happy, painful, and a spark?

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It’s the day after Harry apologized. 

I told no one that me and Harry are cool now.

One direction just came out of an interview.

Me and elanor were there as well. Waiting for them. 

You were wearing-  http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=47596258 

1D- http://www.popartuk.com/g/l/lgPP32651.jpg

Liam- that was pretty funny…

elanor- what? 

Zayn- they asked Niall and Harry about what they look for in a girl…

Liam- Harry said “I want a girl with a pretty face”

elanor- and that’s funny coz….?

Louis- I said well obviously. I don’t think you want a toad girlfriend, right Harry?

(I walk up to them) 

Niall- hello _____! 

You- hey guys! 

Harry- hello ______!! :)

Louis- immmm are we missing something? 

Liam- last I checked (pretending to check his watch on his wrist) you both hated each other. 

you- why are you looking at youre wrist you dont even have a watch, well, Harry came over last night and-

harry- and i apologized. she forgave me. (giving me a high five)

we all just go take a walk down the block.

Niall- guys josi is coming soon… in a few hours actually. lets head back…

we all did. went back to the apartments.

josi arrived after 8… we were all at the boys place.

Josi- Niall! great to see you. 

Liam,Zayn, Louis, you, elanor, harry- hello, hey, hi, Josi!

we all just sit around have a good time when… BZZ BZZ my phone starts to vibrate.

it was a text from Harry

Text Message:

Harry- lets get out of here.

you- why?

harry- i dont know just coz

you- i dont know, wouldn’t it be kind of rude.

harry- follow me out, 2 minutes after i leave.

you- no


you- fine


Harry get up and sneaks out. I wonder what this is all about. 

i get up and leave as well. I meet him at the stairs.

Harry- come on the weather is great out today, lets go take a nice walk. 

you- it dark...i guess eh, why not…

I get out of the apartment and head to the left. Theres less people because of a construction site.

You- so what do you want to talk about?

harry- i just had a flash back, when i fist saw you… and elanor.

you- hah, im guessing i wasnt the happy, smiley one was i?

harry- nope.

we keep walking in silence when i didnt notice a hole in the gound and almost fell in.

You- woah!!

harry- carefull ______! we dont need you breaking a leg.

you- why did we head out this way anyways?

harry- because theres less people.

you- well still- (and at that moment i fell into a knee deep hole)

Harry- Oh my god, _____ are you okay?!

you- i cant get up!

harry- give me your hand!

i gave him my hand, he began pulling me out. through the pain, i liked the way harry’s hand felt in mine. Wait im in pain what is going with me… wow

Harry- i got you, i got you

you- i dont know if i can walk.

harry- theres a bench right there ill carry you there.

you- are you sure.

harry picked me up. my arm was around his neck. i could feel his hair. So soft. wow again, this is Harry no need for these feelings. 


did she just touch my hair? Like feel it. Okaaaayyy.

Harry- here you are. Where does it hurt?

You- my ankle I think I sprained it, hard. Ouch!

Harry- want To go to the hospital?

You- no way! Hey, am I heavy?

Harry- to carry no not really why? 

You- can you carry me home? 

Harry- are you going to feel my hair again?

You- what?!?

Harry- I so felt you feeling my hair

You- I was trying not to make it obvious.

Harry- its ok, so off home we go?

You- yes.

I picked her up, as I began to walk her eyes met mine. And she smiled!

Seems like its all starting with a smile

Started out with a Smile ~Harry Styles love story~Where stories live. Discover now