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Arabella's grip tightened around her stomach as she murmured, "I think I'm gonna be sick." She had never experienced a pilot quite like Kylo. His maneuvers were both harsh and swift, leaving her feeling queasy. She couldn't shake the feeling that he was doing it on purpose, perhaps to tease her.

From the pilot's seat, Kylo smirked, relishing in Arabella's discomfort. He heard her exhale dramatically, her discomfort palpable as she clutched her stomach once more.

"Who taught you to fly like this?" she frowned, her eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to quell her dizziness.

Kylo glanced down at his hands guiding the controls, memories flooding back. Han Solo. His father had imparted upon him everything he knew about skilled piloting. Kylo remembered fondly the times he had joined his father on missions as a child, despite his mother's disapproval. The arguments between Chewie and his father over technique echoed in his mind.

"He's a Solo," his father's voice echoed in his memory. "Ben knows what he's doing. Let him handle it, Leia."

As the TIE silencer approached a blue and green planet shrouded in clouds, they began to slow down. Kylo expertly descended into an open field surrounded by majestic waterfalls and a flowing river, illuminated by the moon's soft glow. Docking the ship, he rose from the seat, casting a glance back at Arabella.

"You holding up alright?" he teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

Arabella shot him a glare. "What do you think?"

Following Ren down the ramp, Arabella felt the cool night wind caress her flushed cheeks. She breathed deeply, taking in the unfamiliar yet invigorating scent of fresh air.

"It's just like-," she began, interrupted by Kylo.

"Like Cosmara," he remarked, his gaze scanning the surroundings with a hint of nostalgia. "I remember thinking that the first time I set foot there."

Arabella stole a glance at Kylo, illuminated by the moonlight. His features, carved by shadows, exuded a rugged masculinity, yet his eyes held a depth that seemed to penetrate the very soul. She couldn't help but smile, admiring his beauty as he stood there, seemingly at peace.

"It truly is beautiful," she agreed, turning her gaze back to the serene scenery before them.

Kylo began approaching her, bringing her cape over her head, and doing the same for his. Arabella placed her hand around his forearm, feeling a sense of security. He slowly guided her to Theed, giving her time to take in her surroundings.

"What was your childhood like?" Arabella wondered, she felt his muscles tighten beneath her grip.

"I can't complain" he paused, "I would mostly spend my time with my father, helping him do runs-"

"That's who taught you how to pilot?" - Kylo nodded.

"Sometimes I would spend it with my mother, although at the time I didn't enjoy it. From the moment I can remember Snoke was already in my head, and my mother's push to be better just made me more angry." he looked up, his gaze lost in the distance, "My father didn't know how to deal with it, they would often fight about me. I would hear them at night..."

Arabella looked up at him sensing his sadness, "he would call me a monster." he continued. She stopped for a second making Kylo look at her.

"You're not a monster," she whispered, her head shaking "not to me."

Kylo clenched his jaw - he could see the sincerity in her eyes. He wondered how Arabella could think that after everything he had put her through. Arabella's eyes scanned his expression, confused by her words.

"This is where I belong, from the moment I met you I knew you were my destiny." her hand reached up to caress his face, his hand resting on top of hers, "Everything has always drawn me back to you."

She dropped her hand looking around at the bridge they were now standing on, the roaring of the waterfall was loud and the lights around the temple looked like millions of stars. She walked up to the rail, letting her hands rest on them, closing her eyes and inhaling the air once more.

"I'm sorry you had to endure that," she murmured, her gaze fixed on the beauty of the planet. "I wish I could alleviate your pain."

Kylo approached her, letting her lean back against his chest. "Everything is different now," he assured her, his hand finding its way to his pocket. "For the better."

"What are you-"

He retrieved a delicate chain, securing it around her neck. Arabella looked down, feeling the cool metal against her skin, Kylo's hands gently brushing her hair aside. She reached up, touching the charm dangling from the necklace.

Turning to face Kylo, she found him smiling playfully.

"I felt it too, Arabella, I've fought against this feeling for far too long, but I can't deny it any longer. You've consumed my thoughts, my dreams. From the moment I saw you, I knew there was something between us, something I couldn't explain."

He swallowed before continuing, a single tear falling from his eyes "I love you, Arabella. It's a truth I've tried to bury beneath the weight of my anger, my power, but it refuses to be extinguished. You've shown me things I never thought possible, made me question everything I thought I knew about myself. I know I've hurt you, betrayed you, but I swear to you, I'm different now. With you, I see a future, one where we can find peace, where we can finally belong."

"Kylo—" Arabella began, but he cut her off gently.

"No one had ever chosen me, and then you came along, decided to look past my weaknesses, and believed in me. And I don't know how I could ever make it up to you."

Tears welled in Arabella's eyes, overwhelmed by emotion. "You don't owe me anything. I wanted to be beside you; you were my destiny."

"I want to ask something from you," Kylo began, "Your forgiveness. For all the pain I have caused you, for your father, your planet, Snoke...I am truly sorry."

"Of course I forgive you" Arabella whispered. "Only if you promise me something."


"When all this is over, when everything is done, we return here and live the rest of our lives in peace."

Kylo looked at the softness of her eyes, "I promise."

She smiled, caressing his face once more before they kissed, his lips conveying his passion. As they parted, Arabella let out a silent laugh, her fingers tracing the charm.

"It's Cosmara," Kylo revealed, watching her play with the golden sphere. Arabella gasped, then buried her head in his chest once more.

"I love it," she whispered.

Their eyes met, filled with affection. "I love you, Kylo."

"I love you to—"

"I promise everything will be better from now on."

A small smile graced Kylo's lips. "I know," he nodded.

"Thank you for all this, everything," Arabella said, her smile fading as she glanced around the castle.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Kylo asked, sensing her sadness.

"We have to find him, don't we?" she said, her eyes downcast. "Palpatine?"

Kylo shifted uncomfortably, the weight of their tender moment overshadowed by the reminder of their mission. "Yes."

Arabella fiddled with her necklace, a new nervous habit forming. "You'll come with me?"

"I'll always be by your side."

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