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"Commander Ren," a stormtrooper's voice pierced the bustling command center, drawing Kylo's attention. However, Kylo remained silent, prompting the trooper to continue, "The hostage is still uncooperative."

Kylo Ren stood in the main command center. Next to him stood General Hux, both men observing the busy command. Their hands clasped behind them as they gave orders and asked for reports.

Hux turned to Kylo Ren, his eyebrows slightly raised. "I thought the Princess was to see the Supreme Leader, Ren?"

"She will, but not before I've extracted the necessary information," Kylo replied tersely, his words punctuated by a restrained intensity.

"How much longer do you intend to detain her? She's refused food for three days now. You wouldn't want to deliver a dead princess I presume" Hux remarked with a hint of concern.

For three days, Princess Arabella had languished in captivity. Despite periodic checks by the stormtroopers, she remained in silence and uncooperative. Within the confines of her cell, her cries echoed, a testament to her unwavering spirit. Kylo Ren, however, harbored his own motives for delaying her transfer to Supreme Leader Snoke. He harbored a fascination with her unparalleled power and sought answers..

Avoiding direct confrontation with the princess, not out of fear but rather a desire to unravel the bond between them. Ren was aware of the princess's suffering, a constant reminder of the consequences of his actions. Each day since her father's death, he had felt the weight of her anguish, prompting him to question the origins of their shared torment.

Kylo Ren let out a sigh. He could think of better things to do with his time than deal with a stubborn princess. But he had no choice. Ren knew the stormtroopers would be useless against someone as strong as her. With a turn, he exited the command center, his cape billowing behind him as his boots echoed through the hallways on his way to the holding cell. Kylo made sure to take deep breaths and guard his mind; he didn't want Arabella to intrude.

The panel doors opened, revealing her figure. Arabella's hands rested on the small bench, her face buried between her arms, and her legs spread on the floor, covered by her dark blue dress. Her hair was slightly frizzy, and her crown lay next to her on the ground.

Arabella had heard the heavy footsteps, recognizing they didn't belong to the stormtroopers. She looked up to see the dark figure—Kylo Ren.

Kylo studied the princess's face. Her eyes were red and puffy, her face as pale as a ghost, and her cheekbones more pronounced than when he had last seen her. She looked completely different from the night he had captured her. Her once sparkling brown eyes were now dull. He attempted to delve into her mind, but despite her weakness, it remained blocked.

"If you're going to kill me, just do it now. End my misery," her voice was hoarse but filled with hate. She looked up to Kylo Ren, but his mask concealed any expression he might have.

"I'm not going to kill you," Ren said.

"Then what do you want from me?"

"I want answers," Kylo Ren kneeled in front of her until they were eye-level.

"Answers?" She spat. "What could I possibly give you?"

"Who are you? why are you strong with the Force," he wondered aloud. "Why is it connecting us?"

Kylo Ren reached out his arm towards hers, but before he could do anything else, Arabella reached under her dress. Her blade now pointed at the middle of her chest, her knuckles turning white from the grip as her chest rose rapidly. Kylo Ren stood, taking a few steps back.

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