Interview and stuff

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Harry's POV

Me and the band are already in Australia. And I'm talking to ______ right now. It basically midnight of the next day here. A whooping 16 hour difference.

"How nervous are you?" I asked about her upcoming interview.

"Oh gosh... Kinda nervous. But mostly just facing management." She sounded so cute.

"Well I just can't wait to see more of you..." I smirked.

"I hate long distances!" She whined...

"Me too... But it will all be over soon. Our promo will be over in no time and well have Christmas together"

I heard some shuffling on the other end of the phone.

"Ugh stupid shirt! Uh yes Christmas. Together... Yeah. Your parents then my parents."

I laughed out loud at her distraction. "You want me to call back?" I asked

"NO!" She answered quickly

"Haha okay"

I was sharing a room with Liam tonight. Poor lad had a massive headache! I really had to keep my voice down.

"Harry I was thinking about the whole engagement thing" she began to say.

"Yeah?" I asked

"When do you wanna tell the world? I've been seeing so many suspecting articles and i don't wanna have you keep denying it you know?"

I smiled widely to myself. I've wanted to tell the world from the very beginning. "When ever your ready. We can tell people"

"Because Louis and Eleanor's expectancy is coming out there. There's a whole bunch of photos of them at a store"

Yeah I remember Louis explained "yeah. We don't really control what the interviewers ask here but Paul has been requesting that they don't say anything because Lou and Ela aren't ready to go out there? I don't know"

I could hear her sigh at the other end "out there? The pictures are plastered everywhere. Eleanor is freaking out about how she thought she was ready to tell the world and now she's not"

I continued the conversation with my love for a whole other hour.

"Harry I have to go baby. I'm going to take Ela to the airport."

"Okay love, when are you flying out?"

She said "uhm, in about 2-3 hours not sure I need to check. But I have to run.. Kisses love"

She hung up before I did.

Gosh I missed her! It would be so great if she always be here!

"Mate you really should get to bed were up by 5 in the morning for radio how interviews" Zayn softly spoke.

"Sorry did I wake you?" I asked

He jus shook his head and layed back down in his bed.

I stayed sitting at the table. My mind couldn't shut off. It was thinking about EVERYHING... From the way my fingers looked to Louis becoming a father to a precious little girl. I wonder what they're gonna name it...

I walked over to the next room across the balcony to see if Lou was sleeping. I quietly opened the door. It was pitch black dark but my eyes immediately shifted over to the little bit of light that was coming from a phone. Louis phone.

"Lou?" I whispered

He shut his phone off and I heard the sheets rustle as he got out of the bed.

Started out with a Smile ~Harry Styles love story~Where stories live. Discover now