Speculation; The Why's

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Warnings: Profanity, violence, blood, slight panic attack, and Transparent world.

Speculation; The Why's

Tanjiro had started the evening patrol alone. Kien asking you to watch Aniko for the evening, only getting four hours of sleep, but you had had worse.

"C-an I go ge-t so-me min-ts?" Aniko points to a bowl of mints on a desk at the opposite wall of the restaurant, an excited glint in her eyes that you could not deny.

"Of course. Aniko, don't go to far! " You raise your voice slightly as she's takes of running to the wall, turning around as you dig through your wallet.

"She's adorable!" The woman running your card smiles, before handing it back to your along with a receipt.

"She really is." You smile back, putting on your purse before turning around; She is gone.

"Have a nice night . . ." You jog up to the other desk, panicked as you fear someone had taken her.

"Hello, sir? Was a little girl just here?" You fidget nervously, bouncing on your toes to try and remain calm. Biting down on your lip.

"Yes! I believe she just ran out and went left." The man pointed at the door to the street, cursing under your breath before taking off in a sprint.

Feet harshly pounding against the concrete of the side walk, feeling your demon slayer mark burn against your skin, hoping the people around you think its a tattoo.

Unable to prevent it, heart pounding the fastest it ever had before. For some reason, unknown to you, your body went into hysteria. Some ominous present surrounding and nullifying your senses.

A demon was near. No doubt in your mind.

Suddenly, everyone in front of you became transparent.

Bodies becoming clear in the layers of the crowd, eyes widening as you loose your footing. Continuing to run as you pushed through the crowd, the final couple people cleared from your sight.

Confirming what you saw.

Stumbling to a stop next to the bench, breath winded from your lungs as you watch the scene before you.

"Poor thing. You must be more careful, those men could have seriously harmed you." A woman, one of shiny red hair, pale complexion, long sharp nails, and glossy grey eyes with her hands on Anikos shoulders.

Dazzling eyes round with care as she comforts the child, something about her touch looking so gentle it brought tears to your eyes.

"Wh-why wou-ld th-ey do tha-t?" The young girls shoulder shakes with sobs as the demon looks upon her with pity and empathy. Cupping her face gently.

"You never know what a mans intentions are no matter who they are." Kisei's eyes trail up to you, giving a warm, genuine smile while she looks upon your fear and confusion.

"This must be your sister . . . " Her eyes squint as she looks at you. "Say . . . what was her name again?"

Your heart pounds harshly against your rib cage as Aniko answers, "Y/n."

"Y/n . . . "

She gets up, handing Aniko off to you with another unfamiliar warm smile. "Be careful with this little one Y/n. The streets are dangerous, especially at nighttime."

"Yes. I know." You breathlessly whisper, tensing up as she takes hold of your hands with both of hers, shaking yours gently with a closed smile.

"It was good meeting you. Farewell!" She waves, walking off into the crowd.

"Y/n? Y/n?" You don't hear Aniko calling out to you, a shaky hand comes up to your ear piece.

"Samurai- Pillar Serpent code #2824 reporting . . . " Trailing off as your curiosity mixes with the emotions in your chest. Biting your tongue.

"False alarm. Stay on high alert."


"Aniko! Head inside." You smiled, watching her run into the front door. Kien shutting it just as you collapse into a patio chair.

"I'm guessing something is wrong?" She sits next to you, your eyes going up to the stars as you think.

"Everything is wrong. I-i let Aniko out of my sight, and I cannot believe I'm saying this, but if it weren't for Kisei, she would be seriously hurt."

Kien's eyes widen, sitting up quickly.

"Kisei as in . . . the demon queen?"

"I don't know . . . well I know that woman was a demon. And she is Kisei, but in that moment . . . "

Your eyes are flooded with the images of her kindness.

"She looked more human."

Kien looks at you with sympathy as she truly feels how confused you are.

"I . . . I just don't understand. Aniko said she had saved her from a couple of large men . . . but why? What was her motive? Why not kill the three of them and be done with it?"


"Excuse me? Sirs?" Two brooding men turning around to meet the sight of the tall yet petite woman. Claws shooting out of her hand behind her back as she smiled at the two.

"It's you. Stupid woman!" One of them swing their fist at Kisei's face, only for her hand to catch it. A firm grasp that made both the men gasp.

"What in the hell would make you believe that harming a defenseless, innocent, vulnerable child is acceptable?"

The mans face contorted in agony as she squeezed his hand, crushing every bone in his arm into little specks of dust.

"AH!! STOP!"

"Where you going to stop harassing that child if I had not intervened? Why do you believe I am under any obligation to stop now?"

Throwing the man to the side while stepping forward to grab the other mans upper arm.

"Whom had the idea to prey upon vulnerable little girls tonight?" As sweet as the demons smile was, her grip became unbearably harsh for the human body.

"Him! It was all him!" Her eyes narrowed, a dangerous red glint appearing in her grey hues.

Kicking the man into the alley ways wall, body creating a dent in the brick before he fell to the floor. Injuries all over his body, Kisei watching as he started to scram. Face contorted in fear while looking up at the demon. Blood soaking through his clothes with his wounds.

"Why do you have the gall to lie to me?"

"Demon! Demon!" The man squirms as the woman inches closer to him. Kisei's pupils small as dots while glaring at the man with disgust.

"You call me a demon? You are the true demon. Maybe so inhumane you could par with my father."

With the swipe of her claws, his body was gone. Only a blood splatter remaining.


Word count; 1095

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