America... I miss him

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The flight was long and weary!! Serenity was EXTREMELY cranky!

Eleanor was beyond exhausted and I've had the worst headache of my life!

So the flight was terrible!

But upon arrival I downed some Advil and gave some to Eleanor who was starting to develop a headache herself.

"Is your sister gonna meet us?" Eleanor asked.

"Yeah, and her husband" I said keeping and eye out for them.

We all together had 7 huge suitcases.

I went a head and tugged them out myself seeing eleanor was occupied with Serenity. We finally got them all and were waiting on the stroller to come around.

Serenity finally fell asleep and I'm sure Eleanor's skinny arms were about to fall off.

"Gosh where is that damn strol- oh there it is, get it _____!" Eleanor exclaimed.

I grabbed the thing and unfolded it. Eleanor gladly layed her child into the stroller.

We waited for about 10 minutes, no more, and there, walking towards us was my sisters family.

"Oh look there's Abby!" I smiled pointing to their direction.

Eleanor had a look of relief on her face. she look at me "this means I'm just this much closer to pass out on a bed!"

I chuckled.

"Yay your back sissy!" Abby gave me a big hug.

"You look like crap" Kevin said

"Awe thanks Kev! Love you too!" I hugged him. "You guys remember Eleanor! And that's her baby Serry" I pointed

"Of course we remember her, just with out a baby though" Kevin laughed

"Eleanor she's so beautiful!!" Abby exclaimed looking at Elas daughter. "Bella come look at the baby!" Abby picked up her daughter to look at Serry.

"What's her full name?" Kevin asked

"It's Serenity Calder Tomlinson" she gushed

"Serenity, such a cute name" Abby complimented

"Thank you, Lou really liked it, he basically named her"

"Now lets please make our way to moms place so me and Ela can pass out so we can relieve our headaches!" I exclaimed.

"Good idea" Abby laughed.

Upon arrival at the house we made a stop for Eleanor and bought some baby wipes. we ran out on the plane. but finally we got to the place.

"Where's mom?" I asked

"She went to renew her license. She said she's be back by 4" Abby filled me in.

"Okay well the extra key is under the rug right?" I asked

"As usual" Kevin smiled

I quickly grabbed one of mine and one of Eleanor's bags as Eleanor took serenity.

I unlocked the house and showed Eleanor to her room with the crib.

"Awe your mom already set up the crib" Eleanor loved it.

"Yep.." I nodded "I'll go help Kevin get the rest of the stuff"

I ran down stairs to the car.

"Here ill take that bag..." I took it and we all wheeled it in the house.

"You need me to help you carry it upstairs?" Kevin offered

Started out with a Smile ~Harry Styles love story~Where stories live. Discover now