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Arabella's gaze snapped outside; the ship was under attack. She surmised that Luke Skywalker had informed Rey that she had gone to find Kylo. And now, the Resistance was fighting back. The ground trembled beneath them.

"What happened?" a voice behind them demanded.

Arabella turned, meeting Hux's gaze. His eyes darted around at the lifeless bodies and Snoke's head lying on the floor. She sensed fear emanating from him.

Kylo stepped forward, a smirk tainting his tone, "I killed Snoke." Hux's eyes widened with fear as he took a few steps back.

"What happened?" Arabella inquired, peering out the large windows.

"The Resistance infiltrated the ship," Hux spat, still fixated on Snoke's body.

"I know where they are. Get all the forces down to the Resistance base. Let's finish this" Arabella commanded.

"Finish this?" Hux's agitation grew, "Who do you think you're talking to? You presume to command my army? Our Supreme Leader is dead! We have no ruler!"

Kylo Ren raised his hand, and Hux began choking, falling to his knees. Kylo's jaw clenched as he observed Hux. "The Supreme Leader is dead! We rule the galaxy now. You will do as she commands" he spat.

"Long live the Supreme Leader" General Hux managed to utter between grunts.

Arabella and Kylo stepped into the elevator, Arabella inhaling deeply as she closed her eyes. Overwhelmed by the recent events - Snoke's demise, the intense battle with the guards, and the shocking revelation of Emperor Palpatine being her father - she felt a wave of emotions crashing over her.

As the realization sank in, Arabella felt lightheaded. She was the daughter of Palpatine, not King Ornova, who had raised her with love. Tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of her father's sacrifices.

"It all makes sense now," she said, pausing to gather her thoughts. "My mother didn't gain her freedom; she struck a deal with Palpatine to bear a child destined for the throne. In return, he ensured the safety of my mother and Cosmara."

Kylo glanced at her, unsure of what to say, silently observing her inner turmoil.

As she leaned against the elevator wall, Kylo sensed her distress. He turned to her, his hands gently gripping her waist. "We'll figure it out. Everything will be okay," he assured her, pulling her into a comforting embrace, resting his chin atop her head as he closed his eyes, breathing deeply.

For Kylo, everything he desired was within reach - power, the Empire, and now Arabella.

"Where is Luke Skywalker?" Kylo's voice resonated with authority.

"If my intuition serves me right, Crait. I believe he departed with Rey the moment I arrived," Arabella replied, observing Kylo's contemplative expression.

Stepping out of the elevator, Kylo surveyed the chaotic scene before him. Whatever transpired during their encounter with Snoke must have been dire; the aftermath resembled a battlefield. With determination, he strode toward the Command shuttle.

"Kylo?" Arabella's voice stopped him in his tracks. "We won't harm them, will we? Aria is still there. We can't resort to violence; your mother is on that base."

Halting, Kylo turned to face Arabella. "You chose to stand with me. We must do what is right," he declared, his words laced with resolve.


As they approached Crait, a planet rich in minerals with a surface blanketed in white salt, a majestic view unfolded before them. The abandoned base nestled within a towering mountain, surrounded by smaller peaks, lay concealed. Arabella, flanked by Kylo Ren and General Hux, approached the window, captivated by the sight of small aircraft trailing red smoke.

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