Dates; Strawberries and Hope

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Dates; Strawberries and Hope

"Please Uzui. Take him shopping or sporting, or, whatever you guys like to do for the day. Enjoy a sleepover and make a day out of tomorrow. I need him back at five." You stood talking to Uzui, looking around to make sure Tanjiro wasn't listening.

"I'll have to check with . . . my job, but if I can I will." Your eyes lit up with excitement, overjoyed your plan was a success as of now.

"Yes! Thank you!" You hugged him, running off to meet up with Tanjiro.

"Hey darling?" You asked, looping your arms around his as he walked toward the gym.

"Yes love?" He responded with a similar tone to yours.

"How would you feel about sleeping over with Uzui tonight? Enjoying the day with him tomorrow, do guy things. Be friendly friend friends." He laughed at your excitement, your body hopping every time you said friend.

"You seem oddly persistent . . . " He accuses playfully.

"I am not odd!" You fake offense, checking to make sure Uzui isn't around due to his freakish hearing before whispering.

"Besides, wouldn't it be nice to have a night off? I'll still do a small patrol, but I think one night of relaxation wouldn't hurt?" He seemed uneasy, but gave you a nod.

"Momma!" You gasped as Shinobu jumped onto your back, stumbling forward as you let go of Tanjiro, stabilizing before continuing to walk with her latched on your back.

"Why are you like this?" You groan.

"Because I want to sleep. Your back was looking really comfortable." Rolling your eyes, you chuckle.


You walked into the convenience store, ready to buy everything you needed for baking tonight. Grabbing at least a dozen packs of strawberries, a pack of raspberries, a bag of apples, cookie cutters and more.

Something you had learnt about Tanjiro, is he loves strawberries. He usually favors savory food, but always had a soft spot for the sweetness of a strawberry.

Walking home with your bags of groceries, happy and content when your phone began to ring. Answering the call, placing your phone sandwiched between your ear and shoulder.

"Hello?" You opened your apartment, mom already gone for her night shift at work as you walked in.

"Hi Y/n. Do you happen to be available to babysit Aniko tonight?" You placed down your groceries, walking back to the door to close it.

"Ah . . . sure. Do you mind her staying at my apartment with me though? I'm baking some sweets tonight, I'd be delighted if she wants to help." You responded, picking up the phone and holding it as you put out the butter.

"I'm sure she would love to. And I trust your capabilities to keep her safe. Could you text me the address and I'll have her over there six ish?"

"Yes. Six works."

You say goodbyes before hanging up and texting her the address. Getting everything ready and into place, when you hear a knock on the door.

"Y/n!!" She jumps on you, hugging your waist.

"Oh my! You've had a growth spurt since the last time I've seen you." You place a hand on her head, waving to Kien.

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