Perspective; Rank #2, Finale

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My Samurai

Season 2





•= Shinizugawa Sanemi POV =•

The master called a Pillar meeting in regards to the recent battle with lower moon one. How idiotic that two pillars were needed to destroy one measly demon.

Then my eyes lands on her.

My lovely Shiǹ, sitting next to where her masters will sit. Dazzling green eyes focused on the boy next to her while talking about random bullshit.

Fate has a twisted sense of humor. She was reincarnated as a child. Three years younger then in our last lives. And it seems her attention is focused on the Medusa boy.

I could care less.

"Hello." My head turns to where Serpent is being wheeled up to the meeting table by Hinokami. She looks pretty banged up. It's fucking impossible that she's still alive.

She's incredibly powerful and has a huge potential. That pisses me off. What pisses me off further is that little partner of hers; Hinokami. I wouldn't be shocked with his little Sun breathing tricks he was one of the Hashiras reincarnated.

"Welcome my children." All of our movements come to a halt while our attention turns to the master. His skin further pale, purple markings creeping down his forehead with alarming rate.

"No need to stand or bow, I'm sure most of you are in immense pain as it is." With a single wave of his hand, all of our muscles relax. Everyone sat around the table as we commence the meeting.

"Hinokami, do you mind starting us off?" The rank # 9 pillar nods. His fox mask unnerving as hell while he speaks.

"While I was conducting my evening patrol, I was ambushed. I believe it was a human . . . the scent told me so. Afterwards I was kidnapped and brought to a gray room."

"Nothing but a couple tables and the chair I was tied down to with nichirin chains. When I woke up, Kisei who I can now confirm is the demon queen, beat me bloody . . . "

"She noticed that had no effect on me. And then injected me with an advanced version on the normal demon drug. After my transformation I was trapped within my body, conscious but unable to control myself."

"As of right now, I know of her goals." A collective gasp echoes across the pillars. Teeth gritting at the thought of finally having an edge, even small on the demons.

"Her aim is to massacre both myself and Serpent. And she seems to have this burning desire to do it in the most gruesome way possible."

"How disgraceful . . . " Mantis hisses, if anything he's the disgrace. Letting Shiǹ defeat the demon as a mere Tsuguko. Not that I would expect anything less of her. However, he is rank 6. My fist clenching, slamming on the table while glaring ahead with pure hatred.

"Sickening. Demons will do unnecessary evil for their twisted enjoyment. We must annihilate them all!" A gentle hum of disagreement comes from Vixen.

I've always been oddly pissed at how open-minded he is. It almost makes me want to vomit.

"This isn't our first encounter with her . . . actually we have seen her much more then Kibutsuji was rumored to be. Once speaking with Takē Obaa, then again with Obaa when I was alone, and shockingly she let me go, next during the battle with Kocho. Then during the one the night before the pillar training, and now . . . "

Watching Serpent speak has me noticing something. More than the content of her words. She's hiding something

"It seems like your holding back some information. You wouldn't do that, now would you? A noble pillar such as yourself, I'm sure of it. Seeing as now with the passing of this meeting, you as well as your team have been promoted to rank #8."

Akaza laces his words with silent teases. The Sun&Moon duo gasp in shock, unknowing of this hidden detail.

"Now now Akaza. I'm sure she isn't holding back anything more then the necessity. Regarding to her promotion, we will get to that after. Serpent, please continue."

"Yes master." Her face become for solemn, letting out a sigh before explaining with a grim face.

"I have noticed something. She seems to be holding back against us. Something tells me that if she wanted to she could wipe us all out. I would be shocked if the next opponent any of us cross was not an upper moon."

She shakes her head while stopping her mindless rambling of speculation.

"Using a prototype of a still unfinished product; The cure to the demon drug, I turned Hinokami back. Though I am skeptical, as this cure had no chances of possibly working."

"However, what is more intriguing, my Tsuguko. ButterflyBeast. After a few short months within our ranks, I would like to bestow this knowledge upon you all by the permission of the master."

"ButterflyBeast, is now on par with the skills of a top ten."

"That's ludicrous! How, I would be sure you of all people are the fastest progressed out of us all. And after a mere few months?" Blue looks bewildered at the thought, an irk mark quickly appearing on my forehead while tsking.

"Your just pissy because she's progressed faster than you. Don't be so full of yourself rank #10."

Using his rank rather then his name, Sun&Moon passing him in the rank has been a soft spot for him. Smirking at him before Shiǹ begins to speak,

"Yeah, yeah. I'm flattered. There are only a couple of points from the battle with Lower Moon One that need to be discussed."

"Firstly, whenever fighting those in higher ranks, make sure your not an idiot and assume the fight is over and or the power source of the demon is the neck. In my case, I detected the heart was the source of power."

"Stabbing it out released my comrades from the grasp of its Blood Demon Art. As well as skinning her face to kill her."

"However, what is more important than even that, is what happened in the moment following her death. Her face looked like she was in pain. Then her body exploded into nothing but blood, a woman's voice shouting in the event of the demons death."

Serpent hums, stroking her chin before raising a hand in thought. "It must be Kisei. I find no other explanation to be plausible."

The formal way Serpent conducts herself is similar to rank #4. Shiǹ looking as if she holds immense respect for her, understandable. Tsuyuri Y/n deserves nothing less.

"Who ever it was, they are angry." Serpents eyes look grim as they narrow, looking down, breathing in before speaking,

"If I may . . . this suggestion may sound insane . . . but what of we were to make a public announcement? Bringing the Samurai's into the light completely."

"Kisei will be angry, angrier then any before. She will act out brashly, and the public knowing who they can look to for protection may be beneficial. What do you say?"


My Samurai

Season 2

Word count; 1210

𝙈𝙔 𝙎𝘼𝙈𝙐𝙍𝘼𝙄 | 𝙆. 𝙏𝘼𝙉𝙅𝙄𝙍𝙊 | 𝙎 𝙄𝙄Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora