7 hours since elanor's and Lou's attempt to fix things

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you- elanor?


you- you know, i miss my conversations with harry… though he told a secret…

elanor- you know what ____, he didnt actually say the secret. to be honest its not,,,that,,, big

you- Ela! he told them i can sing!!

elanor- but they dont know the embarrasing part. poor harry is walking around not sure why your SO mad.

you- what?!

elanor- its been _____ years, get over the past and move on. shoot, go ahead and actually sing. 

you- hah, not happening..

elanor- well im going out with louis tonight. like in 2 minutes. bye! and ____, fix things please

you-i want his to do it first, bye ela!

she left and im just laying on the couch. deep in thought..,. so deep i just fall asleep…

what seems like a minte later, there’s a knock. And then another knock, and another… 

You-coming coming, hold up! 

I open the door and to my surprise it’s Harry. 

Harry- may I come in? 

You- you’re talking to me now? 

Harry- only if you will talk to me… 

He looked like he had stuff on his mind. And shoot I missed our conversations. Maybe elanor is right, maybe the fight is over something stupid. Heck, Its crazy that I even know these guys. Not that I wa ever an ecstatic fan, but still, they're world known. 

You- come on in. 

He steps inside and sits on the couch. I sit by him one seat over. 

Harry- nice place! (he said smiling) 

I didn’t budge, I was still mad… 

Harry- look _______, I – I-…. I’m sorry. I really am. 

You- why did you do it? Why? 

Harry- as cheesy as it may sound its genuinely from the heart. 

You- okay 

Harry- when you began to sing… It’s was like “whoosh” ( he said waving his arms around) it was something like a new puppy. I wanted to share it with the world! 

You- deffinatly cheesy Harry. (I smiled) a puppy? 

Harry- a cute, cuddly, fuzzy adorable puppy! 

You- truth be told, I was holding on to something I needed to let go of ages ago. Like flipping the paper to a new chapter, you know?

Harry- yes I know… 

You- So I just… I’m sorry for over reacting.

Harry- first tell me, do you forgive me? 

You- yes Harry. I accept your genuinely cheesy from the heart apology! 

(we hugged, wow since I’ve met Harry, I’ve never hugged him.) 

Harry- now that we’re cool….

You- whaaaaaatt….?

Harry- up for some karoke?!

You- okay!!! -— NOT! 

Harry- fiiiine.

(you know, I didn’t think I’d forgive Harry that easily… There’s something special bout this guy…) hmmm

Started out with a Smile ~Harry Styles love story~Where stories live. Discover now