4 months later events!

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Hello readers!!! The reason for the late update is because the chapter never reached 350 reads!!! :/ what happened?

But being the nice person I am, I update anyway...

Time date- somewhere in October

Baby is about 7 months

Tour will be over in 2 1/2 months



"Eleanor you're going to be late!" I yelled

I looked over to Serenity in her high chair "your mommy is goin to be late... She's gonna be late" i smiled and tickled her belly.

"What time is it?" She yelled from the bedroom.

"It's 11:00 exactly, Louis flight just landed get youre ass out the door!" I shouted

"Sorry for the bad language Serry" I kissed her puffy cheeks.

"Oh my goodness" Eleanor stomped into the kitchen.

"How do I look?" She made a pose

"Super sexy, Now, I told Liv not to come because will be staying with Serenity today. Now go pick up your man!" I pushed her playfully

Eleanor stumbled a bit as i pushed her

"Come on I almost fell" she complained

"Oh right, sorry don't wanna break the Prada heels like you did last photoshoot" I laughed

"Shut up!" She yelled at me.

She kissed Serry and poked her cheeks "love you baby" then she glared at me "and don't bring that up again..." She grabbed her keys and head out

I hear the door close and I reached for the spoon.

"Your Daddy is coming Serry!" I acted super excited. Well I was excited, I'm always excited to see one of the boys, since I don't see Harry at all. We briefly Skype when he has a chance because right now tout is in full blow!

"Dada?" She muttered

"Woah!" Am I hearing things? "Did- did you just talk?" I was shocked... 7 months olds on average just babble and might say mama.

I pull out my phone to videotape this for Louis and Eleanor.

"Serry say it again... Dada? Dada? Is that what you said" I sweet talked

"Dada dada" she giggle

I turned the camera towards my face "and those are her first legitimate words parents..."

"Wow Serry you talk!! " I pulled her out of her high chair and balanced her on my hip. She was a chubby baby.

"So lets pick some baby food" I walked over to the cabinet to pull some out.

Serenity had pretty eyes. She looked at me and smiled. She put her hands together and gurgled.

I pulled out squash baby food and apple.

"Which one sweety?" I asked the 7 month old.

She clapped her hands, and grabbed the squash. As if she understood anything but I wanted her input :)

I sat her back in her carseat and out her bib on. She took her first spoon in and then my phone rang. It was Ela.

"Yeah?" In answered the phone.

"I uh, I'm expecting a package, if the door bell rings just open the door" Eleanor told me.

I put another spoon in Serry's mouth.

Started out with a Smile ~Harry Styles love story~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin