Communications; Guilt

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Warnings: Heartbreak, crying, mentions of death, and comfort.

Communications; Guilt

After the battle neither of you could rest.

"Alright Serpent I should be getting home now." You sensed the lie quickly as it left his mouth as you both concluded your patrol of the city. The battle with lower moon six a scare for you both.

"Hinokami. May we talk?" You asked, staring off into the distance, gazing up at the barely noticeable stars when you see the Big Dipper. He sighs, already aware of what you are going to ask him when he walks back to the middle of the roof. He sits next to you.

"Go ahead." He says, untying his mask, taking it off and placing it down. His breathing soft and faint, but shaky nonetheless as he awaits your voice.

"You've been getting more distant. You were distant before, always being cold and mysterious, but now your getting worse. I saw it happen to, when Kisei mentioned a curse? Reset time? And when I saw your face?" You turned to him, leaning forward as you tried to genuinely be there for him.

"Why? What is happening?" He stared at you with an uneasy glint in his eyes, some internal battle going on that you could not comprehend with the little information you had.

Tears fill his eyes, looking down as if he is shameful in some way gritting his teeth, pulling his glove back only for it to smack his skin. Sighing before responding.

"I have no idea and it terrifies me. It seems like for all of my life times I have been cursed to a painful life. The most gut wrenching factor being that I am always destined to fall in love."

" For every life but this one it's been the same girl. Y/n. Infinitely reincarnated along side me. Falling in love with her is truly beautiful. But every time, every life, I have seen her die right in front of my eyes." He pauses, a grim expression overcoming his face as he gulps down the lump in his throat to continue.

" I thought, I thought that maybe in this life if I was able to distance myself from her I could prevent her fate. If she wasn't connected to me maybe she'd be spared. Spared of a cruel fate."

"That's when I began to fall in love with you.
I think my curse has adapted, targeting everyone I love and hold dear. It's not safe to be close with me Serpent, it just isn't." He looked down with sad and tired eyes, teary eyes looking onto the city lights that reflected into his hues, creating a vibrant array of reds in his eyes.

"I guess that explains alot." You let out a pained chuckle as he looked up with a confused expression, only for you to remove your bandages with one quick movement.

Tears begin to slip from his eyes as they traced over your features again, and again. Minutes passing as he stared with disbelief, hating that you were again dragged into this battle. "Oh my sweet darling." He leaned forward in a rush, hugging you around the shoulders tightly, sobbing into your neck.

"I understand now. Why you broke up with me, why you pushed me away. Why you get so angry over anyone hurting me in the slightest. I understand." He sobbed harder hearing your words, as if he had heard them dozens of times before.

"I am so sorry I can't break this curse. I'm so sorry I fell in love with you. I'm sorry you've been put through this eternal hell all because of me." Tears begin to roll down your face as you hear him blame himself for something out of his control.

"Tanjiro. Love is a shared connection. This is not only your burden and if our love is what kills me every life I will die a thousand times if it means I can continue loving you." He sobs harder hearing your declaration, clinging to you as if you are going to disappear.

"I can't watch you die again, I can't watch Kisei kill anyone else I love. I think I'll just go insane." Your heart continued to break with every word. Feeling truly sick to your stomach as you felt his grief like your very own.

"You won't. You won't watch me die again I promise. This will be the life we end this." He continues to wail, your own body beginning to shake with cries as you whisper sweet nothings to him. Both of you starting to calm down.

"I'm sorry for pushing you awa-" "Stop it. You have no need to be sorry. I understand now why you broke up with me, how hard that must have been for you. I understand that you saw no other way and that this curse, it seems hopeless.
But I'm here now. I'm with you." He nodded into your shoulder as he silently cries.

Fingers running through his thick burgundy locks as you sat in the embrace. "Can I please go home with you? I don't want to be alone tonight." He let out shaky words as he leans back, the look in his eyes killing your heart.

"Of course but, what about your family?" Your oblivious question forced another single tear out of him, looking down solemnly.

"Every time. Every life they have been murdered by Kisei or Kibutsuji." You almost questioned him about how many lives this torture had been going on for, but refrained seeing how torn up he was already.

"Come on. Let's go."

You both got changed in nearby public bathrooms, before meeting back up in front of your apartment. You both walked up the stairs, before unlocking the door.

Opening the door to see your mom, sober.

"Momma, your . . . " You looked at her wide eyed, pulling Tanjiro in the door before closing it.

"Sober? Yeah. It wasn't easy but I'm trying. I haven't been the best mother and I need to step up now. It might take me a bit, but I want you to know I'm trying." Tears came to your eyes but you quickly wiped them away.

"Who is this?" M/n gestured to Tanjiro, who quickly stepped forward and introduced himself.

"Hello ma'am. I'm Kamado Tanjiro. "He bowed out of respect, quickly straightening up afterwards.

"He's a friend. Things aren't going well at home so I thought I could bring him here for the night if that was okay with you?" You began to slide your shoes off, leaving them at the door.

"Of course. If you need anything Tanjiro-San I'm sure my daughter can assist you, I'm going out to see my mom for a little bit so can I trust you both to be alone?" She asked, grabbing her keys.

"Yes." The both of you responded, and after Tanjiro thanked her for her hospitality, you both went to your room.


Word count; 1159

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