One Thought; Demon

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Warnings: Mentions of death, Profanity, and panic.

One Thought; Demon

"You know," Kisei sighs, pacing in front of the new demon. The boy struggling against his restraint while growling, a truly feral display as his new demonic powers surge through his system.

"I could have killed the both of you when we met that skank butterfly woman. Yet I made myself look weak in both that battle, and every one we've ever had."

"I am much more powerful then Muzan. I am a being unlike anything you have ever seen. I could have been done with the both of you all the way back at that Butterfly mansion."

"But what's the fun in that? There is two ways this goes. You die at the hand of your love. And while your body burns into flakes of ash I rip her apart before your very eyes."

"Or," She smirks at the growling boy, his soul trapped inside his body. "You end up overpowering her. Murdering her all while you helplessly watch from behind these shiny handsome eyes of yours."

Kisei snapped her fingers, a demon appearing behind her at will. "Yes lord Kisei."

"I want you to accompany this demon, supervise his fight with the teal and E/c eyed girl, and make sure no one intervenes. Do not fail me, lower moon one."


Hopping from building to building, running closer to your destination as you jump up into the air. Eyes catching on the shiny red glint of an all to familiar sword.

Tanjiros sword.

Falling down to the floor with a graceful landing, walking up to the weapon before kneeling down. Taking his sword into hand, the sheath that was discarded onto the roof in the other.

Why would he leave his sword
and sheath separate?

You glance over each detail of the sheath, eyes trailing up and down when the catch on a few punctures on its top.

Demon claws.
That's the only thing that
Could have caused this.

So they pulled his sheath off of him to make sure all weapons were gone?

I can't go off of that though. These are all assumptions damn it.

You get up, putting the newly sheathed sword into your utility belt. Continuing to run, not caring of your recklessness as you are unused to the uneven weight distribution.

Not caring how dangerous your movements were even on the edge of building. Only his name on your mind. The desire to find him burning throughout your entire being while pumping your legs faster.

Stopping yourself from activating your demon slayer mark just barely, staying on its edge. Jumping down into an alley, purposefully missing the next roof to dig your kunai into the brick wall, slowing your fall while sliding down the side of the building.

Feet hitting the ground, walking deeper into the alley while looking around. Walking farther and farther into the darkness, a couple meters farther, then seeing a sheet of paper on the floor.

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