Separation Anxiety

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After that meeting with management, I only had a week to spend time with Harry before he went back to One Direction work and i begin Modeling.

We were inseprable this past week. We spent every waking moment together. And sleeping moment, and you're probably jumping to conclusions, NO like i said we are waiting till we get married to have sex. As much as it pains the both of us it's what were going to do.

Eleanor on the other hand has a different idea, hence the fact that she's pregnant. They flew out to her parents house the following day after the meeting and told them. She said at first they were mad, but they saw that Louis is a reponsible guy and isn't planning on leaving her because she's pregnant they said it was okay. She knew they were disapointed and wern't planning on becoming grandparents that early, but oh well. Now, Louis parents on the other hand were furious!

he said he thought his mother was going to blow his brains out for impregnating a girl. All his sisters were happy though. His father seemed to cool down though. Lou said his dad is hoping that it's going to be a boy. haha seeing that he has alot of daughters.

but the fact of the matter is Eleanors and Louis parents both know and the weight of telling them has been lifted off their shoulders.

back to my life now.

I called my mom! telling her that i was getting married. She said she heard about the rumors and both of my parents are really happy for me. They were also curious about the 'Harry Styles missing' incident. I just told them it was a rumor. now need in going back to old stories now huh? focus on the future as i like to say!

Now that Saturday eveing has rolled around i only have tonight with HArry before me and Eleanor fly out to florida to the amazing agency with Heath the owner/photographer.

i decided that i really should pack for the next 6 months. Yeah 6 months!! how the hell am i supposed to be away from Harry for that long? But me and Eleanor will be back in England in 4 weeks to see if its a boy or a girl. we're all exited. Other than that the next time i'll be coming back is for the birth of Eleanor's child, here in england. I dont know where the modeling agency is going to take me after that, because i know Eleanor is going to be with her baby for a while.

"This really is upsetting babe!" harry pouts as her enters the room seeing that i am already packing.

i let go of what ever i was doing and walked towards his wrapping my arms around his neck. "i know love but, I wouldnt be able to be with you anyway" i pecked him on the lips.

"yes thats true but, theres the beautiful fact of knowing that youre not so far that will calm both of us... but you're right, you need to do something with yur life as well" he says kissing my forehead. He's so understanding.

"besides babe, i'll be back in 4 weeks with Eleanor, and we will know if she's having a boy or a girl!" i clapped my hands.

"its exiting but, remember when we were at the doctors with her last time?" he asked

i nodded my head.

"she was looking at the screen so intently, the doctor i mean, we asked if theres one or two babies in there and she didn't sound so sure, she stared at the screen and muttered something and said 'ye just one' what if theyre having twins and dont know it!?" he shouted

i laguhed at his accusation. Hes so cute when he cares about something.

"Harry boo, you're over reacting, but if anything we'll find out in 4 weeks." 

he chuckled "Harry boo? you never call me that"

yeah i never do. what ever.

"im gonna go get my laptop okay maybe well do a twit cam?" he asked

Started out with a Smile ~Harry Styles love story~Where stories live. Discover now