Arc 6, Communication; The Name

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A/n: Hello! I wanted to say that my posting schedule will consist of regular posts on Tuesdays. All other content in between will vary depending on how much time I have to write.

Love you

- Erii

Arc 6, Communication; The Name

"Run faster! Maybe then you would be able to dodge these simple attacks." You continue to throw small metal kunai at the boy, watching as he struggle to dodge them all.

"I know your not just doing this for him to suffer now are you Y/n-chan?" Kocho appears at your side, watching your harsh training regiment.

"It's not as if your training was any more lenient." You giggle, watching the boy attempting to make it towards you yet fail.

"I heard you adopted two more rookies. It seems you see something in these people?" You called your tsuguko to stop the training exercise, facing your full attention to your mentor.

"Yes. I see burning passion in all of these people." Kocho looks at you with a proud teary gaze.

"I see you've grown from the quiet and obedient girl you were when I met you. I am proud." Tears came to your own eyes hearing this.

"Yes. I remember most of my past life, I'm glad I have found my voice now." You looked to the door where Hinokami walked in, followed by Beast and Waterfly.

"Is it training time already?"


"Hello everybody." You spoke into the camera of an untraceable phone the master had given you.

The most effective way to spread knowledge and gain popularity is through social media.
That's why I urged the master to allow me to create a Tiktok account.

"Yes, yes, I see the comments. This is Serpent, and I've created this account to speak with you all." You smiled, though the thousands of people watching the live couldn't see it.

"I see a comment here, King asks, 'Where is Hinokami?'" You got up from your seat, walking with the camera pointed at your face, to the other side of the room where Hinokami was training.

"Hinokami!" You yelled, his blade stopping in his tracks as he turned to you.
"The people ask for you."

You got on your tipped toes, slinging an arm around him as you faced the camera to the both of you. "Hello everyone." He waved.

The comment section filled with questions of your relationship, others just gawking at how cute you both look together.

You placed the phone down on the floor, taking a few steps back before sitting down. Hinokami followed your actions.
"We're happy to answer any questions you all have." Those simple words set off a chain reaction.

"Cassie879 asks, 'what are those creatures we've seen appearing lately?'" The mood turns serious as you sigh.

"I've tried to conceal this from the media as much as possible. While I'd like to keep this from everyone watching, and protect them from the truth that we live in, that's not fair. These creatures are called Demons. Supernatural man eating monsters that have existed since ancient times. Very little of the population knows of these creatures, but the ones that do know of their powers and bloodlust. Hinokami and I work hard every day to keep everyone safe." The comments filled with sentimental and scared comments, a separate question catching you eye.

"I didn't catch the user, but the question was 'just the two of you'?" You bit down on your lip, knowing the risks of revealing this information yet deciding to answer.

"Serpent and I work alongside an organization who, before now worked completely in the shadows. There are hundreds, thousands of us who strive everyday to create a world of peace and tranquility. The group we are most closely related to though is a group of fifteen pillars. All of which have extraordinary abilities well beyond our own. So don't be scared. By spreading this information nothing has changed. Our organization still works hard everyday and night to keep you all safe." The comments were feeding into everything you said as your follower count went up into the hundreds of thousands, people all across the world tuning in and staying invested in this 'story'.

"Oh, ah, I think the user was Riley8017 asked, 'why did the police fire at you and Hinokami? And who were those two people with you?'" You readjusted, sitting in a criss crossed form before answering.

"The girl, Bloodmoon and the boy, Mantis are our comrades. They are in the pillars." You paused before speaking again.

"As to the other question . . . my genuine answer is this. I have no clue as to why the government and police force would attempt to silence our cause, nor why they would shoot at us. I understand I said some things in the heat of the moment, but it was all true. I just don't understand why they would shoot at an innocent child and shoot at us because we saved everyone." You looked down, internally smirking as Hinokami caught onto what you were doing. Appealing to the audiences emotions with something everyone could relate to; confusion.

He placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Anyways guys I think this is where we should end the stream today, I'll check in with live streams weekly and maybe some surprise ones here and there. Good bye everyone!" The comments filled with farewells before you ended the stream.

Letting out a sigh, you stood up surveying your newfound popularity.


"Already you've spread this knowledge to sixteen million people and have twenty three million followers?" The master spoke as you noticed a purple mark just beginning to grow on the side of the temple.
"I am proud of you my children. Continue to work diligently and the world shall reward you."

"Yes master." You both spoke in sync.


"I thought I'd find you here." You gasp, turning to see your first tsuguko on the roof top with you.

"How'd you find me?" You waved him to stand next to you, leaning your elbows on the elevated wall caging in the roof.

"Hinokami said this is where you usually go when you want to be alone. He says you think he doesn't see you sneaking off to go here after patrols." You chuckle, looking down at your hands.

"How much convincing did it take you to get him to rat me out?" The boy gave a dry laugh, leaning forward in a similar manner to you before his mood turned serious.

"I think I've found the name I want to go by. But I want to run it by you first." You gave him your full attention, nodding for him to continue. "I used to be an asshole. That word is even an understatement. I have talked down upon, and claimed woman as my own without knowing the true callous behind my words. So as a Samurai I vow to protect them all. I want to be called Medusa. A face young and older woman alike can turn to for safety and reassurance when pressured into a corner." You felt warm listening to the passion behind his speech, truly moved by the passion he held for this.

"You know what? I think that name would be perfect. Medusa. A Samurai of redemption and protection."


Word count: 1222

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