cheeks. She said softly, "I'm glad that you're mine."

"I am. I'm all of yours and nobody else's." He left a gentle peck on her lips. "You're my Luna, Ananya. Regardless of what you can do and how you look, I only want you."

Ananya's heart would've leaped out of her chest if it could. "Will your pack be okay with that, though?" She smoothed her thumb over his cheekbone. "Would they be fine with me as your Luna?"

"They will be. I've already warned them of the consequences of mistreating you." Oscar leaned toward her and gave her a deeper, more meaningful kiss. His lips fell atop hers and he kissed her in such a way that she felt him alleviate her concerns. "Come help prepare for the Harvest Moon. They'll like you, you'll see. They'll love you, my Luna," he mumbled between kisses, holding her small face in his large hands.

"I hope you're right, Oscar," Ananya whispered, and she released a small gasp when his fang brushed over her bottom lip. She heard the muted commercials playing in the background whirl. The movie was commencing, but she wanted to lose herself not in the apocalyptic horror that was about to be displayed, but rather in the arms of her boy--her mate, who kissed her with such passion that Ananya forgot everything that she was concerned about. "I hope you're right..."


The date seemed to have gone well, but will everything continue to be smooth sailing? 

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