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Rey observed as Arabella descended from a small white craft ship adorned with two blue lines on each side. Its landing was shaky as it settled on the flat surface of Ahch-To, a small island enveloped in greenery and surrounded by treacherous waters, its landscape dominated by towering mountains.

As Arabella powered down her craft, she closed her eyes, reaching out to the Force in search of that familiar sensation. Shivers ran down her body as she sensed his presence, faint and distant, reminiscent of the first night she had dreamt of him back in Cosmara. "Kylo," she whispered, hoping he would welcome her back. Feeling a gentle push, she sighed.

Making her way down the ramp, Arabella breathed in the fresh island air. Not far away, Rey waved with a slight smile on her lips. Returning the gesture, Arabella surveyed her surroundings, realizing that Luke Skywalker's desire for solitude was unmistakable and well-executed.

She pondered what Skywalker could possibly occupy himself with on this secluded island. Gripping her lightsaber, Rey approached her, prompting Arabella's inquiry. "Well?" she asked. "Did you find him?"

Rey frowned. "Of course I found him. There's just one small problem," she trailed off.

"What is it?" Arabella inquired, tilting her head and scowling slightly.

"He won't talk to me," Rey confessed, her hands gesturing in frustration.

Arabella's gaze drifted to the mountains, spotting small stone huts and a pathway encircling the island. "He's going to have to talk. Come on, lead the way," she said with determination, knowing Arabella was determined in her mission.

Ascending a set of stairs, they reached the huts. Rey began knocking on the weathered door. "Go away," a voice from within retorted. Rey glanced back at Arabella, who stood with her arms crossed. Shrugging, Rey shook her head, expressing her annoyance with the uncooperative resident.

Rolling her eyes, Arabella stepped forward. "Step aside," she commanded, moving in front of the door. With a gesture of her right arm, she exerted the Force, causing the door to fly back, debris scattering. Walking into the small hut, she locked eyes with an older man clad in Jedi robes, his expression a mix of fear and shock.

"I apologize for the door. I didn't anticipate that," Arabella said, raising her hands in a placating gesture as Rey followed her inside.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" Luke Skywalker's voice rang out, filled with agitation.

"We're here for you. You're coming back with us," Rey declared.

"How did you find me?" Luke squinted, his curiosity piqued.

Another tall figure appeared at the door, emitting a grunt. Arabella glanced back to see Chewbacca observing the scene. "Long story. We'll tell you on the Falcon," Rey insisted, with Chewbacca grunting in agreement.

"Falcon," Luke echoed, his gaze flickering between the two strangers before him, a hint of nostalgia crossing his features. Chewbacca growled softly, his voice tinged with sadness, and Arabella's eyes fell, sensing his sorrow over the loss of his long-time friend, Han Solo.

"Wait," Luke interjected, "Where's Han?"

"I think it's best if we sit down," Arabella said, her face scrunching with guilt over the events that transpired on Starkiller Base. Luke's eyes snapped to her, narrowing as he sensed the tension in the air.


"Kylo," Arabella's voice echoed from a distance, nudging him with force, as he attempted to ignore her words. Kylo had severed his connection with Arabella; he felt betrayed by her. He had trained her, opened up to her, and she had just left him for that scavenger trash. He also knew that Arabella would be safe from Snoke if Ren didn't know her location. As much as it pained him, he knew this was the best option. He closed his eyes for a moment, preparing himself for whatever punishment Snoke would inflict upon him. Despite his master convincing him that killing his father would help resolve the torment of light and darkness, Kylo never felt more conflicted. He knew Snoke would sense it, and he would sense his anger towards his master for deceiving him.

Now his father was dead, and because of his actions, he had pushed away the girl he loved. Now he was truly alone. Kylo opened his eyes, looking down at the chrome dagger tucked in his belt. "I'll come back for you, I promise," her voice echoed in his mind, the memory of her robe and her hair blowing in the wind playing over and over like a horrible nightmare he couldn't wake up from.

As the elevator descended lower, two doors opened, and Snoke's laugh echoed through the large red room. Kylo hesitated in his steps as he exited, making his way to the throne. Snoke sat in a stone chair with some kind of architectural structure behind him, his gold robes hiding his fragile body. Around Snoke stood four guards dressed in all red.

"Tied on a string indeed, General Hux. Well done," Snoke paraded Hux, who was standing a few feet in front of Snoke. "The Resistance will soon be in our grasp."

"Thank you, Supreme Leader," Hux announced proudly. Hux turned back, passing Kylo and shooting a smirk at him. Kylo bowed on his knees, his head down, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You wonder why I keep a rabid cur in such a place of power?" Snoke laughed. "A cur's weakness, properly manipulated, can be a sharp tool. How's your wound?"

"It's nothing," Ren's short answer dissatisfying Snoke as he grunted.

"The mighty Kylo Ren," Snoke rose from his throne. "When I found you, I saw what all masters live to see: raw, untamed power, and beyond that, something truly special. The potential of your bloodline. A new Vader." Kylo's heart began to pound in his ears as Snoke approached him. "Now, I fear I was mistaken."

Kylo looked up at Snoke, feeling his heart drop to his stomach as Snoke's words stabbed him like needles. "I've given everything I have to you. To the dark side," his tone filled with sadness.

"Take that ridiculous thing off," Snoke spat.

Kylo's shaky hands reached to the side of his black helmet, hissing as he slowly lifted it, revealing a large scar across his face. He looked down at Snoke's feet in shame.

"Yes, there it is. You have too much of your father's heart in you, young Solo."

"I killed Han Solo," Ren said through his teeth as Snoke turned his back. "When the moment came, I didn't hesitate."

"And look at you," Snoke's head snapped back with anger. "The deed split your spirit to the bone. You were unbalanced, bested by a girl who never held a lightsaber, by a princess with no training, you failed!" Snoke yelled.

Clenching his jaw, Kylo rose to his feet and swiftly took off his robe, but before he could attack, Snoke sent him flying back with lightning. His guards stood in a fighting stance, ready to defend Snoke.

"Skywalker lives. The seed of the Jedi Order lives. And as long as he does, hope lives in the galaxy," Snoke paced back to his throne, looking at Ren with a disappointed look. Kylo lifted himself off the floor, his hands clenched to his side. "I thought you would be the one to snuff it out. Alas, you're no Vader. You're just a child... in a mask."

Snoke glared at Kylo as he watched him march back into the elevator. Kylo closed his eyes, trying to contain the fury within him. Feeling belittled, Kylo exhaled. He had done everything Snoke had asked of him. He had killed his own father to show Snoke his loyalty, and it had not been enough. Kylo had done everything to kill his past; Ben Solo had died, and Kylo had risen from the dark.

If Kylo had done all this, and for what? To still be questioned about his allegiance. He had chosen the dark side. And now he felt conflicted more than ever. What if he had chosen the wrong path? What if the dark side was rejecting him because it wasn't his destiny?

He felt like a disappointment to everyone: his mother, his father, Luke, Arabella, and now his master. Whatever he did, it was never enough. He held his mask up, examining it before smashing it on the wall panels. Letting out a grunt, the mask almost felt indestructible, almost mocking.

"You're just a child in a mask," Snoke's voice taunted him. He struck the mask over and over, letting his anger get the best of him before it shattered on the floor. He exhaled once more before the elevator doors opened.

"Prepare my ship," he spat at two officers standing before him.

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