Communications; Lies Pt.3

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Communications; Lies Pt.3

= ButterflyBeast POV =●

Instinctual Breathing ● Blind

Closing off my emotions to avoid having bias while battling Aoi. Entering a black void while my body is driven forward by pure instinct, using footwork like a butterfly but fighting style of a beast while I give it my all against the demon that looks like my dear friend.

Internally going into emotional turmoil while I think of how she must have felt while this demon heartlessly murdered bystanders that she was tending to in front of her. How helpless she must have felt while they were taunting her like damn monsters!

Unknowingly my technique taps into my internal anger as my dull eyes glare at the demon, slashing in quick motions like my brother's crazy cutting technique. The demon laughs, knowing my attacks aren't the least bit affective as it melts against my dual blades, forming together again into her body.

Medusa seems like he isn't having the easiest time either, using his wider dual blades to slice through Bloodmoon, or rather the demon impersonating her when a punch lands grazing his right arm. His skin tears open, blood gushing from the wound as he continues to selflessly fight to protect Y/n.

The demon swings her arm at me, only for me to back bend, avoiding the blow. I twist my body around, sitting on top of the demons arm when I exit Instinctual breathing.

"Hinokami! What are you doing?" I ask, his figure stuck in place in front of Y/n as he's deep in thought. "I know we all want to protect her but we need your help-" I gasp, leaning my head to the side when I feel the vibrations from the air, hitting my neck softly before leaning my head to the side to avoid the fist that would have pulverized my skull.

Entering Instinctual breathing again as I get no answer.

"Hinokami! We both know your scared! Trust me I am to. But what is our goal?" Medusa yells as his ears pick up on Hinokami's fast heart beat and uneasy breathing. The same message flashing through all of our minds at the same time when Hinokami's face hardens from behind the mask.

Protect the people

Running forward to help Medusa, when Y/n slips away.

Good. She should run.

Turning my head back round to focus on my demon, entering full Instinctual breathing when I loose all ability to think.

●= Hinokami POV =●

Angry with myself for leaving my teammates alone for so long when I should have been protecting them while I synchronize my attacks with Medusa. Also fearing for Y/n as I am truly fearful Kisei has sent this pursuer after her.

Knowing this demon can split itself into multiple entity's has my mind on the run as I unleash an attack to protect Medusa from incoming fists.

Hinokami Kagura ● Raging Sun

My sword slashes her hands of with two burning crescent like swings, jumping back to avoid another attack.

"Fox-kun!" Gasping when I here Serpents voice behind me, stumbling to turn around when we meet gazes.
"Sorry it took me so long-"

"Where's Y/n demon." She gasps as I bring my sword up to point at her throat, my voice even shaking the demons behind me, yet they internally are happy seeing their plan to tear us apart has worked.

"Fox-kun, don't be ridiculous. I brought her to safety outside of the building before coming to help." She glances up at me.

"I don't believe you, WHERE DID YOU TAKE HER?!" I bring my blade above my head, bursts of flames coming in a circular like form around it. Bringing it down harshly out of blind rage, truly terrified about what might have happened to her while I turned my back.

My blade is met by that of Medusa, protecting Serpent while he glares up at me with an equal amount of rage. Daring me to try and hurt Serpent again.

Serpents eyes go wide with horror, looking behind me as the demon with Bloodmoons appearance goes to punch me in the back. "WATCH OUT!" She grabs my arm, effortlessly flipping my body over her head before putting her kunai out for the demon to punch. The poison goes deep into the fist, making the demon hiss and retract her arm in pain.

"Guys I found Waterfly, but she's out cold!" ButterflyBeast calls out desperately, holding her limp body in her arms.

"Well, I guys I have no point for that clone anymore then." The demon pulls back the copy of Waterfly, absorbing into its hands as it's features morph into that of a man.

Pale green skin and black clothes, bright yellow eyes and short white hair. "While you guys were busy whining about that girl that escaped, I merged my entire body with the fabric of this building!" The demon explained with a wicked grin, before the lights above began to burst, sparks flying everywhere as the walls and ceiling begin to morph into pink flesh, the image truly disgusting as us Samurai's stand back to back.

ButterflyBeast comes closer to us, leaning back down to wake up Waterfly. "That's my blood demon art. Shift."

The demon stares us down while Serpent, Medusa and I stand in a line infront of ButterflyBeast. "Serpent I'm sorry-" "Not right now. We need to defeat this enemy first. Be careful next time, if Medusa didn't stop you you might have seriously hurt me if not worse." Her intentions were not as venomous as her words, yet it still hurt knowing she was right.

"Alright you three, think of this as in combat training. You have no idea what your enemies abilities limit to, and know they have shifting and manipulative abilities. It's highly possible that your teammates might be fakes, so you have to trust them while also not relying on them. This will be tough. So use everything you've been taught by not just me, but others and yourself." Serpent spoke, my eyes tracing her thumb switching her poison to a gentle yet lethal toxin.

"I don't think your little speech will help your pets all that much. So come on, bring it."


Word count; 1041

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