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The Command ship approached Takodana, with the ruins of a castle sitting in the middle, consumed by flames. Chaos exploded around them as blasters fired from every direction. Arabella walked beside Kylo Ren as they descended. Her lightsaber gripped firmly in her hand as they navigated through the rubble. She closed her eyes, attempting to reestablish the connection she had felt on the ship. Kylo awaited a clue, his gaze fixed on her.

"She's west," Arabella announced, opening her eyes.

With determination, Arabella quickened her pace amidst ships flying overhead and explosions echoing through the air. Kylo Ren followed closely behind, leading them towards the forest. As they ventured deeper, Arabella felt the connection intensify.

Amidst the crackling of Ren's ignited lightsaber, blaster fire erupted, aimed in their direction. With swift reflexes, Arabella deflected the blasts with her saber. Drawing closer, the figure from her visions came into focus. They maneuvered through a barrage of rocks as blaster fire missed its mark. Kylo, growing increasingly frustrated, pushed Arabella back and began using forceful swings of his saber.

Arabella raised her hand, using the Force to immobilize the girl. Gritting her teeth, the girl displayed a mixture of confusion and shock. Kylo and Arabella approached her cautiously. Arabella scrutinized the girl closely, noting her round face, brown eyes, and tied-back hair, just as she had seen in her vision.

"The girl I've heard so much about," Ren remarked, his gaze scanning the surroundings.

Arabella delved into the girl's mind. "The droid, where is it?" she demanded, her saber poised at the girl's neck. The girl's gaze lowered, looking at Arabella's  face concealed beneath a purple cape. Kylo intervened, lowering Arabella's hand with one of his own while reaching out with the Force to probe the girl's thoughts.

"The map. You've seen it," Kylo inquired, his voice laced with intrigue.

"Sir, Resistance fighters. We need more troops," two stormtroopers interjected, breaking Ren's focus.

Arabella locked eyes with the girl, sensing a profound connection beyond the Force, though its nature eluded her. Both regarded each other with curiosity, Arabella pondering if the girl felt it too.

"Withdraw the division," Ren commanded. "Forget the droid; we have what we need."

Arabella relinquished her grip, causing the girl to slump unconscious. Before she could fall, Ren swept her up in his arms. Arabella holstered her saber and followed Ren as they made their way back to the Command Ship. Pausing briefly, Arabella sensed a gaze upon her from a distance but was swiftly ushered up the ramp.

"We should have retrieved the droid, Kylo. I don't trust her," Arabella voiced her concerns.

"I delved into her mind; she possesses it," Kylo retorted, his annoyance evident.

"That doesn't guarantee she'll surrender it willingly," Arabella countered, her expression grim.

"She will," Kylo asserted stubbornly.

"Fine. But don't expect my assistance if you fail to obtain it," Arabella replied, crossing her arms in defiance.


"She's been sleeping for too long.'" Arabella moved closer, kicking the device to make the girl jolt awake. She glanced back at Ren, raising her eyebrows at his silent observation.

The girl opened her eyes, fear evident in her gaze. "Where am I?" she asked.

"You're our guest," Arabella smirked.

"Where are the others?" the girl inquired.

"You mean the murderers, traitors, and thieves you call your friends?" Kylo responded. "You'll be relieved to know we have no idea."

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