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Arabella opened her mouth, but before she could utter a word, an officer approached her with urgency, "Mam?" his voice tinged with urgency, "It's General Hux."

Kylo glanced down at Arabella, confusion etched on his face, as she began striding back to the control room. Panic surged through her veins; she knew Hux was in trouble, and if anyone else discovered his status as a spy, she'd be implicated too.

Approaching the room, she noticed General Hux standing before Pryde, a stark white bandage wrapped around his leg. She couldn't help but wonder what events had led to this situation.

"It was a coordinated incursion, Allegiant General. They overpowered the guards and forced me to lead them to their ship," Hux announced, his demeanor betraying no hint of fear.

Pryde stood in front of Hux, assessing the situation carefully. "I see."

Before Pryde could take further action, Arabella raised her hand, halting the general's movement toward the stormtrooper's gun. Pryde froze, uncertainty flickering in his eyes.

"Empress, I have found the spy," Pryde declared, panic evident in his widened eyes.

Arabella stepped forward, shooting a meaningful glance at Hux, while Kylo observed from the rear of the room, puzzled by her interaction with the General.

"Excellent work, General Pryde," Arabella commended, her voice carrying authority. "I will handle this from here."

"But Empress–" Pryde began to protest.

She silenced him with a stare sharp enough to cut steel. "Are you defying me?" she questioned, her tone firm.

"Of course not, Empress," Pryde stumbled over his words.

"Good," Arabella replied, turning her attention to Hux. "Take him to his chambers, and station stormtroopers outside his door."

As the orders were carried out, two stormtroopers escorted Hux away, leaving the room silent save for the lingering tension. All eyes turned to Arabella, including Kylo's, as she frowned with disdain.

"Well? Why is everyone staring? Get back to work," she commanded, her voice brooking no argument.

The room roars again with movement. Arabella begins walking out of the control room. She can hear Kylo Ren's boots echo behind her. She closes her eyes for a second knowing what is coming, she knows he will confront her. With both their temper she knows this will only result in one thing-a fight.

She opens the door to her chambers, unclasping her cape. Like the weight of all that has happened lifts off of her. It is beginning to find it hard to find a moment of peace. She lets out a loud exhale, her hands tremble but before she can relax Kylo stomps in front of her.

"What else are you hiding from me?" His voice was full of rage. He is visibly upset, his eyes are dark and his gloved hands are curled into fists.

"What are you talking about?" Arabella tried to play dumb trying to defuse the tension.

He lets out a mocking chuckle, "Your pregnancy, Hux as a spy..."

Arabella freezes, her mouth open in shock, "I'm pregnant?"

Her voice comes out in a whisper. Kylo stops to look at her all the rage draining from his face realizing that she was also unaware of the fact. His demeanor softens.

"You didn't know."

Arabella's eyes begin to water, she wraps her hands around her abdomen as protecting the child inside. Her gaze is lost in the distance as a million thoughts run through her head.

Pregnant, she thinks. She had just agreed to die at the hands of Rey, and now this child would die with her. She felt a surge of panic run through her. But yet, she knew she couldn't let Kylo. if he wouldn't agree to it before he would definitely not agree now.

"Arabella" Kylo begins, he approaches her his hands resting on her waist, his deep charcoal eyes bore into hers, "I will do anything to protect you both, anything,"

Arabella reaches her hand and rests it on the side of his face, he closes his eyes for a second feeling her warm embrace, "Anything?" she whispers.

Kylo's eyes look at her one more time, before his body falls to the ground unconscious. Arabella lets out a gasp. She reaches down to take the dagger before clasping her robe around her shoulders again. Walking out of the door she finds an officer.

"Prepare a ship for me." She commands. 

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