Arc 7, Needs and Wants; Rank #4

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Arc 7, Needs and Wants; Rank #4

"What insolent beings you are." Kisei glared down at her lower moons, all sweating profusely with stress. "I don't even request you kill off pillars, no. Just some mere weaklings and you cannot do even that. The dual bladed girl has shown up in two major fights thus far, she is nothing without her mentors. Then there is the medic girl."

Her nails punctured her hand, pressure coming down upon the demons. "Lower moon six had her at his feet. It would have taken no less than ten, maybe twenty seconds to rip her limb from limb and present her to those two. Yet you all seem to be to humane to effectively complete any tasks I give you."

The lower moon four demon trembled, watching the demon queens heels go back and forth down the line, before stopping in front of her.

In an instant her head was being held by Kisei, thankfully not dismembered from her body. "Do you know why I keep you useless creatures around?" A crazed look laid in Kisei's eyes, their grey hues flashing red with urgency.

"Because its so much more appetizing to see those two in pain when its at a weaklings hand. Knowing they could have prevented it but were just too incompetent. Guilt is one of the worst human emotions to experience. And they will experience the worst." She let go of the demons face harshly, standing up before laughing with sadistic joy.

"Next time I won't be so lenient. So go and make use of yourselves."


"Go!" The newly installed training faculty in the headquarters worked wonders for all kinds of training. You thought it would be interesting to go toe to toe with another Serpent breather, hence challenging rank four to a duel. First one to tap the others neck with their fist wins.

The room was set up like a laser tag arena but highly more complex. You ran behind the walls, slithering like movement as you pushed yourself to the limit.

Looking up to the wall to see a large shadow, smirking as you tapped into Tsuyuri's memories, predicting how he would be running based on your past life's knowledge on body movement and looking for the small details. Surprised on just how much she knew. Only based on a silhouette.

Trying something new, you turned the corner with loose footing, swinging left hand for his neck, leaning backwards when his own hand almost collided with yours. Hair whipping behind your as you balanced on your left leg, bringing up your right to trap his arm under it.

You leaned forward, a harsh contrast from your rather defensive previous stance, sitting on the mans stomach while drawing your dominant hand back, swinging for his neck.

He easily caught your hand, arm moving faster than your eyes could track. Your brows furrowed, gasping when he swung his entire upwards, using your plan and body weight against you, bodies flying into the air and landing the opposite way.

Your leg being tangled with his arm was unconventional now. Stretched and pulled in an uncomfortable way as he used your plan against you. Pinning you down while pressing your leg farther straight. Gritting your teeth in pain, blocking his fist with your arms as you struggled to deflect only one of his.

It seemed like he wasn't holding back even with his strength as he put his heavy strength against his swing, bringing his hand down headed straight for your face. You caught his arm with both hands, struggling to hold him back while contemplating your options.

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