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As the ship descended into Mustafar, Arabella felt her stomach plummet. The fiery planet exuded a palpable aura of the dark force, its allure almost whispering her name. With the ship's door opening, she felt the intense heat assault her face, making her plumb robe and dress feel nearly unbearable. Her fingers instinctively hovered over the hilt of her saber, poised for action. Standing beside her, Kylo's lightsaber crackled, casting a crimson glow that danced in his eyes.

Together, they traversed the desolate landscape, where thin branches scattered around them and the only sound was the echo of their footsteps. Suddenly, a stormtrooper's warning shattered the silence: "Incoming!"

Kylo immediately positioned himself in front of Arabella, shielding her from a group of Sith followers emerging from the shadows. Cloaked in gray fabric, their faces concealed, only their piercing yellow eyes were visible—Alzamecs. With a swift motion, Arabella ignited her lightsaber, ready to defend herself.

As blasters whizzed through the air and bodies fell around them, Arabella found herself back-to-back with Kylo, her senses heightened, scanning for any threat that might approach from behind. However, Kylo seemed consumed by rage and power, moving with a ferocity reminiscent of their training days at Starkiller Base.

In a moment of clarity, Arabella found herself confronting a Sith assailant, blade raised menacingly. Without hesitation, her saber sliced through the air, cleaving the creature in half. As shock reverberated through her, another opponent advanced, and she dispatched them with swift, decisive strikes.

Observing Arabella's fluid movements with a mixture of admiration and concern, Kylo intervened, dispatching two Sith with a powerful gesture before rejoining the fray. With each swing of her saber, Arabella felt a surge of both fear and determination coursing through her veins, knowing that she was fighting not only for her own survival but for the greater cause they served.

As one of the Sith creatures brought his blade down, it grazed Arabella's legs, causing her to lose balance and stumble backward, tripping over a body behind her. Just as the Sith prepared to strike, a barrage of blaster fire pierced through its chest, causing it to collapse to the ground. Gasping, Arabella looked around, trying to locate the source of the blaster shots.

A stormtrooper stood nearby, his weapon raised, but before Arabella could process the situation, a swift strike from a blade felled the trooper. Gathering herself, Arabella rose to her feet, using her hand to push the Sith away, her saber poised to strike. With a determined grunt, she plunged her weapon into the heart of the Sith, feeling a surge of power course through her.

Hurrying back to the fallen stormtrooper, Arabella noticed the designation on the side of his helmet: VX-4212. She whispered the number softly as the trooper coughed beneath her. Gently lifting his helmet, she revealed a young man with light brown curls and piercing green eyes. He was just a boy, not much older than her.

"Vex, you saved my life," Arabella managed, her voice choked with emotion as she fought back tears.

"It's been an honor, Princess." He paused to take a good look at her, his lips forming a small smile, "May the Force be with you," the trooper's voice trailed off as his eyes closed.

Arabella held him close, trying to offer what comfort she could in his final moments. As his body grew limp, she felt a pang of sorrow. Placing his head on the ground, she arranged his mask beside him, crossing his hands over his abdomen. His face remained serene, peaceful in death.

A hand on her shoulder brought Arabella back to reality. "We must go," Kylo's voice urged. Nodding silently, Arabella rose to her feet, brushing dirt off her dress. Surveying the scene around them, she felt a heaviness in the air, a foreboding sensation that both she and Kylo sensed.

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