and were off to AUSTRALIA! <3

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hey readers... (though i dont have that many) but to those who do read my stories, sorry if the last chapter was offencive, its just, through my tumblr, there were requests for them to... you know "get it on" like Eleanor said haha,

anyway, any any any any ideas for the story, please comment below!


as i get out of the shower, i wrap myself tightly with a towel and sprint to my room.

awesome! i didnt get noticed! i enter the room and harry is in the middle of pulling his jeans on. "Hey, do you know what is going on today?" i ask him. His hair is still wet and stuck to his forehead. He looks up at me, he kinda just.... smiles at me, or maybe it was a smirk."why are you smiling at me?" i ask him.

he walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "im just ....." he sighs "im- i feel happy, i feel closer to you." he walks over to the bed and sits down. i follow him and sit next to him, taking his hand in mine "you know, when we first began dating i felt like i was going to make some kind of massive mistake and ruin our relationship, sometimes i even felt like you'd leave me for some other guy, but i try to treat you the best i can and, i just really love you and care about you that if you ever left i- i- i dont know what would hapen to me."

I felt tears come to my eyes, this was going to be a moment i'd never forget. I felt his squeeze my hand tighter.

I let out big sigh. "no one has ever really, said something like this to me, so touching, i have to admit that i didnt want to date you at first because i thought since you're so famous you'd leave me for any other girl, but this is just a legitamate confirmation that you wont. I love you Harry, and i feel closer to you too."

he smiles i lean my forhead on his. he kisses my nose. "you need to get dressed love"

oh yeah! im still in my towel, oops. i get up grab some clothes and change into this- - (or external link)

I do my hair, apply minimal make up, and leave the bathroom into the room. Harry isnt in the room. Hmm, well i grab my toms and go to eleanors room. shes not in there. then i hear loud arguing. Sounds like all the boys are here, and Paul? i go into the lounge, and there they are.

"meeting with managment? as soon as we land???" zayn complained.... "how long is this meeting going to last, you know they dont let us eat during the meeting..." niall whined

"guys! its okay.... oh hey _______, " Liam says

"theres my love" harry says coming towards me with his arms out stretched. I take his hug. "your beautiful" he whispered in my ear.

"thanks, is everything okay guys? " i asked all the boys. "managment is calling a meeting in melbourne." zayn tells me.

"guys its a 24 hour flight, relax! you'll be fully relaxed and before you know it you'll be out of that meeting!" i tell all of them assuringly.

"______ is right guys, come on lets go!" eleanor tells us. "_______ wheres you luggage?" paul higgins asks me. I point to my room..

"so you guys ready to go?" liam asks. we all nod and begin to head out.

"harry could you grab my purse please?" i yell across the room. Next thing i see is harry behind me handing me my purse. "thanks curly" i tell him with a smirk.

we all reach the van, we climb in EXCITED!... i sit down next to someone who was alreaady in the car.... Oh itwas Danielle.

"hey girl!!" i give her a big hug "hi ______, how are you? you ready for Australia??" i nod "oh yeah, here ill make room for liam.

Started out with a Smile ~Harry Styles love story~Where stories live. Discover now