Perspective; Answers

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Warnings: Profanity, discussion of death and motherly love.

Perspective; Answers

". . . if you saw that you need to tell-"

You wake up to the soundingly mushy voice of Medusa. Beast smacking his arm as you opened your eyes.

He was sat on Beast's bedside, now the both of them looking at you.

"How long have a been asleep?" You groan, sitting up while holding your throbbing head. Feeling sick and hot as the world came into view, breathing deeply.

"A few hours." Medusa responds, placing a hand on Beasts.

"Give me a run down of the fight Beast." You ask, trying not to think of Tanjiro as you focused on your duties.

"The lower moon one demon appeared, super freaky chick. After awhile of toying around, she used a blood demon art. Something similar to the other guy's one, except instead of splitting its body into clones it used our bodies and had us fight each other. Making illusions."

"I believe my breathing style putting me into my subconscious was the only way I figured out it was a spell. It ineffective once I was under. You may not of noticed, but you were about to be killed."

"Something in me snapped. As if my body exceeded its limits, well, more than that. Like one hundred times my usual power as fended off attacks from both Medusa and a lower moon."

"I don't know how, but I sensed her blood demon art was coming from her heart. And her weak spot rather than her neck was her face. I defeated her."

"She also had this butterfly mark on her forehead. Something like demonic patterns . . . "

Medusa looks at Beast as if she is leaving out a detail, disappointed.

"I am proud of your progress." You say, swallowing a lump in your throat as a bittersweet pain shoots throughout your body. Tears welling up in your eyes, knowing what this means.

"Beast-" "Serpent! You're awake. Could you come with me for a moment?" Kocho interrupted, unknowingly. You smiled.

"I don't have any strength in my body. I think being thrown that hard into the ground might have given me a handicap from work for the next next couple weeks."

You sighed, admitting you needed rest shocking everyone around you, Beast snickering.

"Wow. Your admitting you can't demon hunt? Even after severely hurt?" Beast laughs as Kocho helps you into a wheelchair.

"Now now ButterflyBeast. Serpent is deeply exhausted and would appreciate some slack. Considering she did have to fend the attacks of a top ten turned demon. Let's not tease."

Her words have Beast sinking down as she wheels you out the room and down the hall to where Hinokami is being treated.

Stopping you in front of his bed. Grabbing a tablet from a nearby table.

"This is pictures of his blood cells from when we first found you both, next to a couple of hours ago." She shows you the tablet, delicate finger tracing the red circles.

"The only difference is the healing and strengthening of his blood cells as he rests." She gives you a smile before placing the tablet down.

Letting out a sigh.

"That cure was not supposed to work. It is impossible and if I hadn't felt his heartbeat, I wouldn't believe it. But he is a human."

Kocho's brows furrowed as he sweet smile fades while she ponders. "Who developed this cure with you Y/n-san?"

𝙈𝙔 𝙎𝘼𝙈𝙐𝙍𝘼𝙄 | 𝙆. 𝙏𝘼𝙉𝙅𝙄𝙍𝙊 | 𝙎 𝙄𝙄Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя