Chapter 34: Stories of the Past/The Final Round

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(Author's note: This is a continuation of the previous chapter. I'm starting off with a flashback.)

Flashback to Berk

Six years ago

Hiccup: (voiceover) It was months after the Red Death Incident. During a war between Berk, Outcast Island, and Berserker Island.

We see a younger you and your friends on the Island of Berk

Hiccup: (voiceover) Me, (Y/N), and every one of us were known to protect dragons. After visiting Dragon Island, home to the Red Death, we've been keeping peace between those who challenge us.

It's now nighttime out on the sea. We see you and the dragon riders flying towards a fleet of ships.

Astrid: (voiceover) After Dagur went mad with trying to kill Hiccup and Toothless, things haven't been easy for us. You see, Dagur wanted revenge on Berk for lying about dragon hunting.

Sonata: (voiceover) Hold on, the same Dagur who tried to kill Aria and Adagio? That Dagur?

Hiccup: (voiceover) Yes. That Dagur. One night, we were trying to stop the Berserkers from entering our island and taking everything we had.

You then gather around the team.

(Y/N): Hiccup, you and the others take down the other ships. I'll deal with Dagur.

Hiccup: Alone? No. You need backup. I'm going with you.

(Y/N): I can handle Dagur on my own, Hiccup.

Hiccup: That's not acceptable. (Looks at Snotlout) Snotlout, you're going with him.

Snotlout looks at Hiccup.

Snotlout: On it.

You look at Hiccup annoyed.

(Y/N): Really? Are you pairing me with Snotlout?

Hiccup: Look, you two need to set aside your differences and get along when on the field. Alright?

(Y/N): (scoffs) Fine. Snotlout, you're with me.

Hiccup: Alright, everyone. Remember our coordinated attack plan. Let's go.

Everyone nods and heads down to the ships.

Hiccup: (voiceover) Thinking about it now, I should've gone with (Y/N) that day, but he wanted to take care of Dagur himself.

Principal Celestia: (voiceover) Why would he want to do that?

Hiccup: (voiceover) He and Dagur never got along.

You then dive down to where Dagur is. Snotlout and Hookfang follow you. While the rest of the riders take out the rest of Dagur's ships.

Astrid: (voiceover) While we were dealing with the rest of the fleet, (Y/N) was fighting against Dagur.

You land on Dagur's ship. Dagur was surprised to see you.

Dagur: Well, well. If it isn't (Y/N). Here to foil my plans again, I see?

You growl. Snotlout and Hookfang land on the boat.

(Y/N): You could say it like that, but I'm going to make sure you don't come back to Berk again.

You pull out your dragon blade and prepare to fight.

Snotlout: Hey, (Y/N), want me to help?

You look at Snotlout. You feel this rage inside of you.

(Y/N): No. I need you to stay put.

Snotlout gets an annoyed and confused look. You then turn to Dagur.

MLPEG x Male OC Draco (Harem Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें