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Arabella stormed down the hallway, her footsteps echoing as the purple light of her lightsaber illuminated the path. She reached out with the Force, seeking Ren. Halting abruptly, she realized his location, and stormtroopers parted nervously as she pressed forward. With a gesture, she flung the door open using the Force.

Kylo Ren spun around swiftly, sensing Arabella's seething anger. Their lightsabers clashed as her accusation rang out, "You liar!" Kylo pushed forward, forcing her to stagger back.

Arabella's chest rose and fell rapidly, her jaw clenched in an effort to contain her fury. Ren had never witnessed her in such a state. It was a rage she had never experienced before, coursing through her veins like molten lava.

"You said they weren't searching for me. You said—" Her words were cut short as she grunted, deflecting Ren's strike with a swift motion. He countered with a Force push, sending her crashing against the wall. Arabella glared at him, pushing herself back up, ready to strike again.

Their duel intensified, a whirlwind of light and shadow, as they circled each other in the confined space. Arabella's heart pounded, her senses heightened as she sought an opening, a chance to gain the upper hand.

With a burst of speed, she lunged forward, her lightsaber slashing through the air in rapid succession. Ren momentarily faltered, surprise flickering across his face before he regained his composure, meeting her attacks with equal ferocity.

Their blades clashed, the sound reverberating through the chamber as they strained against each other's strength. Arabella poured every ounce of determination into her assault, refusing to succumb to the darkness threatening to engulf her.

Summoning the last of her energy, she channeled the Force, pushing against Ren with all her might. Their blades separated with a resounding clash, sending Ren stumbling backwards as Arabella stood victorious, chest heaving with exertion.

Reading her mind he realized why she was angry.

"I hate you," she spat.

"Good," Kylo Ren replied coldly.

Before Arabella could retort, explosions erupted in the distance, followed by blaster fire and commotion. Confused, she frowned at him as they hurriedly made their way out of the room.

Kylo Ren entered the command center where General Hux was barking orders amidst blaring alarms and frantic officers.

"General Hux, is it the Resistance pilot?" Kylo inquired.

"Yes, and he had help from one of our own." Hux reported, hands clasped behind his back. Arabella furrowed her eyebrows, trying to comprehend how Poe had escaped. Kylo took a few steps forward, his mind racing to recall the stormtrooper from Jakku, the one he had hesitated over before capturing Arabella.

"We're checking the registers now to identify which stormtrooper it was," Hux announced, walking towards a screen displaying a list of names.

"The one from the village, FN-2187." Kylo murmured.

General Hux swiftly issued orders, and the distant echo of blaster fire filled the air. Arabella's gaze drifted to the windows, observing the cannons spinning through the air. Then, she felt it—a pull from the Force. However, this sensation was different; it wasn't the familiar pull from Kylo Ren. Resting her hands on her stomach, a worried expression crossed her face.

Turning swiftly towards the exit, Arabella found an arm wrapping around hers. Meeting Kylo's gaze, she heard him whisper, "We are not done." Yanking her arm back, she made her way to the room where she had been stationed.

Seating herself at the edge of the bed, Arabella took deep breaths. Closing her eyes, she allowed the Force to guide her thoughts. Once more, she sensed a different energy, lighter and more innocent than Ren's. Gasping, she opened her eyes, confused by this new sensation. Was there another person trying to connect with her through the Force? Was there more of her out there?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sliding door opening. "I have nothing to say to you," the princess spat, standing up and walking to the small window, gazing into the distance. "I am tired of your lies, whatever you're hiding from me."

Silent, Kylo watched her pacing. Removing his mask, his hair fell around his face, his jaw clenched in frustration.

"Forget about the deal we had. It's over," she declared through clenched teeth. Kylo's eyes snapped to hers, taken aback by her words. He knew her anger had clouded her judgment.

"You don't mean that," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I do," Arabella replied firmly.

"What difference would it have made if I had told you they were searching for you? Do you think Snoke would have let you walk out?" Ren approached her, gesturing with his hands.

"No, but it would have made me feel like someone still cared about me," she admitted, fighting back tears.

"I care about you," Kylo's eyes softened, brows furrowing.

Arabella shook her head. "No," she said, trying to regain her composure. As Kylo moved closer, grasping her arms, she turned to face him, his eyes fixed on her.

"I meant it when I said it on Jakku, and I mean it now," he declared, his gaze falling to her lips. Before she could respond, he forcefully pressed his lips against hers. She wanted to push him away, she was angry, she hated him...but she couldn't. Arabella melted into the kiss feeling safe in his embrace.

She parted her lips taking a step back to take in his beauty, his eyes-soft and tender, she let her hand rest on the side of his face, Kylo froze for a second having forgotten how it felt to be loved, to be cared about, to be seen. Something in him was changing.

"I care about you too Kylo," Arabella whispered.


Arabella reclined in bed, allowing herself to unwind, reflecting on the events of the past few days. She closed her eyes, immersing herself in memories of Cosmara; of her father, Aria, and the freedom of roaming the fields. She could almost feel the sun caressing her skin, the grass tickling her feet, and the salty scent of the sea.

She longed for the simplicity of life before the Force, before the concepts of light and dark intertwined with her existence. Before Kylo Ren crossed her path.

Kylo Ren—just the thought of him made her stomach drop. He had been surprisingly gentle with her. In those fleeting moments outside Starkiller Base, his first touch on her face, the kiss they shared—did he truly mean those gestures? Did he genuinely care? Arabella wanted to believe in the flicker of goodness she sensed within him. She had perceived his inner conflict from the start, the struggle between the dark and the light. She knew he battled within himself, striving for control and power, but for what purpose? Was it all worth it? She pondered Kylo being her anchor when she teetered on the edge of darkness. If that were the case, perhaps redemption lay within him. She just needed to guide him, for she was the one capable of balancing both sides.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the entrance of General Hux into the room. "We must return to Starkiller Base," his voice tinged with worry.

"Why? What's happened?" Arabella rose from the bed, wrapping her cape around her, her eyes reflecting her concern as she observed Hux's expressions.

"Snoke has summoned us," his voice quivered. Arabella followed him, struggling to match his hurried pace. "The BB unit escaped."

"Escaped?" Arabella exclaimed. "How?"

"With the assistance of a girl. Snoke is furious."

"A girl?" Arabella froze, catching up to Hux as everything blurred around her. They proceeded to the hangar, where stormtroopers were loading two TIE fighters.

She noticed a tall figure-making eye contact with Ren. "Come," his silent command echoed in her mind. But before she could respond a pale hand appearing in front of her. She glanced up, meeting Hux's gaze as he assisted her onto the ship. Arabella felt the waves of anger emanating from Kylo Ren.

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