Meetings; Face of Hope

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Meetings; Face of Hope

"Thank you all. There is many points I would like to discuss today, I'm not quite sure where I should start." The master began. "From the information Serpent has supplied us with, we know there is a high rank demon who goes by the name of Kisei. None of our Samurai's have been able to bring her down, even Kocho encountering her not to long ago. Furthermore, a demon our Sun&Moon duo encountered had said their master planned on harming them specifically. Can you elaborate on that Serpent?" The eyes went to you once again.

"Yes master. This girl, her name was Manaka. She said that her 'master' planned on doing horrible things to me, and implied whoever it was is after Hinokami for the reason of him being important to me. This demon may be referring to Kisei, but I have no proof of that. Though she was the one to confront Hinokami and I yesterday. The leader to the demon race remains a mystery, though we know for a fact that whoever they are, they are after me, and Kisei is high in they're ranks." You stared straight ahead, a cold look on your face.

"Thank you for sharing. It is my theory that you have become the face of something. Something new. Hope.
I want to feast upon this opportunity, and ask you a serious question. You Serpent, and Hinokami." Hinokami's hand squeezed yours as you both looked at the master. You nodded.

"Serpent . . . will you be the face of hope as we lead our cause out of the shadows in the fight against the demon race? And will you Hinokami, stand beside her and be her protector?" Hinokami answered instantly.

"Of course." The entire rooms attention was now on you as an uneasy feeling overcame you.

This isn't what I want.
I've been working diligently in the shadows for months with this cause, never wanting the spotlight at all.

You thought for a few more moments, images of Aniko, Shinobu, them all flashing in your mind, before looking up with determination.  "Yes. I will do everything I can to give the people hope."

"I thank you for your efforts and future work. Now, it has been submitted by an anonymous source that there is speculation of a modern twelve kizuki being formed. Serpent herself has encountered demons with blood demon arts and with similar looks as past twelve kizuki. Now while we do not know what this all means, we need to be prepared. Leading me to my next point. I believe you all should train one another. As the top ten you are our modern hashira and should know each others skills as well as your own." Everyone nodded, glances all ready pointing towards Hinokami.

"Lastly, I'm aware that most of you present here today are reincarnations, though you may not know that or even retain your memories yourself. I'm counting on all of you, to be just as great if not exceed your skill from your past lives." The masters gaze landed on Hinokami as he spoke.
"My children, let us finish this war here so your souls may rest. Demon or human peace is the ultimate goal, no matter the costs."


This is a strange base.
Underground and-

"Hey! Serpent right?" You turned in the empty training gym to see Dionysus. He was an odd guy. You could tell he had a huge grin under his mask yet his eyes were narrow and somehow always judgmental. He had a jeweled headband on his head, leading into a white slick back ponytail. His uniform looked pretty similar to Hinokami's when he took his jacket off.

"Your the sound hashira." You looked the man up and down, as his expression turned to amusement.

"My, I haven't heard anyone call me that since my last life. But, whatever. I have a favor to ask you." His voice took a slightly more serious turn.

"Oh? And what may that be?" You unfolded your arms, standing off the wall.

"I have a . . . since you like to use older words 'tsuguko' if you will. I want to train him, yet he won't let me teach him. And because you both are in the same age group, and he won't stop going out there and saving people . . . I was wondering . . ." He paused for a moment as it seemed like he was swallowing his pride. "Could help me. And train him."


Word count; 750

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