Hows it been?!

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Still December.... Almost new year!


Harry's POV


me and Gemma were going out to get a ring today. It's perfect because mum and ______ are going out to lunch together.

"You ready?" Gemma asked popping her head in the kitchen.

I took a sip of my tea and nodded "yeah, are they gone?" I asked

"Yeah, come on let's go" she motioned with her head towards the door.

Me and _____ have been here a week already and she has really bonded with my mom and dad. her and Gemma have hit it off from the very begining from the first time they met.

"Okay here it is" Gemma parked the car.

I come out of the car looking over to Gemma who tightened her jacket towards her.

"God I swear I had a dream that me and you went shopping for an engagement ring. This is like déjà vu" She laughed

"Really? Haha wow." I opened the door for Gemma and she curtsied. I just shoved her in the door playfully.

"Black diamonds right?" She asked approaching a worker.

"Well either that or black platinum with diamonds or something" I said looking at the glass cases

"Gosh she's picky" Gemma picked

"No! She didn't want me to go get another ring, Eleanor told me" I told her deffencivly.

"Sir" Gemma waves over a suited man.

"May I help you?" He smiled at us.

"I'm looking for a black diamond ring for my fiancee" I smiled

He looked over to Gemma and said "lovely choice dear"

She just snorted "trust me, not for me, I'm his sister" she nudged me.

"Yeah she's not into black, anyway can you show me some?" I asked

He nodded and walked us over to a small case

"Not too many black diamonds huh?" I asked looking carefully at them.

"They're not the top choice at the moment" he said poshly

"May I see this one?" I pointed "3rd on the left on the 2nd row"

The man unlocked the case and pulled it out.

"Does this price include the wedding band?" I ask holding the ring and looking at it closely.

"Yes sir it does"

I wasn't feeling this ring, I felt as if she wouldn't like it because it would be too showy.

"Here sir" I handed him the ring "may I see the all black one next to it?" In asked pointing.

"No Harry not all black please" Gemma pleaded

I held the ring and analyzed "why not, it looks hot" I said

"You need some white in it for some symbol of some purity you guys have left" Gemma had a point

I handed the ring back..

"Oh I actually like that one" Gemma approvingly pointed

"I thought you hated the idea of black on a wedding ring?" I reminded her

She put her hand on her hip and explained "well Im jut saying i believe an engagement ring should be pure. a diamond " She gazed over to another ring. I followed her eyes.

Started out with a Smile ~Harry Styles love story~Where stories live. Discover now