Chapter 20

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Writer's Pov.

Grimmauld place.

A month later. 

It's been a month since Draco and Harry found out that Draco was three months pregnant. This month flew in a jiffy with them adjusting to all the changes in their life.

Draco was now habitual with 6 meals and those gut-wrenching potions, that's what Draco had named those potions. They upset his stomach and a lot of times he vomited his entire meal due to those potions which Harry had cleaned with a flick of his wand.

Harry was now habitual with all the mood swings of Draco. There were days when he was happy and bickering whereas there were days when he was sad and felt low. Harry made sure that he was emotionally available to him all the time.

They have become habitual with staying with each other. During their second night together, Harry lay on the couch however Draco called him and allowed him to sleep on the bed. Ever since then, they slept together on the same bed and also enjoyed cuddling every night. They had a few issues concerning their bathing time but now they have their timetables set in a way that does not disturb the other.

Ron and Hermione visited for dinners a lot of times, in the past month, where they tried to get Draco comfortable with them. It was not working in the start however it eventually started to work especially with Ron. He found out one day that Draco was good in chess and he had tears in his eyes as he finally found someone who could challenge him in chess. Draco wasn't ready to play with Ron however he was persuaded by Harry and he agreed to one game with Harry beside him. Eventually, he started to enjoy their games and small talk with Ron and soon he was comfortable around Ron even without Harry which was their biggest win.

Draco even apologized to Ron for their past to which Ron just asked him to forget it as now they were friends. Whenever Draco had any kind of argument with Harry, he talked with Ron and Ron was always there to hear his complaints against Harry. Ron, who finally got a person with whom he can talk shit about Harry and Hermione, loves Draco's company.

Harry and Hermione didn't take it well when they got to know that Ron sometimes backbitch about them to Draco. They complained to which Ron just laughed, hugged them, and said 'I love you two a lot' and Harry and Hermione rolled their eyes at this.

Draco and Hermione's relationship was still formal. Draco was not able to open up with her, maybe he thought she was a powerful witch so he was not opening up to her a lot or because their past was worse. She tried a lot but he was uncomfortable being alone with her. Still, there was progress which Harry was thankful for.

Draco and Harry's relationship was also making decent progress. They were getting comfortable and liked sharing their life. Harry was always very upfront about his love for Draco. He made sure that he showed his love to Draco either by actions or by words. Draco was very pleased by the way he was loved by him. He felt Harry's emotions very pure and even his feelings were getting more intense with each passing day. There was no intimacy except a hug or a peck on the lips which were always initiated by Draco and recently the number of them had increased. Harry had taken notice but he didn't say it out loud. He was happy with whatever he was getting.

At present.

Draco was looking at himself in the mirror and his attention was towards his stomach. Ever since he got the news of pregnancy, he noticed that his lower stomach had a small bulge to it but it wasn't too much a month back. However, in the last few days, he has noticed a big change in the way his stomach looked and he wasn't very happy with it. He was always a lean person so he had never seen himself with a fat stomach and he didn't like the way his stomach was bulging out.

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