Communications; Lies Pt.1

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Warnings: Screaming

Communications; Lies Pt.1

Your mom had requested you go to the convenience store, a few necessities had ran low in the house that needed to be replaced. Shinobu tagged along, the both of you walking the aisle while singing a song you both liked that came on the loud speaker.

She danced obnoxiously in the aisle, a couple people giving her strange looks yet she truly could care less. You hummed the melody while picking up some laundry detergent. Placing it in the basket you had before pushing of the ground and using the cart as a scooter. Shinobu ran to catch up with you, walking backwards ahead of you.

"Why do you think they ended school early this year?" It was true. The school systems had been trying to change to an American like set up with classes switching throughout the day, etcetera. Rather than the usual end in March they cut the year off mid February.

"I don't know Shino. Possibly we're going back to old school teaching ways and they need time to prepare." You shrugged, bending down to pick up some wipes.

"Thank God. I hate switching classes. I enjoyed school better when we had the teachers switching and one homeroom. As long as I'm with you and Genya, and maybe Kamado." The way she referred to Tanjiro made you chuckle as you continued to push the cart.

"I gotta go to the bathroom! Be right back." She ran off to the restroom, leaving you to continue shopping.

A few seconds later the building shook, sending you tumbling to the ground. The power cut off, the room going silent. Looking down at your phone screen to see no service. A couple of screams sounded, the echo of cracking bounced of the walls. You gasped, quickly getting up and running towards the commotion. Grabbing your kunai from under your skirt, when a tall figure appeared in front of you.

You gasped, falling backwards, as some window light fell on the figure. You quickly hid your weapons behind your back. It was Hinokami.

 It was Hinokami

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Miss, you need to come with me." He bent down, offering you a hand. After he picking you up, you tried to look behind him.

"What about those people?" He gave an amused chuckle at your eagerness to check on others well being, completely unaware of your role as his partner.

"Don't worry. I've already taken care of the demon responsible and my comrade Waterfly is tending to the injured's wounds." He grabbed your hand.
"There is more though. It seems as if this demon can split itself into copies so you need to leave."

You nodded, allowing him to grab your hand as you both ran towards a back emergency exit, before running into ButterflyBeast.

"Hinokami! Your here." She exclaimed, looking the both of you up and down.

"Yes. Listen, I've done a search she's the last bystander here. I need you to go look around and find the demons, alright?" ButterflyBeast nodded, quickly running off.

You both continued to creep slowly towards the emergency exit, as if he was trying to get you out before a demon appeared. He peaked around the corner, looking around before waving his hand for you to follow him.

You saw the emergency exit, running towards it when it swung open. A panicked Serpent rushed into the door, looking relieved when she saw Hinokami.

A feeling of confusion washed over you as you watched the fake version of you jog closer, spewing nonsense about how she was worried and didn't think he'd already be here.

"This demon is tough. I've already dealt with one of them out back, but it seems like we're going to need all the help we can get. Have you tried calling anyone?" Her words clicked in your mind as your heart sank. Who ever was in charge of the demons must have seen your video. She's trying to find out who you both work for, and who exactly you affiliated with.

"Yes, Butterf-" "Stop talking." You whispered, still frightened about the complexity of this plan.

"What?" The copy of you looked annoyed.

"What?" Hinokami looked back at you, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"She's a fake. I don't know how but this isn't Serpent." Hinokami looked at you, his nose told him with your intentions that you weren't lying, taking a step back from the copy as he tried to think of a way to confirm your suspicions.

"What are you talking about? Of course I am Serpent. You don't know what your talking about gir-" "Serpent. I'm sure she means no harm, she must be spooked from this situation. But I need you to do something for me. Say my name."

"Surely you trust me-" "Serpent. Please just do this for me. Say my name." You caught on to what he was doing as you knew the correct answer. If you were in this situation you would most definitely say Fox-kun, or Fox-kun your an idiot there's a bystander right there I can't reveal who you are.

"Fine. Hinokami. Are you happy? That was pointless-" The demon gasped as Hinokami decapitated her with one quick slash. Her head fell into her hands, before the demon smirked.

"You are less of an idiot than I thought you'd be. Don't worry, I sense there's three of your comrades in the building. I'll still win this. If not with deception then with turning your teammates against you." You gagged as you watched the demon melt to the ground, dispersing its body throughout the store.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this but it's simply to dangerous for you to be alone right now. Come on!" He picked you up, running as quickly as possible to find all of your teammates. "Thank you for helping me out back there, it have been unfortunate if I fell for the demons lies, even if it were the face of my partner."

He quickly ran to where he left Waterfly, skidding to a quick stop once he saw Waterfly, Medusa, ButterflyBeast, and Bloodmoon all standing with each other. One was a fake.


Word count; 1035

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