Arc 7, Exchanges; American Exchange Student

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Arc 7, Exchanges; American Exchange Student

"Tanjiro, can you pass me the milk please?" You ask, flipping the back burner to the stove on before returning to your bowl of ingredients.

"Here." He places the carton next to you, leaning over you to grab a cutting board from the cabinet. You pour the milk into the dry ingredients, mixing till you find the right thick yet runny consistency of pancake batter.

Beginning to portion circles of batter onto the pan, allowing it to cook slightly before flipping. "How are the hash browns coming?" You questioned the boy who was trying stick the potatoes together correctly.

"Just fine!" Your mom walked into the chaotic mess of cooking, watching you both put together the breakfast as she sat down.

"Good morning momma!" You gasp, tripping over nothing as the bowl along with a couple plates fly into the air. Training coming in handy when you lean forward to catch the bowl with one hand, a plate with the other, and another plate falling onto the bottom of your slipper as you were forced into an uncomfortable position.

"Tanjiro help!" He turned, laughing at how ridiculous you looked before grabbing the empty plate off your foot, placing it into the sink.

"That was impressive Y/n. Are you on the gymnastics team at school?" Your mom questions, Tanjiro passing her a cup of coffee before going to fry the hashbrowns.

"Something like that." You smiled, continuing to cook pancakes until the breakfast was complete. Flipping off the oven before plating three separate plates of hashbrowns, pancakes, and bacon, passing them to Tanjiro and M/n before enjoying the untraditional meal.

"Mom has asked if you and your friends want to go out with her today, she says she's hosting an American exchange student for his high-school years. He'll be entering his first year and having some kids his age to help him around might be beneficial. Plus, I think she's gotten sick of dad and all her cats." M/n jokes, dishing some more food into her mouth. "This is delicious. Thank you both."

"Your welcome Mum. I can make a couple calls after breakfast, though Genyas out of town today so that'll be a huge bummer." You sigh before Tanjiro playfully punches your shoulder.

"Yes because we love to intimidate the younger years with our 6'7 friend." He jokes, you giggling along with him as he picks on your mean intentions.

"You both better hurry then. She's leaving at to pick him up at twelve and I know how Y/n can be." You gasp, pretending to be offended by her accusation.

"I have never been late a day in my life!" You exaggerate, finishing your breakfast.

"Leave the dishes kids. I'll clean up while you guys get ready." "Thank you Ma." "Thank you M/n-san!" Tanjiro goes to your room, getting ready while you call your friends. Switching places, getting dressed quickly into some black tights, beige skirt and boots, and a simple white sweater before grabbing hat that matches to stay warm with winters final days, of course the last cold front needed to make its way through.

Exiting your room to see Tanjiro in similar attire, white sweater and kalki pants as he's ready to leave.


Meeting Mitsuri at the airport when you find her with an oddly familiar looking fiery haired boy. "This is my granddaughter, Y/n!" She gestures to you, walking up the two on Tanjiros arm.

"Hello Y/n." He clearly is unfamiliar with honorifics and customs as he sticks his hand out for a shake, the concept strange to you yet you comply, placing your hand in his as a friendly gesture. "My name is Senjuro. My family originates from Japan though I am Japanese American myself." He smiles warmly, nervousness radiating from him when you laugh slightly.

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