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After Reina was able to figure out who was who, all of them listened to the song that she had recorded earlier with Haruka. Quartet Night was stunned that she was able to come up with a song so quickly. "That sounds really good, how were you able to come up with something so quick?" Reiji asked shocked

"That song was something I wrote years ago...back when I was in high school. I didn't have any friends, so I wrote lyrics and music to pass the time. It was the only way I could express my feelings and what I felt." Reina said as she rubbed her arm nervously

"So you were a longer this entire time kid?" Ranmaru asked

"Yeah...pretty much."

"Well damn, not to pry too much but just how old are you?" Ranmaru asked


"And your birthday?"

"December 31st." 

"So, you're in the same age group as Masato. Huh...well you're doing rather well kid. That's for sure. It'll be odd when you first start off, but once you find that beat in your heart you'll know exactly what to do." Ranmaru said as he walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder

She gave the elder male a small smile. "O-Okay...T-Thank you."

"All of us are gonna help you out, there's a lot you can learn from all of us." Reiji said happily

Reina nodded her head and she listened to the males and what they said to her. She wanted to prove those she ran from that she could be an idol. That she did have what it took to be something more than some slave maid to a spoiled brat. The first to help her were Reiji, Tokiya and Otoya who helped her with stretching her body and the first verse of the song. Which they went over repeatedly so she could be confident in it. 

As it got late, she ended up having dinner with all of the males which made her happy.  She hadn't ever eaten with so many people before. She ended up being seated between Tokiya and Masato which she didn't mind. Both males were rather sweet and kind to her, it made her happy to know that they  were so friendly towards her. She hadn't ever had so many people be so kind and friendly to her. It made her wonder if she was really truly having a life without the stress of dealing with an immature child in a grown-up's body.

While they ate Ai spoke up to Reina once more. "Reina, I'm curious about you and the life style you had before now. You have been beyond stiff the entire time Reiji, Otoya and Tokiya were working with you."

"Um...o-okay?" Reina said in question as she placed her fork down "What did you want to know?"

"It's bugging me that Natsuki and Syo both chose some tone deft woman over you. Can I have more context about the woman please?"

Reina let out a sigh before she got her phone from her pocket and found a picture on her phone of Kayla before she showed Ai her phone. "That's Kayla as she is right now, she is twenty years old."

Ai stared at the picture before he gave it back. "Everything about her seems fake."

"You're not wrong. She had medical surgeries for everything you can think of just so she could look 'perfect'. She has been denied being an idol by four other industries before being rejected by Shining. I've had to go with her every single time. I have her voice recorded if you wish to hear it."

"None of us of Quartet Night know what she sounds like, it would shed some light on the subject so sure." Ai said with a nod of his head

Reina let out a sigh before she found the recording she was looking for, she played it before Ai was quick to reach over the table and stop it himself. Reina looked at him half amused at what he had done. "You didn't like her voice that much?" Reina asked curiously

Ai placed his hands on the table as he looked at Natsuki and Syo who were on the other side of the table. "What is fundamentally wrong with you two?! That girl sounds like nails on a chalk board if that. You two realized had the others not picked Reina you two would made that woman make a fool out of herself. There would be no saving her from the doom she'd oppose on herself." Ai stated seriously

Both of them averted their eyes and said nothing as Ai sighed out and shook his head. "I truly am sorry for what those morons have done and said towards you to make you not trust them. But I can understand why you don't...they're idiots."

"Your words not mine." Reina said with her hands up

"You've barely eaten, why is that?" Ranmaru asked speaking up

"I...well..."Reina said before she looked down holding her phone in both of her hands tightly. "I...I'm not used to eating with people. I've always ate alone in solitude...when I could eat that is."

"You weren't allowed to eat where you had been?" Reiji asked shocked

"No...I was to serve the Luna family first until they were full, once they were full I could have anything left over, sometimes...no most times...there would be nothing left over. So I'd end up starving for days on end." Reina said sadly

"I was wondering why you look so pale. That isn't healthy." Ai said curiously "So that girl is a glutton too on top of being an untalented, unnatural woman. You truly did have it bad didn't you Reina?"

"I guess...but I was used to it...so used to it that I feel odd being here around all of you." Reina said sadly

Masato placed a hand on her arm softly. "Don't feel bad about standing up for yourself, you did what you had to just to survive in that place. From everything we've gathered from you today, it was the best thing for you to do. We all enjoy your company Reina." He spoke sincerely to her

"We don't want you to feel like you don't belong here, you do more than you think." Tokiya said sincerely to her

Reina smiled sadly at both males before she let go of her phone and placed her hands together. "T-Thank you...both of you. It means a lot to me that you two would say such kind words to me."

At that time Reina's phone went off and she saw that it was Kayla's fathers number, she frowned as she saw the number. Ai could see that she was rather upset and tilted his head to the side. "Who is calling you?"

"Kayla's father. He's probably going to yell at me and tell me to quit."

"Hand me your phone, I'll deal with him. You need to eat your dinner." Ai said as he held his hands out to her

She was unsure at first but then chose to let him take care of Kayla's father, he got up with the phone as he answered it going into the kitchen to get away from the loud dining area. 

Restless mind, Empty heart [Masato Hijirikawa Love story] Uta No Prince SamaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя