Needs and Wants; Morals

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Warnings: Profanity, violence, crying, and comfort

•= Medusa POV =•

Instinctual breathing • Blind

Stupid as of an idea as it was we decided to spar with our actual swords. This would help Beast learn to better control exiting Instinctual breathing when she sensed I was in danger, also a good exercise for her staying aware, but it was a good exercise for my speed and control as I had an actual threat coming at me.

Sound breathing • Roar

Beasts lifeless eyes glared up at me as her dual blades aimed for my torso. I quickly jumped up into the air, bringing my nichirin cleavers above my head then down on her blades, gasping as her body withstood the massive sound clap and force of my blow, not even her arms buckling as her mind changed directions.

Her body twisted around, blades almost slicing off my feet. Bending backwards mid air I back flip and swing one of my blades at hers. Landing with a strong stances, swinging my blades at a fast harsh pace to parry her attacks that are not letting up.

I grip the handles of both my blades tightly, leaping back to create distance that she quickly closes, bringing my blades together to 'slice' of her head, her blades clashing against mine as she switches techniques to defensive.

Instinctual breathing • Protect

I gasp, knowing it takes at least six seconds of cool down for her to switch technique, yet she easily did so while still in her subconscious.

"Beast!" Her eyes gain their glint again, gaining control over her mind again as she collapses.

An expected reaction from her body. That's why I pulled her out, knowing that she was putting unnecessary and fatal strain on her body.

Beast curls up in a ball of pain, hyperventilating as she tries to take control of her spasming muscles.

"Your angry." I throw my blades down next to where she dropped hers, plopping down in a criss cross form next to her, waiting as her breathing slows.

"Yes, I am. This stupid world is cruel and unfair. And I have to be the one to say, 'No, I don't want my happiness.' and live on as if everything is okay. All because of stupid morals, that I don't even believe in!" She rolls over onto her back, looking up at the ceiling with an exasperated expression on her face.

"You can't live with other peoples morals. It will tear you apart Beast trust me, I have tried. It only hurts others around you." I join her laying down on the mat like floor, sighing as I shake my head.

"You need to find morals you can follow and not hate yourself for." Her head turned, green eyes piercing my maroon ones. I could tell she was smiling under her mask, the wrinkles under her eyes genuinely twitching yet a look of insecurity crossed her face.

"If I followed my morals Serpent would kill me." We both laughed, sharing a silly fear of our mentor.

"Who gives a damn what Serpent thinks?" Her eyes brows raise in amusement, before I quickly let out a breath. "Don't tell her I said that."

That seems to brighten her mood as we both crack into laughter.

Needs and Wants; Morals

•= Your POV =•

After explaining the situation with Aniko, Yushiro sighed, placing his notes down on his desk.

"The young and elderly seem to be overly perceptive." He turned to you both, looking over you both with a look of annoyance.

"You must be careful, my demon art cannot conceal your identities entirely. Even if this Kisei being knows of Kamado's identity she is not the only person we need to worry about. Heaven forbid the prime minister gained knowledge of your identities."

Yushiro tossed the new weapons into your hands. "These are daggers. The blades are longer compared to your kunai. Some demons necks can be cut by this length, but don't count on it. I found Lady Tamayo's notes about the anatomy of Kocho's sword, I used its mechanics to make your poison more effective and unnoticeable."

"You mentioned that in your battle with lower six you were unable to cut through the flesh of the demon in an effective matter, unable to deflect attacks. With this, you can slide this small lever up, barely noticeable."

"You must apply pressure to activate it, but after you flip it, the blades will extend into Kris sword. Shorter than the average katana yes, but the way I had it forged makes it similar to your grandfathers. Supporting your technique for all your needs."

You nodded, flipping the lever and gasping when the metal shot out, A few seconds later bleeding into a (Color of your choice) color.

"Yushiro-san? Have you come any closer to a demon cure?" He sighed, turning around in his desk chair.

"I've definitely created a simple remedy, not nearly enough to revert advanced demons, yet strong enough to nullify urges and demonic abilities such as healing. Nothing worth giving you right now."

"Lady Tamayo was much more talented than I." You smiled, slipping your weapons into your cross body bag before getting up.

"I'm grateful to have you Yushiro-san. You are a tremendous help. I'll see you soon." You pat his shoulder, before walking out his apartment, hand in hand with Tanjiro.

"I wish he was more self confident-" You gasped as a harsh shove came to your shoulders, hand slipping from your boyfriend as a police officer pinned you against the concrete wall of Yushiro's apartment building.

"Um . . . hello sir. May I help you?" You nervously asked, startled by the harshness of how he was handling you.

"Officer Jin to Lei. We've found the girl."

•= Aoi POV =•

"I am home." I softly yelled, noticing the kitchen light on as I placed my purse at the front door, hands gripping my 'gym' bag. Tears pooling in my eyes while I held back my emotions.

"Welcome home Aoi." Sabito yelled from the kitchen, the aroma of herbs and spices filling the house as he cooked.

"Your dad is out at a business meeting, some gym teacher thing." He lied. I know my dad is a Samurai, he's most likely out saving people.

"Okay." Sabito flips of the stove, walking out to greet me when his at peace expression breaks into concern.

Walking over to an arm chair before sitting down.

"What's wrong?" My emotions seem to pour out as I jump into my step fathers arms, crying and wailing with heartbreak.

"I kissed a girl . . . she didn't like it."

He nodded with understanding, wrapping an arm around my small body, thumb rubbing circles on my arm while he listened to me cry.


Word count; 1125

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