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Arabella's dark purple cape billowed behind her as she strode towards the command shuttle, her black boots resonating through the empty hallways, causing her long curly hair to dance behind her. Resting her hand on the holster containing her chrome lightsaber and dagger, she wore a floor-length dark purple dress beneath her cape. Its halter neckline hugged her neck, with straps falling gracefully over her shoulders, adorned with small gems.

Observing a small squadron boarding the command shuttle, Arabella noticed Phasma, whom she had previously avoided after a passive-aggressive encounter, standing at the top of the ramp. Arabella released a small annoyed sigh, chin held high as she ascended.

"I don't think your presence is needed, princess," Phasma spat, emphasizing the last word.

"And I don't think—" Kylo Ren intervened, approaching Phasma from behind, preempting Arabella's response as he had sensed her thoughts upon her approach. "She is to join us today. My orders," Ren asserted.

Phasma nodded begrudgingly, eyeing the princess. "Very well."

Arabella's eyebrows furrowed, a corner of her lip twitching. "Excuse me." Her tone was tinged with arrogance as she passed Phasma, making her way through the narrow hallway and taking a seat near Kylo Ren.

Kylo Ren scrutinized the princess as she settled. She appeared more beautiful than before, her dress accentuating her curves, her exposed shoulders showcasing her smooth caramel skin, her curls framing her face perfectly. He observed her, taking her in, as she focused on the pilots preparing the course.

Sensing Kylo's gaze, Arabella turned to him. "What?" she snapped, still perturbed from the earlier encounter.

"Nothing," he replied dryly, rising to inspect the control panel, his hands clasped behind him.

As the command ship took off on its journey to Jakku, the stars blurred during hyperjump. Ren resumed his seat beside the princess, noticing her fingers fidgeting with her dagger. He sensed her heartbeat and her anxious demeanor.

"You wanted to come," Ren remarked, reading her mind.

"I know," she acknowledged, meeting his gaze briefly before returning her attention to her hands. She reached out, sensing Kylo's emotions. He, too, felt nervous. However, Arabella found herself pushed out when attempting to read his mind.

"Don't try it," he advised calmly.

"Well, you stay out of mine too," Arabella retorted, irritated. "I just want to know what's keeping you anxious."

"I'm not," he denied.

"You can't lie to me, I can feel it," Arabella persisted, her attention drawn to the front of the ship as they approached a sandy planet.

It was nighttime, but Arabella could discern a small village below. The ship's rough landing jolted everyone as they prepared for arrival. Ahead, four small ships unloaded a squad of stormtroopers. Arabella's heart raced at the sound of explosions and blaster fire.

Following behind Kylo Ren, Arabella walked with purpose, her hand on her lightsaber. Stormtroopers seized villagers, corralling them as Arabella surveyed the scene.

In front of Arabella stood an older man clad in robes reminiscent of a Jedi, flanked by two stormtroopers. She positioned herself a few steps behind Ren, her face concealed by her cape.

"Look how old you've become," Kylo Ren remarked.

"Something far worse has happened to you," the man retorted.

This must be Lor San Tekka, Arabella thought.

"You know what I've come for," Ren's voice stated mechanically.

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