Arc 9, Sight of Failure; What Was Supposed To Be

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Warnings: Blood, violence, bone breaking, and hopelessness.

Arc 9, Sight of Failure; What Was Supposed To Be

The sun had finally kissed the horizon, sinking deeper into its capture as the sky blended into an array of blues and blacks. Heart pounding ferociously against your rib cage, knowing that nightfall and coordinates can only mean one thing.

Fingers grazing in between your collar bones, feeling the golden T.K necklace he had given you underneath the thin fabric of your uniform. A simple yet such heart wrenching reminder of what you may lose. Most definitely will lose.

Tugging up your mask past your nose, twirling the syringe full of lilac liquid once more within your fingers. Eyes tracing its contents over and over with a sad look in your eyes.

Knowing this is bound to fail.

Walking throughout a forest, one the coordinates led you to, the cold mountain air blowing hard against you as the mood shifts into something more dangerous.

Sensing one of the largest amounts of bloodlust you had ever felt from a demon, turning on your heel with shock as your eyes are met with those of demonic deep red ones.

Only a silhouette of the man present in the darkness of the forest along with his deep bright red eyes. A hungry glare piercing your soul.

A snarl coming from deep within his chest, stalking towards you slowly like prey. Gasping as he launches forward, jaw hanging open as his pearly white fangs flash at you.

A yell coming from him, astonished as the knowledge of him being a demon morphs into reality with his sight. Your small delay causes him to claw a deep slash across your left upper thigh.

The deep cut begins to gush blood while you back bend, flipping your legs over your head as you take a defensive stance. Unable to remain that way for long as his body drives forward, a resounding amount of bloodlust pointed at you and only you.

Tripping over a branch, gasping as you fall harshly onto your back. He pounces onto you, in the blink of an eye you had enabled your demon slayer mark off of pure adrenaline, bring his sword sheath up to muzzle him. He pins you down to the floor.

Yushiro appears out of thin air, eyes glowing a bright purple while his fangs flash. "Scent of Illusory Blood! Visual Blur!"

He shouts, his spell ineffective to you but understanding why as your teammates land a few meters from you.

"Serpent!" Beast tries to run to you, another silhouette appearing in front of your gaze, features completely blanked as you see her from behind.

Your team, and Cruel Beauty in a line as they glare down the new enemy. "Oh wow! You all seem like worthy opponents! I will possibly have a bit of fun while protecting him from you."

A females voice echoes from above you, something even more sinister then lower rank six lurking behind her aura. Gasping as Tanjiro pushes harder against you, trusting your teammates and superiors to handle her while you cure him.

"Lower one . . . " Mantis snarls, scratching his neck while looking at the demon with disgust.

"The rank does not matter. It is my duty as rank #6 to protect these children and see my duty fulfilled!"

Bloodmoon beams, her cheery and friendly demeanor falling into something more confident and vile as her expression melts into a smirk.

"Prepare to die you insolent insect."

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