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"Get yourself together. You're so weak, so emotional," Kylo Ren's words reverberated in Arabella's mind. Her frustration intensified as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. He had been correct; she consistently allowed her emotions to overpower her. Snoke would perceive it as a vulnerability, and if she aimed to return to Cosmara, she needed to convince everyone that she was stronger, even heartless.

It was challenging to restrain herself, especially after witnessing more death than ever before in her life. The First Order was merciless, and so was Kylo Ren.

Recalling the events of the previous night, she pondered her use of the Force to stop the blaster, Lor San Tekka's words to Ren, and the unexpected kiss. A tumult of thoughts swirled in her mind as she attempted to make sense of it all. Arabella now understood that Kylo Ren was not the man she had perceived him to be; he harbored secrets. Was the kiss they had shared a manifestation of those hidden depths? Beneath his shroud of darkness, could there reside a fundamentally good man, one capable of genuine emotions?

She composed herself before stepping out of the temporary quarters provided by General Hux aboard the Finalizer, a vessel she had visited previously on official First Order business. It bustled with activity, a stark contrast to the relative quiet of Starkiller Base. Pilots, stormtroopers, and high-ranking officers strode purposefully through the corridors, eyeing Arabella.

Since their arrival, Arabella hadn't crossed paths with Kylo Ren, but she sensed his presence through the Force; she knew he was nearby. Scanning the area, she spotted a familiar figure among the stormtroopers: VX-4212. Hastening her steps, she called out, "Vex," as she caught up with him. The trooper turned, his blaster in his hands.

"Princess Arabella! It's a pleasure to see you," he greeted, bowing respectfully.

"Likewise," she replied, matching his cheerful tone. "I've been looking for you. Where is the prisoner from Jakku?"

"They're on the second floor, in one of the interrogation cells. I believe Kylo Ren is there now," Vox informed her.

"Thank you, Vex. It's been good seeing you," Arabella said hastily as she made her way to the nearest elevator. As she walked, she spotted a shock of red hair: General Hux.

"Princess Arabella," Hux greeted her formally.

"General, is Kylo Ren with the prisoner?" she inquired, her gaze drifting to the nearby sliding door.

"Yes, he's interrogating the prisoner for information about the map. He'll be finished shortly," Hux replied, his attention fixed on the door.

Before Arabella could say more, the door slid open, revealing Kylo Ren. She felt Hux tense beside her as Kylo approached.

"It's in a droid. A BB unit," Kylo stated flatly.

"Well, then, if it's on Jakku, we'll retrieve it soon," Hux responded, his gaze steady on Kylo.

"I leave that to you," Kylo Ren said, dismissing Arabella without acknowledgement. She watched him stride away before turning back to Hux, who remained deep in thought, processing Kylo's orders.

Arabella gently touched Hux's arm, drawing his attention. "Let me speak to him," she requested.

Hux's green eyes searched hers, uncertain. "Please," she implored.

"Very well," Hux acquiesced, though with a note of caution. "But don't do anything that will get us both killed."

Arabella offered a reassuring smile. "I promise, I only wish to talk."

Hux nodded, inputting the command to open the door once more. The room beyond was dimly lit, with a lone figure bound to a chair: the man from Jakku. Arabella approached him cautiously.

"You're with the Resistance?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

"You're with the First Order?" Poe countered, his expression wary.

"No, I'm Arabella Ornova," she introduced herself.

"Poe Dameron," he responded, studying her closely. "You're the missing princess."

Arabella's surprise was evident. "You know who I am?"

"There's a rumor among the Resistance that the First Order kidnapped a princess to train as their Jedi," Poe explained, his tone tinged with curiosity.

Arabella shook her head. "No... I'm not a Jedi. Do you know where Luke Skywalker is?"

"Maybe," Poe replied reluctantly. "But why are you here? Do you work for Kylo Ren?"

Arabella hesitated, unsure how to answer. She couldn't reveal her allegiance to Snoke but wanted Poe's trust. "I serve no one."

"Why do you want to know the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker? I'm sure Kylo Ren knows by now" Poe said, annoyed.

"I just need to know if he's alive. I have questions," Arabella replied earnestly.

"I may be able to help, if you help me," Poe suggested, eyeing his restraints.

Arabella smirked. "Nice try."

Poe chuckled softly. "It was worth a shot." Poe smirked back. Arabella began walking away heading towards the door, her hand lingered on the panel before Poe spoke again "They'll be glad to know you're alive...your people"

Arabella spun around her eyes full of hope and sadness. "You know they're looking for me?"

"Of course, they've been trying to get in contact with anyone: the resistance, the republic, the first order... they thought you were dead." Poe's brown eyes scanned Arabella's confused face. "You didn't know that..."

Arabella's fury simmered beneath the surface as she exited the room, Hux awaiting her in the corridor.

"Is everything all right?" he inquired, noticing her agitation.

Arabella's eyes blazed with determination. "I'm going to find Kylo Ren," she declared, her resolve firm as she strode away.

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