Chapter 94 The Unwelcome Fairy

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Chapter 94 The Unwelcome Fairy

I block and parried the incoming attack of sir Terrence, then I backed away and brought my own sword down. Now, Terrence was the one blocking my attack. Kellar charged at him and swung his foot to attempt to trip him.

Unfortunately, Terrence jumped and moved away that Kellar tripped me instead. I fell down and came crashing into him.

"Ow..." I groaned as I got up.

"Princess, I am sorry!" Kellar began to apologize. And once he does, it is a never-ending cycling.

"It's fine. Get up." I told him as I pulled him to his feet. "You know, maybe we should have planned this ahead and worked together to take him down." I said while pointing at Terrence.

Today was a two-on-one practice with the vampire knight. The both of us will have to work together to take him down. But inside of planning, Kellar and I just went ahead and attacked him blindly.

"It's a good idea." Terrence nodded as he walked towards us while sheathing his sword. "Planning is good, but when you are in an actual battle, you often have to go by your instincts because planning in the middle of a battle will get you killed. If not, you may lose a limb or two." Terrence smiled at both of us. "But I have to admit that you both have greatly improved as an individual fighter. Its just that you need to work on your teamwork a bit. I guess that is enough for today. Class dismissed."

I let out a sigh and coiled the whip around my wrist. Kellar did the same as he went down and picked up Javi on the ground. Terrence saw Javi and started stretching his chin. "She's a cute one." He says. When he looked up he smiled. "Look, Princess. Your cubs are here as well. And they brought someone with them."

When I looked back, I saw that it was Ace carrying Custard and Viex with him. It wasn't the first time that I saw him with Viex, but it was definitely the first the I ever saw him with Custard. And that was without my little wolf shaking in fear. Now, Custard was sleeping comfortably in his arms.

As Ace headed towards us, he began to smile, but I could see the slight twitch in his eyes making the scar a bit visible in the light. Since Terrence doesn't know that he has his memories back, he still has to put up an act as Prince instead of PRINCE.

"Good morning, sir Terrence." He greeted the knight with a bright smile.

I had to turn around and face a tree just so they wouldn't see me laughing. It has been days already and yet I still can't help but find this all funny, especially when he was being forced to be nice.

"Hello, Prince Ace. Are you here to pick up the princess?"

"Yes." Even his voice was happy and chirpy. He sounded so innocent. I have to admit that he was getting better at this than I thought. "She promised me that she and I would have a walk in the garden today. I would like to practice some magic as well."

Terrence chuckled. "That's great. But do be careful. People might suspect that you two are becoming a couple now."

"SO WHAT?!?" He yelled at him.

My eyes widened in surprise at what Ace just said. But when I turned around, Ace was smiling innocently while Terrence seemed shocked at what he just saw and heard.

"W-wow, sir Terrence. How did you do that? You managed to trigger some of the old Ace back." I said as I hurriedly ran to Ace's side.

"I'm sorry." Ace deadpanned. "I did not know what came over me." His voice was getting emotionless by the minute that I elbowed him. He was getting out of character!

Kellar and I exchanged a glance. It was pretty obvious that Ace was getting drained at pretending by the minute. And if he doesn't do something soon, he might start throwing a fit.

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